• 这种数量可观相互交易随后社会造成了一定复杂性

    This considerable volume of intercommunity exchange brought a degree of social complexity in its wake.


  • 矿山位于遥远戈壁滩,这个位置需要数量可观电力水量尚未提及机场

    The mine's remote South Gobi location requires considerable amounts of power and water, not to mention an airport.


  • 通常来说这些表格记录数量相当可观数据不能表格中得到所有数据集,因为服务器不会返回所有的信息

    Usually the number of the records in those tables is huge, and the data sets cannot get all data from the tables because the server does not return all information at once.


  • 他说:“即使人口负增长地区,家庭数量增长相当可观。”

    Even in regions with declining population, we see substantial increase in the number of households.


  • 是因为耕种古老草地土壤释放出数量相当可观

    That's because ploughing ancient grassland would release substantial amounts of carbon from the soil.


  • 这些日子对于FOSS社区支薪开发人员数量越来越多影响许多争论,这些社区志愿者努力创办的,而且现在仍然数量可观志愿者。

    There's a lot of debate these days about the impact of the increasing number of paid developers in FOSS communities that started as volunteer efforts and still have significant Numbers of volunteers.


  • 有了这些相当可观数量照片同等可观数量已经开始献身研究这些飞行物,旨在证明真实性

    With this extraordinary quantity of photographs, an equal extraordinary quantity of people has been dedicated on studying them, aiming to verify its veracity.


  • 这些授权书固定价格购买固定数量股份权利纳税人赚取可观金钱的极好机会

    Those warrants — the right to buy a fixed number of shares at a fixed pricewere taxpayers' big chance to make some serious money.


  • 迄今为止我们售出数量可观杂志软件数字内容这些都使我们坚信人们愿意观察家》杂志这样的高质量内容付费。

    To date we have sold a substantial number of subscriptions, apps, digital subscriptions etc - all giving confidence that people will pay for content of the Spectator's quality.


  • 它们可以“学校建起来”,从客户那里敛足可观数量之后,时间内就名字新的实体出现了。

    They can start up, collect considerable amounts of money fromconsumers, go out of business, change their name and emerge as a new entity ina very short period of time.


  • 但是IT行业20年经验老兵施米特喜欢承担数量可观费用来创建维护没有明显回报操作系统浏览器

    But Schmidt, a 20-year veteran of the IT industry, wasn't keen on shouldering the considerable costs of creating and maintaining an OS and browser for no obvious return.


  • 然而较浅颜色会折射数量可观辐射使得建筑——广义地说,就是城市地球——凉爽一些

    Lighter colors, however, reflect back a sizable fraction of the radiation, helping to keep a building - and, more broadly, the city and Earth - cooler.


  • 基于成本一种实用垃圾信息抵御方式强迫发送电子邮件发布信息的人为此支付数量可观的一些CPU周期

    A more practical approach to cost-based spam is to force someone sending E-mail or Posting a message to expend a non-trivial amount of CPU cycles in order to do so.


  • 同时由于保证,一数量可观防爆工具借给其他部门

    As a consequence of those assurances, considerable riot control equipment had been loaned to other agencies.


  • 决策认可所位于巴勒斯坦境内以色列大学允许校方接纳为数可观额外资金进一步增长学生数量

    The decision, authorising the first Israeli university in Palestinian territory, is expected to entitle the college to significant extra funding, allowing it to expand its student population.


  • 数量可观企业生产着手提电脑散热板——这种小玩意儿据说可以给你的手提电脑降温

    A number of companies make cooling pads that are supposed to decrease t he heat from laptop computers.


  • 尽管已故夫人总共哈弗大学博物馆捐赠了110件藏品,他仍旧拥有着数量可观的藏品,并且从未停止收藏。

    Although he and his late wife gave 110 of their works to Harvard's Fogg Museum, his walls were not left bare and he continues to buy.


  • 加州不是唯一一个要应对反疫苗情绪地区,全国都有数量可观的家长拒绝孩子接受标准防疫注射。

    California is hardly the only state grappling with antivaccine sentiment.Significant numbers of parents across the country are declining standard immunizations for their children.


  • 根据转换债券条款(叫正式凭单),债券可转换数量可观股票

    Depending on the terms of the convertible bond, also known as the indenture, the bond could convert into a significant number of shares.


  • 虽然普遍认为其已经拥有数量可观原子武器,但以色列从未承认自己核国家

    Israel has never admitted to being a nuclear power, although it is widely accepted that the country has a significant Arsenal of atomic weapons.


  • 如果审核通过,中医授权西方制药公司这样就能获得数量可观的预付特许使用金。

    If it gets approval, Chi-Med would license it to a western pharmaceutical company, paving the way for a sizable up-front fee and future royalty payments.


  • 尽管真正全球性名人仍屈指可数他们相关联的代理人律师形象代言人数量相当可观

    Admittedly, truly global celebrities are few in number. But they have a penumbra of agents, lawyers and image-makers.


  • 除了鞋子数量可观手包梅隆衣服倾向更为简单的设计。

    Aside from her shoes and a sizable number of handbags, Ms. Mellon's clothing collection veers towards simpler pieces.


  • 条约允许100万来自数量可观成员国普通市民欧洲理事会提要求,要求理事会领域欧盟机制提出新思路

    A million ordinary citizens from a "significant" number of countries will be allowed to ask the European Commission to come up with an idea for EU action in a certain field.


  • 条约允许100万来自数量可观成员国普通市民欧洲理事会提要求,要求理事会领域欧盟机制提出新思路

    A million ordinary citizens from a "significant" number of countries will be allowed to ask the European Commission to come up with an idea for EU action in a certain field.


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