• 这些人的频繁造访导致村民之间谣言四起,一些人指责范佳发把儿子当做赚钱工具

    The frequent visits have also generated rumors among the villagers, with some claiming that Fan is using his son as a tool to collect money.


  • 人们金钱看得什么都重要,这就解释了为什么近年违背道德事件越来越

    People's pursuit of money before everything explains the increasing frequency of those moral violations in recent years.


  • 脸蛋正上方真的胡子修整到尖处

    Right above his cheeks, he's actually trimmed the hair off there.


  • 如果无法光凭错误报告重现问题,那么就叫客户配置文件副本一份给您。

    If you cannot recreate the problem just from the bug report, have the customer send you a copy of his configuration file.


  • 他们杂志地球行星科学通讯》上。

    They report the findings in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.


  • 耐心每一言者话说完即使他们漫无边际

    Be patient and let each speaker finish, even if they drone on.


  • 研究录像行人特征之后,团队目光聚集人们四处走动规律然后它们转化试探方程序

    After studying the patterns of pedestrians in videos, the team zeroed in on the rules the people used to get around and then converted them into heuristic formulas.


  • 它们帮助多个SAS设备连接单一起者端口

    They also facilitate connection of multiple SAS devices to a single initiator port.


  • 约有67%尸体被剥掉了皮肉,最有可能使用金属刀具2010年这些残骸研究者如是说。

    Nearly 67 percent of the bodies' had been defleshed, most likely with a metal knife, say the researchers, who found the remains in 2010.


  • 如果ha集群中的服务器之一故障那么集群软件重新故障服务器工作量分配ha集群中的幸存的服务器中。

    If one of the servers in the HA cluster were to fail, then clustering software would redistribute the failed server's workload to one or more surviving servers in the HA cluster.


  • 所以高兴有人帮我装备连带自行车层台阶,进到斯洛伐克首都布拉迪斯拉一家客栈里。

    So, I was glad of a helping hand in lugging it - and the bicycle - up three flights of steps to a hostel in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia.


  • 然而保持有利局势又是一回事穆雷紧张一局中无法,在第二个破上他球打到了带上。

    Capitalising on that situation was another matter, though, and Murray could not serve out the set in a tense game, netting a forehand on the second break point.


  • 随意网页浏览其他无关紧要活动减少到每天30分钟每个星期几个小时进行集中学习

    Cut the random surfing, tweets and other non-essential activities by even just 30 minutes a day and you free up a few hours a week for focused learning.


  • 还没有洪水的时候,那些管理农民用水纠结法规就已经他们每年平均用水量减少了三分之二

    Before the floods, the knotty rules governing farmers' water rights had slashed by two-thirds the average volumes they were allowed to extract each year.


  • 格雷高里只大南瓜背上,它就这样一路走山洞,半点牢骚

    I helped Gregory put a pumpkin on his back and he carried it all the way to the cave without even complaining.


  • 趴在镜子蜥蜴稳定一种颜色——绿色,是春树新叶的那种嫩绿。每次它放进去时都回归这个颜色。

    On the mirror the lizard stabilized at one color of green — the green of young leaves on trees in the spring — and returned to that one color each time I tried the experiment.


  • 海军一位言人这些录像称为“不适宜的”。他表示,海军不支持不纵容这样行为

    A Navy spokesman called the videos "inappropriate" and said the Navy does not endorse or condone such actions.


  • 对于那些旋情况严重的人们,建议型师他们的干枯短,这样的话,头就会了使旋处翘。

    For guys with bad cowlicks, I suggest asking your barber or stylist to cut the hair dry so there's no water weight on the hair that will unnaturally hold the cowlick down.


  • 顶部平滑那些冰块就是已经翻转过了有些强有力的海啸,不经常的丹麦旅游者岸上卷入海中,这些旅行者往往不知警惕,就造成了冰死亡事件

    The ones with smooth tops are the ones that have rolled over: some of these cause tsunamis powerful enough to wash the occasional unwary Danish tourist off the beach and away to an icy death.


  • 正如我们以前曾解释制造商运用各种无线技术论坛的言辞激烈的帖子显示到屏幕上。

    As we've explained in the past, manufacturers use various wireless technologies to send your strongly-worded forum posts on-screen.


  • 父权研究所在周一份报告指出,由于几乎完全注意力放在妈妈身上大多数产妇单位往往忽略了父亲

    In a report published on Monday the Institute said in focusing almost entirely on mothers, most maternity units tend to overlook fathers.


  • 报告周三,还不清楚多大程度上事故归咎于英国石油。

    It remains unclear how much of the blame will be shouldered by BP in the report, which will be released Wednesday.


  • 狂傲的话达到耳中就要钩子钩你的鼻子嚼环放在你口里使转回去

    Because you rage against me and your insolence has reached my ears, I will put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth, and I will make you return by the way you came.


  • 其次自己贬值到处简历,招聘人员已经无法拥有同样技能大量求职者中间区分出来了。

    Second, you commoditize yourself: By posting your resume everywhere, you become indistinguishable from a plethora of job seekers with similar skills.


  • 亚洲得到工作机会了点小美国公司便宜产品运回美国,美国的价格销售的是大财。

    Asia gets the jobs, grows richer and corporate America grow even richer by selling the cheap goods back here for full price.


  • 我们这些一下

    Let's just pass these out.


  • 一时还以为一番滔滔不绝的。我大为愤怒,便向着老流氓走去,打算出门外

    I imagined, for a moment, that this piece of eloquence was addressed to me; and, sufficiently enraged, stepped towards the aged rascal with an intention of kicking him out of the door.


  • 一时还以为一番滔滔不绝的。我大为愤怒,便向着老流氓走去,打算出门外

    I imagined, for a moment, that this piece of eloquence was addressed to me; and, sufficiently enraged, stepped towards the aged rascal with an intention of kicking him out of the door.


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