• 取出块冷冻华夫饼饼放进烤面包时,电能转化成了热能

    When you pop a frozen waffle into the toaster, electrical energy turns into heat energy.


  • 方法健身衣服,从库房里把哑铃取出来,把脚下的举重床上垃圾丢掉,使它们锻炼做好准备。

    New way: put away all those clothes that are hanging on your exercise machine, get your dumbbells out of the garage, lift all that junk off your step and weight bench and get them ready for some work.


  • 现在空闲含有连接c1这样ConnectionManager取出连接,提供侦听端口

    You now have a connection c1 in the free pool, so the connection Manager will take this connection out of the pool and make it available to the listener port.


  • 事件监视根据配置数据事件队列取出事件数据,将事件转换JMS消息然后将 JMS 消息回到一个 JMS 事件队列中。

    The event monitor fetches event data from the event queue table based on the configuration data, converts the events into JMS messages, and puts the JMS messages on a JMS event queue.


  • 控制会对请求进行考查并提取出视图IDjsp页面的名字来确定

    The controller examines the request and extracts the view ID, which is determined by the name of the JSP page.


  • 他们操作已经客户缓存管理文件服务取出文件

    They work on files that have been fetched from file servers by the client-side cache managers.


  • 如果电视机不好搬,也可以取出遥控电池这样当你来回换频道时就必须手工操作了。

    If your TV is too big to move, you can remove the batteries from your remote so that channel surfing must be done manually.


  • 关闭备注存储删除掉取出ID文件

    Close the note and remove the detached ID file from storage.


  • AJAX工作原理是深入服务内部,然后需求将内容这一过程中你无需更新页面内容。

    AJAX works by reaching into a server and pulling content out to display on demand, without having to refresh the web page.


  • 戴着面罩呼吸蕾丝飞行员出来他们飞机后部取出杰克轮椅从飞机里出来坐进轮椅。

    Grace and the pilot get out, wearing masks and rebreathers. They get Josh's chair out of the back, then help him out of the ship and into it.


  • 设备联机时,设备队列管理会将消息存储转发设备提取出来。

    When a device comes online, the device queue manager pulls messages from the store-and-forward facility.


  • 如果边缘服务内容缓存取出内容返回用户

    If the content is available from the edge servers, it is returned to the user from the cache.


  • 如何无法撤销配置的磁盘恢复服务或者取出无法出这个磁盘的物理分区中的数据

    How could I recover a server from a disk that could not be deconfigured or have the data from a failed physical partition moved off of it?


  • 对象最终存储内存中,编译运行库处理缓存可以特权定时地在变量指定内存位置存入或取出变量

    Objects are ultimately stored in memory, but the compiler, runtime, processor, or cache may take some liberties with the timing of moving values to or from a variable's assigned memory location.


  • 服务URN取出用来查找接收请求

    On the server side the URN is extracted and used to look up the class that should receive the request.


  • 我们八月永久关闭服务(以为客户留出周时间取出他们内容),公司进行清算

    We'll be shutting down our servers for good in August (which will give our customers many weeks to export their content) and liquidating the corporation.


  • 实际应用程序中,需要一个正确配置Web服务这个CSS取出将其放到Web服务服务静态文件中。

    In a real application, with a properly configured Web server, extract this CSS and put it in a static file served by the Web server.


  • 路由处理取出这个令牌符号并且根据代表成员资格级别来路由这个消息

    The routing handler extracts the token and routes the message based on the membership level it represents. The following header format is used.


  • 服务remoting框架代码获取这个请求,对这个XML进行解除编排处理,组件方法实参然后再服务组件实例上调用方法。

    The remoting framework code on the server picks up this request, unmarshals the XML, extracts the component name, method, and arguments, then invokes the method on the server-side component instance.


  • 取出文件复制通过ftp传送目标服务

    Copy or FTP the extracted files to the target server.


  • 由于OmniFind8.2.1中无法取出原始内容的数据,因此,OmniFind连接不能支持原始内容检索

    Because there is no way to fetch the original content in OmniFind 8.2.1, the OmniFind connector cannot support native content retrieval.


  • 最后种可能性就是指定本地语言环境,而是使用浏览默认本地语言环境,而这个默认设置是 Dojo导航对象取出的。

    The last possibility is to not specify the locale, which results in using the default locale of the browser, which Dojo extracts from the navigator object.


  • 我们注意到十分有趣的是,t可以服务返回客户HTTPDate标头中提取出这个cookie第一设置一起

    It is interesting to note that t can be extracted from the HTTP Date header that the server sends back to the client, together with the first time that the cookies are set.


  • 服务SYSJARCONTENTS编目表中jar文件

    Extract the JAR files from the source server's SYSJARCONTENTS catalog table.


  • 模拟服务内部,请求对象中提取出transaction然后使用指定将要检索使用作为POJO响应返回XML文件

    Within the simulator services layer, a "transaction" key is extracted from the request object, and will be used to determine the specific XML file to retrieve, consume, and return as a POJO response.


  • 上下文数据客户截取程序放入调用中,再由服务端截取程序取出然后传入EJB服务stub

    The contextual data is pushed into the invocation by the client-side interceptor, popped by the server-side interceptor, and then passed to the EJB server stub.


  • 可以取出对应于某个特征累加引用

    You can also fetch a reference to an accumulator that corresponds to a feature.


  • 这个链接检查http侦听取出我们pong- 0.0.2 . tgz添加资源

    This link will also go through the HTTP Listener and fetch the resource that we added for pong-0.0.2.tgz.


  • 计算结果可以任何时候累加取出

    Computational results can be extracted from an accumulator at any time.


  • 计算结果可以任何时候累加取出

    Computational results can be extracted from an accumulator at any time.


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