• 帮忙的350-500毫升温暖排泄毒素疗法

    To drink350-500ml warm water to help excrete toxins after treatment.


  • 帮忙的350- 500毫升温暖排泄毒素疗法

    To drink 350-500ml warm water to help excrete toxins after treatment.


  • 疗法只有动物身上证明安全万无一失人体试用

    The treatment will be tried out on human beings only after it has been shown to be safe and foolproof in animals.


  • 如果经过研究仍然希望尝试补充疗法,那么您下一步要做的就是与您的私人医生HIV病毒专家谈一谈

    If you have done your research and wish to try a complementary therapy, the next step is to talk to your personal doctor or HIV specialist.


  • 治疗包括同时使用口服局部抗病毒疗法,具体措施眼科医生会诊决定。

    Treatment includes both oral and topical antiviral therapy and should be determined in consultation with an ophthalmologist.


  • 这些脑中风患者脑部扫描结果显示接受疗法,这些患者右脑功能结构发生了变化

    Brain scans of patients whose stroke affected the left side of their brain showed functional and structural changes on the right side after they had received the therapy.


  • 就算这些有效的疗法可能几年甚至几十才会出现,但能够病人发病前提早发现,也是很有其存在价值的。

    But even if therapies are years or decades away, identifying patients earlier in the disease cycle will remain valuable.


  • 有位患者不能自主讲话接受该疗法能够唱出饿了”句话。

    One patient was unable to speak voluntarily but after therapy could sing the phrase "I am thirsty."


  • 一旦身体接受这个疗法没有出现明显症状可以增加用量。

    You can increase the concentration once your body is okay with it and there are no apparent symptoms.


  • 美国排名下滑由于保险制度造成的。要求患者必须放弃治愈疗法才能得到姑息疗法

    America slipped down the ratings because of its insurance system, which demands that dying patients must relinquish curative treatment if they wish to claim for palliative care.


  • 遗传就像位“裁缝”,像“手指”一样分子抓住DNA,把剪开再缝合成一个DNA链。这有可能是较为安全的基因疗法

    The genetic equivalent of a tailor who USES molecular "fingers" to grab onto DNA, before snipping it apart and stitching in a new sequence could lead to safer gene therapies.


  • 但是患者进行植物饮食疗法,一旦经历胸痛消失、体重减轻感觉良好他们通常排除万难来坚持饮食疗法留下深刻的印象。

    However, I am always impressed how well my patients do once they experience the relief of chest pain, weight loss, and the improved feeling of well being they have eating a plant-based diet.


  • 这种双重药物疗法抑制恶心呕吐的最佳疗效时间化疗24小时。

    This two-drug regimen is most effective in preventing nausea and vomiting in the first 24 hours after chemotherapy.


  • 特别是鸡尾酒疗法开始不久免疫系统恢复期间出现的机会感染可能需要特殊治疗

    In particular, some opportunistic infections may be unmasked shortly after the beginning of HAART as the immune system starts to recover, and these may require specific treatment.


  • 此外小组疗法家庭疗法针对儿童治疗方法都被作为灾的可治疗方法。

    Additionally, group therapy, family therapy and therapy for children add to the choices available after a disaster.


  • 摩根,在开始摄入补充品接受激素替代疗法,她的皮肤变得更有弹性,感觉更加年轻,不再渴望咖啡(一种利尿剂)、酒精和甜食。

    After Morgan began taking supplements and hormone replacements, she says her skin became suppler, she felt younger and she stopped craving coffee (a diuretic), alcohol and desserts.


  • 与主管治疗师费沃格夫女士协商我们意识整个训练的过程中步态疗法基础治疗是当务之急

    After consulting Mrs. Freivogel, the leading physiotherapist, we realised that during the training, it is imperative that the basics of the locomotor therapy be considered.


  • 卫生部专家调研要求山东医疗部门停止使用刺激疗法治疗网瘾症。

    The ministry of health asked Shandong's health department to stop the use of "electrical stimulation" for internet addiction while experts investigated.


  • 如果疼痛持续一个星期并且大米自我疗法不起作用,或是任何反常的症状,一定要找医生

    Talk to your doctor if you have pain that lasts more than a week and isn't responding to RICE self-treatment, or if you have any unusual post-run symptoms that are concerning you.


  • 标准疗法不错针对复吸延长心理辅导有效。

    Standard care is pretty good, but longer counseling and stepping in after a relapse seems to be what's better.


  • 美国病理学界领军人物西德尼•法布二战科学乐观主义的指引下,于1962年指出癌细胞隐含的“突变点”,并且提出普遍疗法”的假设

    Scientific optimism after the second world war led a leading American oncologist, Sidney Farber, to talk in 1962 of the underlyingsingularity” of cancer, and to postulate auniversal cure”.


  • 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者经常报告说,开始连续气道通气(CPAP)疗法治疗过程他们感到焕然一新

    Patients with obstructive sleep apnea often report that they feel like "a new person" after beginning treatment with continuous positive airway pressure therapy.


  • 而且服用该药女性相比罹患乳腺癌且接受HRT疗法妇女癌症确诊其他原因可能性更高

    Also, women who developed breast cancer and took HRT were more likely to die from their cancer or from any cause after diagnosis than women those who did not take the medication.


  • 周前诊断为患有幽门螺旋杆菌十二指肠溃疡得到血液检测结果便开始使用PrevPac药物疗法(种多药物联合疗法)。

    I was diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer two weeks ago - H. pylori type - and have been on the PrevPac since we got the blood test results.


  • 运用某种认知—行为疗法可使个体部分或者全部创伤应激症状中摆脱出来。

    Individuals have also experienced partial or full relief from posttraumatic stress symptoms when using certain types of cognitive-behavioral treatment.


  • 哈姬姆希望这种疗法能为现在完全靠口服药来对抗心绞痛发作的病人提供缓解,“平均来看,用冲击波疗法前,病人天要,治疗他们每周吃三次,生活质量的改善非常明显,”他说,“不是一个痊愈的疗法,但是一个改善。”

    On average, before starting the treatment, the patients took their medication around three times a day. After the therapy, they're taking it around three times a week.


  • 疗法似乎持续效果在接受治疗操作24平均疼痛评分只有1.7

    The treatment appeared to have lasting effects: 24 weeks after undergoing the procedure, the average pain score was just 1.7 points.


  • 疗法似乎持续效果在接受治疗操作24平均疼痛评分只有1.7

    The treatment appeared to have lasting effects: 24 weeks after undergoing the procedure, the average pain score was just 1.7 points.


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