• 四分之一患者中,损伤痊愈时,疤痕造成限制肢体活动其它长期残疾

    When lesions heal, scarring may cause restricted movement of limbs and other permanent disabilities in about a quarter of patients.


  • 科学家声称位于非洲南部沿海土地 --开普敦以东240英里- -毁灭性冰河时代成为当时人类唯一栖身之地

    The strip of land on Africa's southern coast - around 240 miles east of Cape Town - became the only place that remained habitable during the devastating ice age, scientists claim.


  • 即便存在这些挑战通过加强病例发现病例管理,辅以业界慷慨解囊不到年内就将发病例减少60%。

    Yet despite these challenges, intensified case-finding and management, supported by generous donations from industry, brought a drop in new cases of around 60% in less than ten years.


  • 小组利用一个装置数百纳米线集合排列,1.2伏特产生100纳米安培的输出电流

    The team has a device that integrates hundreds of nanowires into an array, giving an output current of about 100 nano-amps at 1.2 volts.


  • 经过一阶段,一个人的放屁装满两个罐。

    At the high end of the range, that's about two Coke cans full of fart.


  • 肩胛扁虱幼虫室温相对湿度93-100%存活6个月以上但是一半以上相对湿度65%的室温下,存活不足4

    In the laboratory, nymphal I. scapularis can survive for over 6 months at 93-100% relative humidity (RH), but over half will die in less than 4 days at 65% RH.


  • 该病侵袭身体任何部位90%的病例中,损伤发生四肢所有损伤中的60%发生在下肢。

    The disease can affect any part of the body, but in about 90% of cases the lesions are on the limbs, with nearly 60% of all lesions on the lower limbs.


  • 那时大卫除了未人之外,无人因为耶和华拣选他们抬神的柜,永远

    Then David said, None ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites: for them hath the LORD chosen to carry the ark of God, and to minister unto him for ever.


  • 曼斯表示预知未来近地小行星的探测研究仍然继续下去。

    Still, Yeomans admits that the NEO search will likely continue for the foreseeable future.


  • 剧情梗概如果我们目前速度继续捕鱼40

    Plot Outline: If we continue to catch and eat fish at the current rate, in about 40years there will be no fish left to catch.


  • 波士顿匹兹堡芝加哥这样城市,也都倾心倾听,也都听到富有普遍感染力的啁啾,虽然有时隐隐孩子们觉得那就是《一千零一夜真实再现。

    Cities like New York, Boston, Pittsburgh and Chicago listened and heard, if sometimes indistinctly, the notes of universal appeal, and children saw the Arabian Nights come true.


  • 伊比利亚猞猁体重25磅,作为西班牙葡萄牙标志生物,它们如今的生存处境已岌岌

    But the 25-pound Iberian lynx, icon of Spain and Portugal, is on shaky turf.


  • 目前每天搭载九百观光客少于正常人数三分之一,而且这些观光客库斯科搭乘接驳车来此,最后搭乘火车。

    For the moment just 900 passengers a day-less than a third of the normal number-can be carried, and they are bused from Cusco, travelling only the last stretch by train.


  • 现在该法院将要审理欧盟里斯本[2],评论家,这一条将让法官们毫无“生意做。

    Now the court is to rule on the European Union's Lisbon treaty, which critics say could put the judges out of business.


  • 好的高中3学,去3000美元,而高中适龄劳动者赚取每月150元,8,400元成本差异,这贫苦农民家庭是一笔不小的数目。

    Good high schools can cost $3,000 for three years, and a high-school-age laborer can earn $150 a month; that’s a cost differential of about $8,400—a fortune for poor peasant families.


  • 450000走上特拉维夫及其余城市街头,它们的大体诉求是社会公正负担住房更便宜主要食品以及更好的社会服务

    Some 450, 000 people thronged the streets of Tel Aviv and three other towns, all calling for social justice, affordable housing, cheaper basic food and better social services.


  • 这位德国人称,改用节能灯泡每年减少2500万二氧化碳排放

    The German said the switch to energy saving bulbs could save about 25 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.


  • 名为图皮油田(TupiField)巴西盐下油田2006年被发现认为蕴含80亿开采石油

    Found in 2006, the formerly named Tupi Field is thought to contain about 8 billion barrels of recoverable oil.


  • 能源使用率每人55万亿焦耳1528万千瓦时,1亿千瓦容量按90%的系数产生8000亿千瓦时。

    Energy usage would be 55 terajoules per person 15.28 million KWH, 100 GW at 90% capacity factor produces about 800 billion KWH.


  • 这座丛林主宰者是石松植物是一种带有鳞片的植物,树干周长6英尺1.83米),树身高达120英尺(36.6米),而且还会结出富含孢子的松果球。

    The lords of this jungle were the lycopsids: scaly plants with trunks up to 6 feet in circumference that grew up to 120 feet in height and bore spore-producing cones.


  • 710勇士IRobot公司PackBot系列产品坚固携带150的有效载荷

    The 710 Warrior is a more sturdy version of the company's well-known PackBot, and is capable of carrying payloads of about 150 pounds.


  • 目前欧洲正在开发几个海上风力发电项目1000亿瓦特满足欧盟10%的电力需求。但是现有电网没有能力充分利用这种潜能。

    There are currently around 100 gigawatts of offshore wind projects being developed in Europe, which could meet 10 percent of the EU's electricity needs.


  • 我们获得100种元素中四分之三归入金属其中二分之一至少具有某种工业商业用途

    Of the 100 elements available to us, about three-quarters can be classified as metals. And, about half of these are of at least some industrial or commercial use.


  • 按计划,100户家庭安装电池系统每户电池系统蓄能达9.6千瓦,将代替住户原有空调系统室外冷凝器

    The ice battery systems are slated to be installed in about 100 homes with each 9.6kW system replacing the outdoor condensing units of homeowners' air conditioning systems.


  • 构机的轴承寿命10000小时,盾构机掘进10公里

    The shield can make tunneling 10m, with 10000 hours longevity to main shaft bearing.


  • 花旗集团提出协议,这家美国公司最终持有广发银行40%股权。

    Under the deal proposed by Citigroup, the US company would end up with a stake of about 40 per cent of GDB.


  • 花旗集团提出协议,这家美国公司最终持有广发银行40%股权。

    Under the deal proposed by Citigroup, the US company would end up with a stake of about 40 per cent of GDB.


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