• 混合后淋蛋糕洒上杏仁片即可

    Stir together powdered sugar and water to make of pouring consistency. Drizzle over the cake and sprinkle the almonds on it.


  • 豆腐经过发酵再进行炸制,炸熟后淋汁,配上香菜即可食用。

    The fermented tofu is fried, then the chef puts a mixed sauce on top of the tofu with some coriander.


  • 蚝油淀粉麻油生抽放到一个小锅烧开后淋西兰花上趁热食用

    Use a saucepan to boil up solution of oyster sauce, corn starch, water, sesame seed oil and light soy sauce. When done, apply over broccoli. Serve Hot.


  • 线路板加工好的线路板浸泡特殊胶水干烘干的机器,是线路板做好工序

    Circuit board glue packer is a machine which can put the processed circuit board to special glue and then pour soak dry, it is a process after the circuit board is processed.


  • 面条放入盘中,放火腿丝、皮丝、黄瓜丝,再调味料混合拌匀上即可。食用时拌匀。

    Remove noodles to serving plate, top with shredded ham, egg crepe and cucumber. combine all seasonings well and drizzle over noodles. mix well and serve.


  • 摘要线路板加工好的线路板浸泡特殊胶水干烘干的机器,是线路板做好工序

    Abstract circuit board glue packer is a machine which can put the processed circuit board to special glue and then pour soak dry, it is a process after the circuit board is processed.


  • 烧开饺子搅动防止水再次烧开少许清水饺子浮起熟透捞出盘内即可食用

    The pot add water to boil and churn down to the dumplings, prevent stick pan, after waiting for water to boil again pour a little water, cook until dumpling float is done, remove one dish and serve.


  • 过滤器初次运行清洗投入运行时,必须滤网上均匀地用油

    Filter first running after cleaning or put into operation, must be in mesh evenly oil pouring rain.


  • 开箱发现部分货物受湿

    On unwrapping the cases, we found the goods partly soaked by rain.


  • 态氮浓度不断增加,烤田增大复水态氮地下水的趋势。

    The concentration of nitrate-N increased continuously in soil surface, which resulted in nitrate leaching to groundwater after rewetting.


  • 目的探讨ESWL应用热颗粒促进输尿管结石排出有效性安全性

    Objective: To study the efficiency and safety of Relinqing granules for enhancing expulsion of ureteral calculi after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL).


  • 实验结果表明镀膜单面剩余反射率由未镀膜时的2.5%减少1.2%,承受湿热测试

    The experimental results show that after coating the single residual reflectance was reduced from 2.5% to 1.2% and could withstand the muggy and rain testing.


  • 起床一杯开水或是水浴简单体操有助于大脑清醒

    Get up and drink a cup of cold water, hot water bath or leaching, the simple gymnastics, have helped to clear the brain.


  • 演马电厂粉煤灰进行浸泡试验模拟矿井填充地下水环境影响

    Based on the soaking and continuous leaching experiments, this paper simulated its influence on groundwater environment after mine filling with fly ash from Yanma Power Plant.


  • 洋葱青葱加工成丝,生姜削皮切碎蒜头捣碎控水白菜放入一个塑料袋,洒砂糖辣椒以及甜椒

    Shred onion and green Onions. Chop the peeled ginger and garlic into small pieces. Combine them with cabbage in a plastic freezer bag. Add in sugar, chilli and paprika powder together with fish sauce.


  • 首先花园里用水龙管圣诞树晒干放进室内

    Firstly, hose down your tree in the garden and leave it to dry before bringing it inside.


  • 防水涂施工,保证48小时内不能雨水霜冻

    Grantee that the film of coating not be caught in rain and frost during 48 hours after painting.


  • 入加饭酒,接着下沙茶粉,食盐翻炒兜匀盛盘。

    Sprinkle rice wine, satay, salt and chicken powder. Stir until the mushrooms are coated with the sauce. Serve immediately.


  • B水剂尿素保持效果8与C保水剂相近,对硝酸铵的保持效果介于其他两种保水剂之间。

    The nitrogen holding capacity of SAP-B is similar to that of SAP-C after 8 rounds watering for urea, but it is moderate for ammonium nitrate.


  • 循环水新鲜烧结进行浸水烧结砖的泛霜程度影响不大

    Use of recycled water or fresh water for sprinkling or immersion sintered brick after fired has little effect on sintered brick pan-alkaline degree.


  • 网状结构天气炎热时可增加透气性,在雨短时间内干燥,减轻重量

    Network structure: in hot weather can increase its permeability, in the rain, may in the short dry weight.


  • 食盐调味辣椒油翻炒均匀盛盘。

    Season with chicken powder and salt and sprinkle with chilli oil. Stir-fry all together until pieces are well-coated with sauce.


  • 食盐调味辣椒油翻炒均匀盛盘。

    Season with chicken powder and salt and sprinkle with chilli oil. Stir-fry all together until pieces are well-coated with sauce.


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