• 接着他们栽种受精牡蛎

    Next, they "planted" fertilized oyster eggs, which.


  • 没有受精中央细胞退化显著特点细胞核产生核膜囊泡。

    The most prominent sign of degeneration is that the central cell nucleus produced nuclear vacuoles.


  • 如果进行试管受精的话,建议事先个月避免酒,是很明智的。

    If you are going to have IVF, my recommendation would be that it makes sense to avoid alcohol all together, from three months beforehand.


  • 诊所医生使用标准体外受精的常用激素刺激女子卵巢采集了她的卵细胞

    Doctors at the clinic collected eggs from the woman after stimulating her ovaries with hormones used in standard IVF treatment.


  • HFEA规定英国所有生育方面医院逐步减少试管受精双胞胎三胞胎

    The HFEA has ordered UK fertility clinics to take steps to reduce the number of twins and triplets born to IVF couples.


  • 几百万受精鸡蛋用作流感病毒的培养基,然后病毒会被收集提纯药瓶

    Millions of fertilized eggs are used as a culture to grow influenza viruses, which are then harvested, purified and packaged into vials.


  • 由于没有诉诸体外受精意外结束10多余胚胎的确一个为了细胞株而产生多余的胚胎的音调

    Since nobody who resorts to IVF accidentally ends up with 10 good spare embryos, this is really a pitch to produce extra embryos just for the cell lines.


  • 方法采用小鼠母细胞体外培养、体外受精方法研究硫酸对小鼠卵母细胞成熟受精能力影响

    Methods The effect of manganese vitriol on meiotic maturation and fertilization ability of mouse oocyte was studied by culture of mouse oocyte and in vitro fertilization (IVF).


  • 方法:采用小鼠母细胞体外培养、体外受精方法研究了铅对小鼠卵母细胞成熟体外受精的影响

    Methods the effects of TGA on oocyte maturation and in vitro fertilization (IVF) in mice were studied by the method in vitro culture and IVF in mice oocyte.


  • 他们发现预测第二体外受精成功率时,根据年龄预测相比,他们(模型)的准确率要高1000

    When the researchers compared the model's predictive powers with a model based on age alone, they found that it was about 1000 times more accurate in gauging success in the second round of IVF.


  • 美国佐治亚州亚特兰大生殖生物学联合公司的临床胚胎学家,MsJaclyn Friedman进行一项全球体外受精态度的在线调查

    Ms Jaclyn Friedman, a clinical embryologist at Reproductive Biology Associates, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, undertook an on-line survey looking at attitudes towards IVF around the world.


  • 堕胎问题引起争论之前关于试管婴儿是否需要父亲权利争论不断实施人工受精医生决定非婚生子女的抚养权时,这个问题就再次浮上台面。

    Right before the debate on abortion came one on whether a child's need for a father should continue to be a factor that fertility doctors must consider when deciding whom to treat.


  • 天后他们受精移植体内

    Two days later, they implanted the fertilized eggs back inside me.


  • 这个问题出现是因为植物需要通过昆虫传递花粉受精繁殖

    The problem occurs because plants need to transfer pollen by wind and insect to fertilization and reproduction.


  • 受精卵中,这些物质不活跃的,而且分布不均匀

    In the unfertilized egg, the substances are inactive and are not distributed homogeneously.


  • 水母称为美杜莎水母,它的海水受精然后发育固定海床有机体上的微小幼虫

    The fried egg jellyfish, also known as medusa, produce eggs that are fertilized in sea water, which then develop into a tiny larva fixed to sea bed organisms.


  • 由于卵双胞胎来自分裂两个受精他们实际上共享相同遗传密码

    Because identical twins come from a single fertilized egg that splits into two, they share virtually the same genetic code.


  • 水生海洋生物不同,陆生植物不能总是依靠水流携带它们生殖细胞和分散它们的受精卵。

    Unlike aquatic and marine forms, land plants cannot always rely on water currents to carry their sex cells and disperse their fertilized eggs.


  • 第一次接受体外受精还是一个比较新的方法

    When she first underwent IVF it was still a relatively new procedure.


  • 胚胎性别早受精就决定了。

    The sex of the embryo is predetermined at fertilization.


  • 非同卵双生胎两个受精同时子宫着床结果

    Non-identical twins are the result of two fertilized eggs implanting in the uterus at the same time.


  • 因为通常只有雌性特定幼虫中产卵,所以只会产生雄性因为只雄性可以孵化时使它所有姐妹受精

    Since only one female usually lays eggs in a given larva, it would pay her to produce one male only, because this one male could fertilize all his sisters on emergence.


  • 雌性储存精子可以通过受精受精决定每一个卵细胞性别

    A female stores sperm and can determine the sex of each egg she lays by fertilizing it or leaving it unfertilized.


  • 滞育期间,袋鼠袋鼠育儿袋里,因而推迟了子宫第二受精卵的发育

    During diapause, a young kangaroo stays in the female's pouch and growth of a second fertilized egg inside the uterus is delayed.


  • 卵子受精之前这种基因会产生一种蛋白质,这种蛋白质存在于卵子细胞质中,控制细胞分裂模式从而控制着旋向性。

    Before egg fertilization, the gene produces a protein, found in the cytoplasm of the egg, that controls the pattern of cell division and thus handedness.


  • 卵子受精时,这些物质变得活跃起来,并可能控制它们相互作用基因行为

    When the egg is fertilized, the substances become active and, presumably, govern the behavior of the genes they interact with.


  • 成功陆生植物群体那些进化出了受精细胞散布方法的群体,这些方法依赖于防止发育中的胚胎干涸结构

    The most successful groups of land plants are those that evolved methods of fertilized sex cell dispersal that are independent of water and structures that protest developing embryos from drying out.


  • 合子输卵管内移植和配子输卵管内移植的区别在于受精过程仍然发生实验室而不是输卵管。

    ZIFT differs from GIFT in that the fertilization process still takes place in the laboratory versus the fallopian tubes.


  • 受精血清FBSOCS培养液中的囊胚发育率明显高于在血清培养基中的囊胚发育

    Presumptive zygotes were cultured in mSOFaa medium supplemented with OCS or FBS had higher blastocyte yield than that in culture medium with free serum.


  • 受精血清FBSOCS培养液中的囊胚发育率明显高于在血清培养基中的囊胚发育

    Presumptive zygotes were cultured in mSOFaa medium supplemented with OCS or FBS had higher blastocyte yield than that in culture medium with free serum.


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