• 如今名目繁多儿童食品让你眼花缭乱。

    Children's foods whose names are of every description dazzle people.


  • 海洋因为大量名目繁多鱼类充满生机。

    The sea is alive with plenty of different kinds of fish.


  • 这些用于修建公路、高铁名目繁多培训项目

    That is paying for new roads, faster railways and lavish training programmes.


  • 巴黎名目繁多酒会,冷餐会是广交朋友机会

    In Paris, various kinds of cocktail party and buffet provide people with a good chance to make friends with each other.


  • 诗经名称描写马的词语马具名目繁多

    There appears to be a variety of names of horses, colorful descriptive expressions of horses and horse-accessories in the Book of Odes.


  • 巴黎名目繁多酒会冷餐会是广交朋友机会

    In Paris, all the wine parties and buffet receptions held on various occasions provide optimum opportunities to make friends with all varieties of people.


  • 滴答响时候了,做什么名目繁多家庭世界吗?

    In the days of tick away, what I can do in the numerous households world?


  • 徽州帐单真实地印证了清代基层司法名目繁多陋规

    The legal fare of Huizhou proved various corrupt rules of judicial practice at the grass-roots in the Qing Dynasty.


  • 不过中国餐馆时,经常名目繁多菜肴搞得眼花缭乱

    But I am often puzzled by the varieties of food when I go to Chinese restaurant.


  • 除了通过劳役缴纳沉重地租外,农奴必须缴纳名目繁多税费

    In addition to the heavy land rent paid in the form of labor, serfs had to pay numerous taxes and fees.


  • 亚麻粘贴画,目前市场上有名目繁多的粘贴画,主要进行室内装饰

    The utility model relates to a flax paste picture, while prior paste picture is mainly used for interior decoration.


  • 公司名目繁多部门进行合并改组管理结构,以期加速决策效率

    It has also consolidated its various units and reshuffled its management in order to speed up decision-making.


  • 法案细节有待完善,减少量主要来自工业配额计划各种名目繁多规章制度

    The details have yet to be fleshed out, but the reductions will come from both a cap-and-trade scheme for industry and regulations of various sorts.


  • 同一变电站中的GIS包含多种设备,需要监测记录的信息名目繁多,处理工作量大。

    GIS consists of different equipments in a substation, therefore, GIS condition monitoring includes different items, and needs a heavy workload.


  • 民间淫祠唐代社会非常盛行,主要表现各种名目繁多的“生”、祭以及信仰

    The obscene folk temples were current in Tang Dynasty and which mainly shown as a multitude items as temples for living, sacrificial temples and belief in wizards and ghosts.


  • 朋友聚会上下应酬商务来往,或接待、一桩交易名目繁多,皆从饭局拉开序幕。

    There are various social activities, such as friends gathering, intercourse between the upper and the lower, business dealings, or for a reception and a deal, ect.


  • 朋友聚会上下应酬商务来往,或接待、一桩交易名目繁多饭局拉开序幕。

    There are various social activities, such as friends gathering, intercourse between the upper and the lower, business dealings, or for a reception and a deal, ect., which all start from a meal.


  • 现在市场各种名目繁多报警装置,但多由于可靠性较差功能单一造价较高难于普及

    Although there are various kinds of alarm devices available in the market, their low reliability, simple functions and the high manufacturing cost make it hard to be popularized.


  • 在这样一个时代,世界每个角落开始注意信仰不仅名目繁多种类各异,其方式也各不相同。

    It is what inevitably happens as people everywhere begin to see that there are many beliefs, many kinds of belief, many ways of believing.


  • 现在已经证明日本金融机构自作自受,都是零售投资者外汇产品名目繁多,泛滥成灾造成的恶果

    Japan's financial institutions, it turns out, have created their own toxic derivatives, thanks to complex foreign-currency products sold to retail investors that are now blowing up.


  • 生命能量称为名目繁多有些这些名称包括太极拳生活重要能源普及能源,Ki普遍力量

    Life energy is called various names; some of these names include chi, the life force, vital energy, universal energy, ki and universal force.


  • 如今市场名目繁多护肤养颜品看起来显得年轻今天思医生大家讨论我们当中有些如何真正出更年轻的生命的。

    There are plenty of creams, lotions and potions on the market that help you look younger, but today, Dr. Oz is going to show how some people are actually living longer.


  • 名目繁多移动设备来说,你可以发现具备通话功能的手机具有电子邮箱终端设备并且可以电视黑梅型多媒体手提电话应有尽有。

    Just look at the huge range of mobile devices, from basic handsets that simply deliver voice calls to BlackBerry-type E-mail terminals and multimedia handsets that let you watch TV on the move.


  • 各种缘由形式的私人捐助公共捐助的一种替代品而且在发展趋势上,私人捐助也因为名目繁多基金会慈善协会而在慈善界更加有效

    Private giving to various causes is a substitute for public giving, and private giving tends to be more effective because of the competition among different foundations and other charities.


  • 蒙古族进入阶级社会后,受到宗法思想影响,形成了收继、抢婚制、世代婚、等级婚、入赘婚、买卖婚、抱斧婚名目繁多的宗法性婚姻形态

    After Mongolian entered into class society, effected by patriarchal, They took shape of some marriage form such as continual marriage, despoil marriage, inherit marriage, grade marriage, etc.


  • 社会学家根据不同标准,得出了名目繁多百分比,他们的回答倾向于得出这样的结论:我们普遍比原来更幸福了;乐观者数量每年都在增加。

    Though sociologists have presented varying percentages based on different criteria, their answers tend to find we are generally happier, and the number of optimists rises each year.


  • 北京酒店VI设计和酒店连锁一样,当前世界上的酒店联合体也是名目繁多,五花八门,不仅组织形式各异,功能也不尽相同规模条例更是相差很远

    The hotel chain, hotel complex in the world is also numerous, varied, not only different forms of organization, even the features are not the same, its size, regulations are very far.


  • 北京酒店VI设计和酒店连锁一样,当前世界上的酒店联合体也是名目繁多,五花八门,不仅组织形式各异,功能也不尽相同规模条例更是相差很远

    The hotel chain, hotel complex in the world is also numerous, varied, not only different forms of organization, even the features are not the same, its size, regulations are very far.


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