• 这些发现文化向前推进1500

    All these discoveries push forward the history of the ancient Shu civilization 1,500 years earlier.


  • 这些发现文化向前推进1500

    All these discoveries push forward the history of the ancient Shu civilization 1, 500 years earlier.


  • 重要的祭祀礼器。

    Jade Zhang was typical ritual utensil in Shu culture.


  • 文化自己独具特色的历史文化内涵

    The ancient Shu has its own history and culture connotation.


  • 太阳神鸟”金徽可以看成文化载体

    The golden badge Sun God Birds can be taken as a carrier of ancient Ba-Shu culture.


  • 太阳神鸟”金徽可以看成古蜀文化载体。

    The Priest at the right makes offerings to the sun god.


  • 源头中心,亦因三星堆得到确认

    The origin and center of the ancient state of Shu can now be ascertained: Sanxingdui.


  • 本文试图民族学民俗学角度对先民大石崇拜现象进行考察认识

    The paper is trying to analyze and recognize the worship to great stones in ancient Shu Kingdom with knowledge of ethnology and folklore.


  • 三星堆发现百科全书式文化内涵展示内陆农业文明的辉煌

    The archeological discovery of Sanxingdui has encyclopedic cultural meanings, representing the inland agro cultural refulgence of Ancient Shu and thus draws the attention of the world.


  • 大都出土祭祀场所,推测可能商周时期文化极具特色的礼仪

    The bronze decoration is mostly excavated from ritual sites of Jinsha. They should be specific ritual implements in the ancient Shu Culture.


  • 三星堆遗址位于文化圈中心区域文化的典型代表,也是古蜀文化中心。

    Sanxingdui Ruins is located in the central area of the Shu culture circle, and it is the representative of this culture as well as the center of the ancient Shu culture.


  • 出土青铜神树巨大的青铜面具黄金神柱青铜可能说明文化的中心就在三星堆

    The discovery of the bronze scared tree, huge bronze mask, golden staff and the standing bronze human sculpture may prove that the seat of Sanxingdui ruins is the capital of the ancient Shu.


  • 出土青铜神树巨大的青铜面具黄金神柱青铜可能说明文化的中心就在三星堆

    The discovery of a bronze scared tree, huge bronze mask, golden staff and the standing bronze human sculpture may prove that the seat of Sanxingdui ruins was the capital of the ancient Shu.


  • 成都金沙遗址一处商代晚期春秋时期王国都邑,分布面积5平方公里。

    Jinsha site at Chengdu with the area of 5 km2 was the capital of ancient Shu state from the late Shang dynasty to the Spring and Autumn period.


  • 其后历史中,丛、大禹、鱼凫、杜宇部落人物大地息息相关

    And in the later history of ancient Shu, the people like the king of Cancong, Yuthe Great, Yu Fu and Du Yu had the same intimate relationships with this area.


  • 两件半成品残件保留了加工制作痕迹研究玉器制作工艺提供了重要实物材料

    The fragments left many marks of being manufactured in the body, which provides substantial materials of great significance for the study of manufacturing technique of ancient Shu Jade ware.


  • 实际上()昆仑中的山氏和蚕丛氏岷山原型,神化而成乐园。

    In fact, the wild of Wo (Qiang) and Mt. Kunlun were apotheosized paradise imagined by Shushan and Cancong clans among ancient Shu people, taking Minshan Mountain as its archetype.


  • 三星堆发现告诉我们辉煌文明有着自身的鲜明特色中原文明有着密切文化交流

    Sanxingdui archeological discovery shows that the splendid ancient Shu civilization bears its own remarkable features. It has close cultural exchange with the Centra Plains civilization.


  • 历史学家研究认为,蚕丛、柏灌、鱼杜宇开明不仅名字代表着古蜀国几个世纪相承朝代

    Historians consider that Cancong, Boguan, Yufu, Duyu and Kaiming were the names of not only the Kings but also the dynasties of the Ancient Kingdom Shu.


  • 2004中国乐坛领军人物、著名音乐人三宝数次参观“金沙遗址成都平原文化文化震惊,以跨越时空的凄美爱情构建起《金沙》雏形。

    The year of 2004, Mr. San Bao, Chinese famous composer, was shocked by the ancient Shu civilization after his visitings to Jinshan Relics. Musical Jinshan came into a shape.


  • 本文旨在探讨玄奘法师随兄入成都五年参学之地受戒之事,详论多宝寺与大慈寺的深厚渊源,力求破解玄奘法师在成都大慈寺受戒的悬案

    It discusses in detail on the tie between Duobaosi and Dacisi, trying to solve the age-old unsettled issues of Venerable Hsuan Chuang's ordainment in Chengdu Dacisi.


  • 本文旨在探讨玄奘法师随兄入成都五年参学之地受戒之事,详论多宝寺与大慈寺的深厚渊源,力求破解玄奘法师在成都大慈寺受戒的悬案

    It discusses in detail on the tie between Duobaosi and Dacisi, trying to solve the age-old unsettled issues of Venerable Hsuan Chuang's ordainment in Chengdu Dacisi.


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