• 急性毒性长期毒性实验证明品无毒副作,临床口服安全可靠

    The acute toxicity test and long-term toxicity test show that the capsules have no toxic effects and side effects, it is safe and reliable for clinic.


  • 结论北京降压0号每日口服用1可以显著、平稳地降低血压严重药物不良反应患者服药依从性高;

    Conclusion:Taking Beijing anti-hypertensive N0.0 once a day can remarkably reduce blood pressure, without severe adverse reaction, it is easy to take and be accepted by patients.


  • 方法自行设计调查问卷,采方便取样法,调查180名老年患者照顾者一般情况口服护理知识行为

    Methods General conditions, knowledge about oral drugs and behaviors of 180 caretakers of elderly patients were investigated by random sampling with questionnaires designed by ourselves.


  • 本文较全面地研究了筋袜口穿着性,并通过不同袜口的性能测试,分析工艺参数橡筋袜口服用性能的影响从中得出一些意义的结论。

    The wearability of rubber top is analysed comprehensively. The influence of each processing parameter on the wearability of rubber top is analysed, from which a significant conclusion is given.


  • 可以这些提取口服胶囊

    You can take extracts of these in liquid or capsule form.


  • 女子经常口服避孕药,妇科医生不能担保愿意开始有家庭-这是医学领域一个例行问题

    The woman had been taking an oral contraceptive regularly and her gynaecologist could not vouch for her wish to start a family - a routine question in that area of medicine.


  • 研究者发现日常生活中口服避孕药女性因各种原因造成死亡率要低于没有该类药物的女性。

    They found that, women who had taken oral contraception at some point in their lives had a lower risk of death from any cause compared with those who had never taken the pill.


  • 巴基斯坦出发旅客离开巴基斯坦完成免疫接种的完整疗程出发至少口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗。

    Travellers from Pakistan should have a full course of vaccination against polio before leaving Pakistan, with a minimum one dose of OPV before departure.


  • 卫组织建议,应当尽可能提供具有灵活度固体口服剂型儿童药物,并可液体方式患儿服

    WHO recommends that wherever possible, medicines for children should be provided as flexible, solid, oral dosage forms that can be administered in a liquid when it is given to the sick child.


  • 可以一点来泡茶放汤,也可以口服胶囊或者直接口服

    You can buy the root and make it into a tea or soup; otherwise, buy extracts in liquid or capsule form and take as directed.


  • 口服抗病毒处方药可以缩短水疱持续时间例如水疱出现刚开始阿昔洛韦,每天5次。

    Oral antiviral prescription medications can also reduce the amount of healing time when taken at the first sign of a cold sore — red or itchy skin, for example.


  • 对于安慰剂患者,我们可以减少他们口服类固醇药物的剂量,但是除了患者以外,其他患者的哮喘症状加重,更难控制

    For the folks who took the placebo, we were able to reduce their oral steroid load, but in all but one or two people, this was associated with a worsening of their asthma control.


  • 可以口服退烧药。

    You can take oral anti-fever medicine.


  • 医生们还被告知口服给药服类固醇或者抗生素治疗嘶哑同样不被推荐

    And doctors are told that steroids or antibiotics given by mouth are not recommended for hoarseness.


  • 病人继续极量单一口服降糖药。

    Patients continued single-agent oral therapy at the maximal dose.


  • 默克公司指出如果药物得到批准之后与其它口服药物一起服,这样可以有效弥补当前的药物由于病毒药而不能充分发挥药效的不足。

    Merck said the drug, if approved, will be used alongside standard oral HIV drugs by patients who are no longer adequately protected by their current treatments because of viral resistance.


  • 保证服药剂量准确,服这种口服液时请使带有刻度滴管量杯

    To ensure that you get the correct dose, measure the suspension with a dose-measuring spoon, dropper, or cup.


  • 适宜人群年老体弱者、免疫力低下适宜人群:花粉过敏者口服每日2每次3饭前小时效果更好

    Appropriate crowd: aged and frail, of low immunity not appropriate crowd: pollen allergy oral, 2 times a day, every time 3 pills before meals, half an hour take effect is better.


  • (单纯服巯甲丙脯酸)50,巯甲丙脯酸25毫克每日口服

    A 50 patients in group a took 25mg of captopril three times a day by mouth.


  • 损伤坐骨神经SD大鼠后的实验结果表明,“神经生长口服液合剂,具有促进损伤神经恢复功能的作

    The results of the experiment of lesioned sciatic nerve with the treatment of the Nerve Growth Liquid in SD rat indicated that the drug may promote the function recovery of lesioned nerve.


  • 对于伴有主动脉弓活动性血栓的不明原因卒中患者建议或者口服抗凝或者抗血小板药物(2c)。

    For patients with cryptogenic stroke associated with mobile aortic arch thrombi, we suggest either oral anticoagulation or antiplatelet agents (Grade 2c).


  • 唐苹这一口服降糖药物的良好安全性已经得到广泛验证,而且其餐时服的给药方式非常方便

    Glucobay is a well established effective oral treatment with an excellent safety profile conveniently taken at mealtimes.


  • 一般情况下,口服开水。

    In general, it is best to take oral medicines with a full glass of water.


  • 高达80%病人可以通过及时口服补液(世卫组织/联合国儿童基金会口服补液盐标准)而成功得到治疗。

    Up to 80% of people can be treated successfully through prompt administration of oral rehydration salts (WHO/UNICEF ORS standard sachet ).


  • 目的探讨清开灵口服液长期机体血细胞成分肝功影响

    Objective To explore the effect of orally liquid of Qingkailing on blood cell composition and liver function, kidney function over a long period of time.


  • 调查人员得出总的数据显示,服口服避孕药女性卵巢癌的几率没有服药的低50%。

    Overall, women who had used any oral contraceptive had a 50 percent reduction in the risk of developing ovarian cancer than women who had never taken the Pill, the investigators report.


  • 所以对市处方药(OTC口服止痛药听从医生药师指导

    Therefore, one should follow the guidance of doctors and pharmacists when needing to take the over-the-counter (OTC) oral pain medication sold in the market.


  • 所以对市处方药(OTC口服止痛药听从医生药师指导

    Therefore, one should follow the guidance of doctors and pharmacists when needing to take the over-the-counter (OTC) oral pain medication sold in the market.


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