• 通过数学模型方法研究圆筒形斜面石灰窑内热工过程

    The mathematical model of thermal process in a cylindrical lime shaft kiln with double slopes was studied.


  • 根据理论,导出简化芒硝盐水溶液碳酸化过程宏观动力学模型

    On the basis of film theory, a simplified macro - kinetics model in carbonization process of aqueous ammonia - mirabilite solution is developed.


  • 结果表明分子筛中的扩散活化扩散,过程可用模型进行描述。

    The results indicate that the diffusion process of oxygen and nitrogen in carbon molecular sieve is activated, such an process may be represented by the dual diffusion resistance model.


  • 提出一类基于函数展开隐层过程神经元网络模型

    A class of process neural network model with two hidden-layer based on expansion of basis function is brought forward.


  • 讨论了初始压缩态、原子光场耦合系数时间变化情形光子过程J C模型量子统计性质

    The quantum statistical properties of two photon Jaynes Cummings model with a time dependent atom field coupling coefficient are discussed under the initial squeezing state of the light field.


  • 识别过程,将非线性迟滞系统记忆恢复折线模型描述,并由此模型写出非线性迟滞系统参数识别方程。

    In the process of identification, a bilinear model, based on which the identification equations are obtained, is used to describe the memorial restoring force of the nonlinear hysteretic system.


  • 采用耦合一维模型分子动力学方法从连续原子级角度详尽描述了激光与金属的相互作用过程

    Using molecular dynamics method combining with two-temperature model, the progress of femtosecond laser-metal interaction is described completely at both continuum and atomistic length scales.


  • 由于建模过程采用合,不但实现模型连续化,而且提高预测精度

    The double fitting is introduced both to improve the accuracy of the prediction and to achieve the continuous model.


  • 首先采用机理单容、三容过程进行模型分析

    First, making use of the mechanism method to analyze the models of single-tank, double-tank and three-tank process.


  • 建立辊薄带连铸凝固数学模型,并利用有限元软件连铸凝固过程进行数值模拟。

    The solidification model of twin-roller strip casting is established. The solidification process of strip casting is mathematically simulated by using the finite element software.


  • 研究转子连续炼机混炼过程混炼原理建立了混合过程数学和物理模型

    The mixing process and mechanism of two rotor continuous mixer were investigated, and the mathematical and physical models of mixing process were established.


  • 模型基础建立数值模型针对超短脉冲激光作用下薄膜微观能量输运过程展开理论研究

    A numerical model which is based on the hyperbolic two-step model is developed to investigate the microscopic energy transport in silicon thin films during ultra-fast laser heating.


  • 本文利用模型研究薄带连铸过程使用浪高仪辊间熔内的液面波动进行了测量

    The paper studies the twin-roll strip casting process by a water model. By using the level detector, the level fluctuation has been measured in the pool.


  • 第二个模型称为因子模型因子模型基础上加入了新的因子变量—便利收益率,并且假定便利收益率服从带有均值反转特性的O—U过程

    The first model is a simple one-factor model in which the logarithm of the spot price of the commodity is assumed to follow o-u process which has a mean reverting character.


  • 针对液压马达同步驱动系统建模过程中存在负载变形考虑不足的情况,采用弹簧惯量块代替单惯量模型建立负载动力学模型

    In order to analyze the load deformation, a single spring dual moment inertia model was used to model the load of dual hydraulic motor synchronizing driving (DHMSD) system.


  • 采用拉格朗日随体坐标建立辊铸轧过程瞬态传热数学模型

    A transient heat-transfer mathematic model was established using a Lagrangian coordinate system in twin-roll aluminum trip casting and rolling process.


  • 模型中运用移动的三维椭球体热作为输入热源模拟焊接过程最终获得了焊接温度残余应力场

    The temperature field and residual stress field were obtained by using 3-D double-ellipsoidal heat source model to simulate welded process.


  • 不确定环境下本文通过结合利率随机过程模型房价随机过程模型其它因素模型构建因素贷款结构化期权定价模型

    In uncertainty fiction circumstance, this paper constructs the two factors mortgage pricing model including interest rate, house price and other factor models.


  • 本文运用期权风险中性定价理论通过分析资产价格过程性质建立敲出期权的数学模型

    This paper is based on the theory of the risk neutral. By analyzing the property of matingale of the option price, we construct the model of the double barriers option.


  • 建立了薄带铸轧过程中的铸轧辊传热变形有限元模型

    The 3-D FE model of the heat transfer and thermal deformation of the casting roll was built.


  • 作者提出玉米在有节奏生长过程中的s动态模型

    This paper suggests a "Double s" dynamical growth model of corn.


  • 推导出了转子机构抛光模在露去除函数修正模型解决加工过程中的边缘效应问题提供了理论基础

    The amendment model of the removal function is set up. Theoretical basis is given for solving the edge effect problem.


  • 综述了近年带连铸过程凝固组织数学多场耦合模型研究进展

    The recent progress on the research of the mathematical model of casting process and solidification microstructure for twin-roll strip cast is discussed.


  • 利用本文开发数值模型模拟单一粒径粒径混合椭球粒子的随机堆积过程

    The numerical model is applied to simulate the random packing of mono-sized and binary mixtures of ellipsoidal particles.


  • 介绍约束重力模型参数标定的方法西部新城区居民出行分布为例,详细给出参数标定实现过程

    This paper presents a method to establish a 2-D geometrically constrained model, and to realize the modification of topologic relation of geometric models.


  • 反应变量重复测量资料模型构建过程中,使用SASMIXED过程重复测量数据相关性分为变量之间的相关重复测量个体值之间的相关部分

    In modelling the bivariate repeated measurement data, using the PROC MIXED of SAS, the correlation between data could be cut into two parts: between variables and between multiple measurements.


  • 建立了薄带钢铸轧过程三维流温度耦合数学模型研究了工艺参数对铸轧过程的影响。

    Temperature field of cast roll and its thermal deformation were studied during strip casting with elastoplastic and thermal stress coupled FEM.


  • 建立了薄带钢铸轧过程三维流温度耦合数学模型研究了工艺参数对铸轧过程的影响。

    Temperature field of cast roll and its thermal deformation were studied during strip casting with elastoplastic and thermal stress coupled FEM.


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