• 一家报纸发表社论,批评善于作秀

    A newspaper ran an editorial attacking him for being a showman.


  • 当然发表社论多少不能重视程度直接划等号。

    Certainly, we can 't equal the number of editorial to the importance of editorial.


  • 天后,《卫报》发表社论说明了导致错误报道记者辩护实际情况。

    Five days later, the Guardian published an editorial describing the circumstances that led to the inaccurate report and defending their journalist.


  • 青年报发表社论,提出号召不要一般号召而是扎扎实实地告诉青年怎么做法

    When newspapers of youth issue calls through editorials, these should not be general calls; they should also specifically tell young people the correct approach to carrying them out.


  • 韩国先驱报发表社论呼吁韩国人民不忘刻骨铭心”的历史耻辱同时也要日本加强合作。

    An editorial in the Korea Herald has urged South Koreans to keep their humiliation "etched in stone". Yet it also called for more co-operation with Japan.


  • 韩国先驱报发表社论呼吁韩国人民不忘“刻骨铭心”的历史耻辱同时也日本加强合作。

    An editorial in the Korea Herald has urged South Koreans to keep their humiliation "etched in stone".yet it also called for more co-operation with Japan.


  • 中国三大官方证券报昨日发表社论指出,市场趋势依然向好,提高印花税只是针对投机性投资者

    The country's three official securities newspapers carried editorials yesterday arguing that the market trend was positive and the tax increase was only aimed at speculative investors.


  • 这家报社发表社论”这个发电机世界的巨大价值已经超过人类非永生心灵认知的价值。

    The paper editorialized that "the enormous value of such a motor to the world is almost beyond the grasp of the mortal mind."


  • 昨天华盛顿邮报》就一主题发表社论

    Yesterday the Washington Post editorialized on this subject.


  • 美国公共卫生杂志周一发表社论中,凯瑟琳·莱布林·奥斯汀提出了政府应监管时尚产业理由

    In an editorial released on Monday in the American Journal of Public Health, Katherine Record and Bryn Austin made their case for government regulation of the fashion industry.


  • 读者必须我们杂志发表结论信心,”麦克纳特社论中写道

    "Readers must have confidence in the conclusions published in our journal," writes McNutt in an editorial.


  • 其中一个社论感召研究项目类似发表儿科学》上的研究

    One of the research projects the editorial called for was a study like the one just published in Pediatrics.


  • 五月发表社论中,这份权威刊物认为仅仅将全新更名人类世而已。

    In an editorial published in May, the respected publication argued that the Holocene could simply be renamed the Anthropocene.


  • 人类不会获得知识必要的资金制造计算机飞往月球或者写作发表本文这样的社论

    Men would not have had the information or wherewithal to build computers, to fly to the moon, or write and despatch editorials like this one.


  • 一份死者名单,附带拉菲摩维支社论原定1941年发表纪念结束战争里加条约签订20周年

    An obituary, with a leading article by Serafomovich, was supposed to be published in 1941, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Treaty of Riga, which ended the Polish-Bolshevik War.


  • 地方报纸讨论起来每天都要发表一些渊博专栏评述,吹毛求疵社论订阅者一本正经的来信

    The local papers had taken it up, and daily there appeared columns of learned criticisms, facetious editorials, and serious letters from subscribers.


  • 篇文章同时发表社论波士顿布莱根妇女医院神经科学家阿兰·h·罗普尔警告人们不要将神经活动等同于自我意识。

    In an editorial accompanying the article, Dr. Allan H. Ropper, a neurologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, similarly warned against equating neural activity and identity.


  • 华尔街日报》一家发表众多报道精良报纸社论版经常是人们嘲弄对象坦率地讲太做作了。

    The Wall Street Journal is a fine paper that breaks a lot of stories, but its editorial page is frequently the subject of ridicule for people who find it to be, frankly, pretty hackish.


  • 通告来自一个跟踪报道(参考:先前报道[en]),科学美国人最新发表社论

    This announcement comes in the wake of a critical report and editorial recently published in American Scientist.


  • 纸媒广泛报道本次审理例如该国重要杂志之一新》对本次审理发表封面文章,本期发表一篇社论

    Newspapers and magazines have reported widely on this case, with, for example, one of the country's leading magazines, Caixin, devoting a cover story to it and an editorial in the current issue.


  • 他们画家所作饥饿疯狂犯罪发表社论。 这幅画描绘的是一个贫穷农民挥动着血淋淋,而谋杀幼儿蒸煮里面露出来。

    They relished the social commentary ofHunger, Madness and Crime”, depicting a destitute peasant waving a bloody knife as the leg of her murdered infant peeps from a cooking pot.


  • 结果文章作为专题发表社论上。塞林格觉得上了当,断绝了那些青少年的交往,并且围着的地界建起了六尺半高的围栏

    The article appeared instead as a feature on the editorial page, and Mr. Salinger felt so betrayed that he broke off with the teenagers and built a six-and-a-half-foot fence around his property.


  • 今年夏天,美国第一个做此手术实验治疗医院泌尿学期刊发表含混不清的报导。有两篇社论那只是试验性的。

    This summer, the first us trial of the treatment reported ambiguous results in the journal of Urology4, and two journal editorials said it should be considered experimental4.


  • 今年夏天,美国第一个做此手术实验治疗医院泌尿学期刊发表含混不清的报导。有两篇社论那只是试验性的。

    This summer, the first us trial of the treatment reported ambiguous results in the journal of Urology4, and two journal editorials said it should be considered experimental4.


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