• 这个应用完整功能广告,也可以购买$1.99广告

    The app has a fully functional ad-supported trial, and costs $1.99 for the ad-free version.


  • 广告空洞层面之下8种可生性能够为无处不在免费复制品带来价值使它们拥有值得去广告的地方

    Beneath the frothy layer of advertising, these eight generatives will supply the value to ubiquitous free copies, and make them worth advertising for.


  • 我们需要一个新的角度展开下一次广告活动

    We need a new angle for our next advertising campaign.


  • 电视播放广告起身壶水。

    When the adverts came on I got up to put the kettle on.


  • 自动炊具广告漂亮年轻妈妈带着她们的孩子公园照片而不是职业女性离家上班预先准备晚餐的照片。

    Automatic cookers are advertised by pictures of pretty young mothers taking their children to the park, not by professional women presetting the dinner before leaving home for work.


  • 10月巴克斯组建一个广告团队

    He was headhunted by Barkers last October to build an advertising team.


  • 电视一种昂贵的媒介不是所有广告商都负担得起使用

    But television is an expensive medium, and not all advertisers can afford to use it.


  • 我们电视剧或者电影时,总是习惯上认为广告用处就是我们个厕所什么的。

    We are used to think that advertising is something that gives us some time to go to the bathroom while watching a TV show or a movie.


  • 因为没有办法检验手机地理相关的广告效果没有一个商业应用它们例子补充说

    Without the metrics to determine how well mobile, geotargeted ads work, there simply hasn't been a business case for using them, he adds.


  • 大部分广告的目的是说服人们款产品一项服务为了达到这个目的他们常常在介绍上做手脚或者是提供误导信息

    Most ads try to convince people to buy a product or a service and to achieve this they may use manipulation or misleading messages.


  • 周前,看到学生会墙上关于暑假美国工作广告

    Some weeks earlier I had seen an advertisement on the wall of the student union to work in the United States during the following summer.


  • 所知大家乐意拜读下霍格沃茨魔法防御教授招聘广告

    You know, we'd really like to read the job adverts that Hogwarts publishes for the Defence Against The Dark Arts teaching post.


  • 好几家公司脸谱网上购买广告他们鼓励用户“顶”他们的品牌

    Several started buying ads on Facebook, encouraging people to "Like" their brand.


  • 公司刊登《商务周刊》2004年第38期上家具广告引起了我方的兴趣,了解贵公司全面详细的报价。

    The advertisement of your furniture in the thirty-eighth issue of Bisiness Weekly in 2004 appeals to us, and we would love to have full details of your offer.


  • 记录网络用户哪里做什么的广告数据收集隐私权损害获取利润

    Advertisers and data collectors who record where customers go and what they do want profit at the expense of privacy.


  • 就是说人们不需要付钱使用这些服务服务供应商通过广告来牟利

    That is, people pay nothing to use them and the services make money via advertising.


  • 波又一波广告以及健康警示用力擦,清洗清洁身体中,办公室内,家里每一个角落

    A constant shower of advertising and health warnings orders you to scrub, cleanse or purify every corner of the body, office or home. Bugs lurk at every turn.


  • 的确许多曾经以为自己广告经济找到黄金创业公司如今寻求付费应用经济了。

    So yes, many of the startups who once thought they might see gold in the advertising economy now are pursuing the paid app economy.


  • 波又一波广告以及健康警示用力清洗清洁身体中,办公室内,家里每一个角落

    A constant shower of advertising and health warnings orders you to scrub, cleanse or purify every corner of the body, office or home.


  • 最近信用卡广告节目描述一个父亲一个儿子挪威寻找他们家族起源

    A recent credit card commercial depicts a father and son traveling to Norway to trace their family's origins.


  • 广告代理的时候,我们付出巨大努力精心制作一些视觉导向幻灯片挂图介绍卖掉我们的广告和营销概念

    When I ran an advertising agency, we put enormous efforts into making elaborate, visually oriented slide and flip-chart presentations to sell advertising and marketing concepts.


  • 显然广告创意在于蛊惑那些高薪女性购买原本不该自己买给自己的钻戒

    Obviously, the idea is to get well-paid women to buy their own diamonds, something they traditionally do not do.


  • 特森发现:“求职者往往过于依赖招工信息栏,花费大量精力申请广告中的空缺职位。”

    "Too often jobseekers rely on job boards and waste a lot of effort applying for advertised openings," Mattson observes.


  • 看到大部分广告都是邀请搭讪孤独大学女生,但我的妻子不会批准的。

    Most of the ads I've seen invite me to check out lonely college girls and my wife doesn't approve of me doing that.


  • 制造商不遗余力的小孩子广告所以孩子总是准备寻找他们广告上看到的东西

    Manufacturers advertise to children aggressively, so kids are primed to seek out products they have been exposed too.


  • 制造商不遗余力的小孩子广告所以孩子总是准备寻找他们广告上看到的东西

    Manufacturers advertise to children aggressively, so kids are primed to seek out products they have been exposed too.


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