• 另一国会议员长达15个月监禁才被释放法官这才裁定胁迫的,所以会准军事集团签署结盟

    Another former Congressman was freed after 15 months in jail after a judge ruled that he was intimidated into signing an alliance with the paramilitaries.


  • 女士非常寂寞 于是在宠物买了一只鹦鹉笼养起来.购买得到只鹦鹉说话的承诺后 带着回家了.一周半后失望回到商店:"我买鹦鹉不会说话!"

    Before purchasing it she got a guarantee that the parrot would talk.She took the parrot home. In a week and a half she returned to the store very disappointed.


  • 但是只有38%贫穷国家要求乘客系好安全带

    Yet only 38% of poor countries ask both front - and back-seat passengers to wear seat belts.


  • 拒绝了前一医生建议,老约翰照料。 那医生让离开医院回家去,舒舒服服地过最后时间

    I was called in to see John after he had declined to the point that his doctor had discharged John from the hospital to go home and be comfortable for his last few hours.


  • 游戏开始后,系统会给玩家显示一个页面,如果玩家猜测关键词搜索结果5出现这个页面,玩家就能获得分数

    Once a game begins, players are presented with a web page and receive points to guess keywords for the pages in the top 5 results.


  • 1996年,相扑选手在公开揭露假赛事件后不久,就在数小时内先后死于同样呼吸道疾病

    In 1996 two former wrestlers who dared disclose match-rigging died shortly afterwards, hours apart, of the same respiratory ailment.


  • 据说,自杀身亡的公寓管理员年前失去女儿后郁郁寡欢变化极大,丧女之痛逐渐“蚕食”了

    Of an apartment-building manager who had killed himself I was told that he had lost his daughter five years before, that be bad changed greatly since, and that that experience had "undermined" him.


  • 这份研究显示70年代随机来自排名前25之外大学经济学教授因为进入哈佛后,而使得研究产量翻番

    The study showed that during the 1970s, an economics professor from a random university, outside the top 25 programmes, would double his research productivity by moving to Harvard.


  • 线性三分之一hda3,后三分之一hdc3 上,中间三分之一于 hdb3 上。

    The first third of the linear volume will reside on hda3, the last third on hdc3, and the middle third on hdb3.


  • 从前经历过伤心的事情后,一朋友告诉周时间内每天晚上睡觉写下值得感激的事情

    Once, after going through a heartbreak, a friend told me to write down five things I was grateful for each night before I went to bed for three weeks straight.


  • 宝宝背部背后朝向你的腹部大约只有百分之五的宝宝无法变为

    In in the occiput posterior position is the baby back to your back, face towards your abdomen, only about five percent of the baby can not become the occiput anterior position.


  • 罗伊一定成为备份阿龙布鲁克斯另一西雅图准备参加明星目前正在美国俄勒冈州火箭队

    Conroy said he could be competing to be a backup for Aaron Brooks, another former Seattle prep star who later attended Oregon and is now with the Rockets.


  • 方法采用脊柱活动节三维有限元模型分析脊柱直立、前位的应力分布情况

    Methods Stress distribution of the spine in the upright, flexion and extension positions was analyzed using a three-dimensional finite element model of the spinal motion segment.


  • 方法通过常规俯卧后前髌骨轴站立负重髌骨轴投照方法得出影像及照片成功率加以对比。

    Methods Compare the radiographic operation method, the image and the film success ratio of the original P-A Merchant view with those of the standing weight-bearing Merchant view.


  • 而对于同一定点,其神经距离前、中立、旋后位的顺序越来越

    With the forearm in pronation, neutral and supination sequently, every fixed point became farther and farther from the deep branch of radial nerve.


  • 前病毒整合细胞特性整合后载体结构与转入基因表达的稳定性紧密相关

    The integration sites of provirus, the nature of the target cells and the structure of vectors were closely related to the stability of gene expression.


  • 还进一步建立了锥形砂轮磨削前刀面面时轨迹模型,并研究了轨迹与机床坐标系转换关系。

    Moreover, the tool paths models of wheel which grinding are builded and the post-processing technique for coordination transfer is studied.


  • 加里奥特10天后同行国际空间站工作人员搭乘“联盟号”飞船返回舱返回地球。“联盟号”返回舱可搭载三人,次飞行中出现故障。

    After 10 days in space Garriott will return to Earth with the ISS's former crew aboard a Soyuz re-entry vehicle, a three-person capsule which has malfunctioned on its last two flights.


  • 格式“{0}”在小数点的零符号不能数字符号。

    Format '{0}' cannot have digit symbol after zerdigit symbol before a decimal point.


  • 1987年,不满乘客在美国PS A航空公司的1771号航班先后向其前老板、驾驶员自己开枪,飞机坠毁于加利福尼亚的帕索罗·布勒附近造成机上全部43人丧生。

    1987 - PSA flight 1771 crashes near Paso Robles, California, killing all 43 on board, after a disgruntled passenger shoots his ex-boss on the flight, then shoots both pilots and himself.


  • 数字为有效数字,后一数字表示个数

    The first two digits are significant, and the third digit is number of zeros.


  • 加里奥特10天后同行国际空间站工作人员搭乘“联盟号”飞船的返回舱返回地球

    After 10 days in space Garriott will return to Earth with the ISS's former crew aboard a Soyuz re-entry vehicle.


  • 埃弗拉加里·内维尔签约高兴,因为知道哈格里夫斯将为他们后,他们能够更多的前插。

    Patrice Evra and Gary Neville will be delighted by his signing because they can venture forward in future, knowing Hargreaves will cover the space they vacate.


  • 继承权转化为既得继承权时继承人期待亦同时产生。

    When surrogate right of succession transforms into acquired right of succession the right of expect...


  • 方法:应用CT中立扫描45个关节无症状人

    Methods: Computed tomography scans of forty-five asymptomatic wrists were performed with the hand in supination, neutral, and pronation.


  • 方法:应用CT中立扫描45个关节无症状人

    Methods: Computed tomography scans of forty-five asymptomatic wrists were performed with the hand in supination, neutral, and pronation.


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