• 提出合理形式,及中间桩的受力计算方法

    The reasonable laying-pile shape and calculating method will be presented.


  • 斜拉桥施工过程受力计算斜拉桥设计重要组成部分

    Construction procedure calculations are important parts of the design of cable-stayed Bridges.


  • 抛物线斜板拱桥受力计算尚无成熟理论,使之应用受到限制。

    However, it is restricted in application owing to the lack of a sound theory about the calculation of force of the parabolic oblique arch bridge.


  • 实例分析了抗震设计桩基受力计算过程,并得出结论提出建议

    This paper analyzes the calculation process of the forces on pile foundation in seismic design, obtains some conclusions, and advances some suggestions.


  • 介绍组立铁塔施工技术、施工工艺受力计算工器具选择

    It describes that tower construction technique, process, strength calculation and apparatus selection by using the internal gin pole.


  • 本文介绍将线路铁塔整体提升平移受力计算及其实际施工中的应用

    The author introduces the strength calculation of lifting up and moving the whole iron tower and Us application m engineering construction.


  • 目前对于十字头万向接轴整体式轴承座键槽受力计算尚无简便确切方法

    So far there has been no simple and correct calculation approach available for computing the stress distribution in the key slot on the integral cross pin type journal bearing rest.


  • 模型的建立将疏水沉降矿区井壁受力计算井壁破裂预测具有现实的意义

    It has some real meaning for stress calculating and fractures zone forecasting on shaft wall in drainage settlement coal field.


  • 本文系统介绍了动态下技术轻压下控制模型相关设备受力计算校核

    In this paper, dynamic soft reduction model and stresses calculating and calibration of the main equipment of dynamic soft reduction have been described.


  • 针对客车车身结构受力计算本文提出了一种符合实际结构的薄壁偏心单元

    For calculating stress of BNS body structure, a thin-walled eccentric beam element witch accords with demands is introduced in this paper. The eccentricity existing in truthful structure.


  • 文中介绍了三水主桥上、下部结构设计特点,及主桥结构进行了受力计算与分析。

    This paper introduces the design characters of superstructure and infrastructure of Sanshui Second bridge. The main bridge structure and mechanical calculation are introduced too.


  • 按照我国现行规范的规定,作者编制船舶舱面集装箱及其系固设备受力计算校核系统计算程序

    According to the present Chinese criteria, the authors have completed a program for calculating and checking the forces acting on containers on deck and their securing devices.


  • 基于一般链传动受力计算分析了模切链条运行过程受的张力附加载荷,可供设计时参考。

    Based on the calculation to the common calculating chain force, this article analyzes the tensile force and additional dynamic load which the China of mould-cutting machine stands in the movement.


  • 本文利用SAP5结构分析程序按照种不同计算模式,进行底架受力计算与实测值进行对比。

    Using structure analysis program SAP5, this paper represents load calculation of chassis frame with 3 different calculation modes and compares calculation results with those of experiment.


  • 运用计算软件ANSYS,采用围岩—结构模式TBM施工隧道仰拱预制进行模拟动态施工的受力计算研究。

    A simulation of dynamic forces acting on invert prefabricates in TBM construction tunnel is made with surrounding rock-structure model by using ANSYS software.


  • 分析HXD1机车牵引螺栓连接方式中的特殊及其机理通过受力计算说明了衬套螺栓使用可靠性影响

    This paper analyses the special points and mechanism of bolt connection mode on type HXD1 locomotive traction base, and shows the effect of bush to bolt application reliability by stress calculation.


  • 通过路面刨机铣削装置工作方式、工作原理刀具布置铣削运动的理论分析,建立刀具铣削受力计算数学模型

    Based on the theoretical analysis of operating mode, operating principle, cutter arrangement, and milling motion of pavement miller, the mathematical model of cutting resistances has been established.


  • 利用方法苏通大桥进行整体受力计算,得到钢箱梁件的桥向和顺桥向应力分析了钢箱梁顶板应力在横桥向的不均匀性。

    Mechanics behaviors of Sutong bridge were computed by this method, and longitudinal stress, transversal stress of plates of the girder and section stress distribution were discussed consequently.


  • 介绍根据不同地形交通状况,选择合适的组方案,配备合适的组塔抱,并探讨内抱杆组立铁塔施工技术、施工工艺、受力计算和工器具选择。

    This paper mainly introduces the choice of the proper schemes for assembly tower and adequate gin pole according to different type of towers, topography and transportation condition.


  • 简要介绍了某投放装置做地面发射试验时发生磨损的故障情况,通过受力计算理化分析,确定由于锁制钩承力发生粘着磨损所致,验证试验中故障复现。

    By mechanics calculating and physicochemical analyzing, the reason is found that it results from the cohesive wear between the detent hook and forced shaft, and reappears in validate test.


  • 使用有限元软件ANSYS把熔体流动计算结果作为参数计算枝晶受力状态

    Based on FEM software ANSYS, the dendrites stress states are computed using the results of the melt flow as computing parameters.


  • 应用有限元辽河滩海油田大斜度定向井抽油杆柱受力进行三维计算

    Using finite element analysis method, three-dimensional calculation is conducted for force summing on rod in high-inclination well of Liaohe tidal zone oilfield.


  • 提出双目标模型粒子电荷受力计算公式引导可行粒子转化满足约束条件的粒子;

    The computational equations of the charge and force exerted on the particles are presented for the bi-objective model, which will lead the infeasible particles to transform into feasible ones.


  • 桩锚支护结构施工进程受力变形的设计计算过程控制提供了动态计算模型

    What we have done here provides developing calculation model for the force-deformation calculation and process control of PARS during construction.


  • 本文针对体外预应力混凝土简支梁受力、变形特点,提出计算体外预应力结构收缩徐产生的预应力损失基本方法

    The paper provided with a method to calculate the pre-stress loss caused with systolic stress in the outside of pre-stress force.


  • 文中阐述了封闭传动特点传动比计算受力分析效率计算

    First the major Characteristics of this transmission, calculation of ratio, analysis of forced and calculation of efficiency are given.


  • 本文介绍了剪切称重传感器结构特点受力分析理论计算

    This article introduces structure, characteristic, stress analysis and theoretical calculation of shaft pin cutting type load cell.


  • 本文介绍了剪切称重传感器结构特点受力分析理论计算

    This article introduces structure, characteristic, stress analysis and theoretical calculation of shaft pin cutting type load cell.


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