• 中包括了使用原子放射敏感过滤器记录窄频带图像蓝绿色表示,原子红色表示。

    It includes narrowband images recorded using filters sensitive to emission from oxygen atoms, shown in blue-green hues, and hydrogen atoms in red.


  • 这种原子通过线从不稳定状态更加稳定的状态的过程称为衰减放射

    The process by which an atom changes from an unstable state to a morestable state by emittingradiation is called radioactive decay or radioactivity.


  • 这些测试使放射原子进入大气层气流挟裹了这些原子全球范围内扩散

    The tests lofted radioactive atoms high into the atmosphere, where air currents caught the atoms and then dispersed them around the planet.


  • 因为氢气爆炸掀翻了机组厂房的屋顶并且放射物质抛散到外部,原子专家担心燃料

    Experts worry about the fuel pools because explosions have torn away their roofs and exposed their radioactive contents.


  • 这些生物一个我们从未想到来源获取能量,”McKay惊叹,“南非的极端微生物细菌吃的岩石不稳定原子衰变时放射能。”

    "These creatures get their energy from sources we never imagined," McKay exclaims. "the South African extremophile bacteria are powered by the radioactive decay of unstable atoms in the rocks."


  • 他们了个晶体具有规则原子平面的,晶体,这些间距差不多也是或者更少它们放射出X射线

    They took a crystal, this is a single crystal of nickel that has regular planes of atoms, and those planes are spaced on the order of an angstrom or less apart, and they irradiated this with x-rays.


  • 薛定谔编出放射原子一起关盒子里故事时候,没想到有这种神奇的事情吧

    Something even Schrodinger never thought of when he came up with the whole cat in the box with the radioactive atom scenario.


  • 放射137,整体恒定速率衰变但是内部单个原子衰变不可预测随机模式

    A lump of radioactive cesium-137, for example, may decay at a steady rate overall, but individual atoms within the lump will decay in an unpredictable, random pattern.


  • 如果通用原子公司的这个项目能够成功,它就能够提供部分解决核能问题方案,例如如何处理大量的放射核燃料的问题。

    The General Atomics program, if successful, could provide a partial solution to one of the biggest problems associated with nuclear energy: figuring out what to do with highly radioactive waste.


  • 测量个元素放射总量原子性质感觉到物质的放射放射性元素的总量成比例

    She named the other radium. She measured the amount of radioactivity, an atomic property, and felt that the radioactivity was proportional to the amount of the element.


  • 所以如果飞的太快原子撞击高能量渗入船体放射射线影响乘客。

    So when you're going fast, the hydrogen atoms come at the ship with high energy, penetrate the ship and irradiate the occupants.


  • 原子专家核反应堆堆放射线能够分子一分为二从而产生氢气。

    Nuclear experts say that radiation from the core of a reactor can split water molecules in two, releasing hydrogen.


  • 由于没有电力需要水泵冷却原子工程师们放射蒸汽空气中以减轻压力

    Lacking electricity to pump water needed to cool the atomic core, engineers vented radioactive steam into the atmosphere to release pressure.


  • 理论假设放到理论上存在盒子里再扔进去一个想象中的放射原子

    The original theory involved putting a hypothetical cat into a theoretical box along with an imagined radioactive atom.


  • 以后三十年里,物理学发生了天翻地覆变化:电子原子放射量子理论相对论相继出现。

    The next three decades turned physics on its head, with the discovery of electrons, atomic nuclei, radioactivity, quantum theory and the theory of relativity.


  • 假定我们某种放射原子它们一定几率衰变

    Suppose we've got some sort of radioactive atom, which has a certain chance of decaying.


  • 日本原子安全和保安院爆炸核电站探测放射,极可能来自融毁的燃料

    Japan's nuclear agency said there was a strong possibility that radioactive cesium detected at the plant after the blast was from the melting of a fuel rod.


  • 原子通过辐射由稳定状态转变更加稳定状态的过程称为放射衰变放射

    The process by which an atom changes from an unstable state to a more stable state by emitting radiation is called radioactive decay or radioactivity.


  • 放射物质很多稳定原子构成。

    Radioactive materials are composed of atoms that are unstable.


  • 科学家忙于填补元素周期表空白探索未知原子现象(放射键合)。

    Boffins were busily filling in the blanks in the periodic table and probing unknown atomic phenomena (like radioactivity and bonding).


  • 释放辐射原子称为放射性核素

    The atoms that emit radiation are called radionuclides.


  • 我们一些放射同位素,这些同位素自发变成其他原子

    You've got some radioactive isotopic that can spontaneously decay into some other nucleus.


  • 原子稳定时,会具有放射

    Atoms become radioactive when they are unstable.


  • 放射性核素释放能量减半需要时间范围几分之一几百万取决于原子的类型。

    The time required for the energy released by a radionuclide to decrease by half (i.e., the "half-life") range from tiny fractions of a second to millions of years depending on the type of atoms.


  • Thiol-SAMMS还原这样贵重金属研究人员现在正试图用其他原子代替如此一来这种粉末就去除放射废弃物了。

    Thiol-SAMMS can also recover precious metals such as copper and gold, and researchers are now switching out the sulfur for other atoms so that it could mop up radioactive waste.


  • 而美国没有发现切尔诺贝利事故影响可能太远了,到达美国的放射原子浓度不够Scherb补充说

    No post-Chernobyl effect was seen in the U.S., which was presumably too far away for the radioactive atoms to reach in sufficiently high amounts, Scherb added.


  • 乞力马扎罗山峰冰雪消融标志20世纪50年代早期开展原子测试产生辐射尘的放射特征

    One marker of ice loss on Kilimanjaro was the radioactive signature of fall-out from atomic tests carried out in the early 1950s.


  • 计数器(Geiger counter)被用来测量原子衰变放射线如果原子发生衰变,盖革计数器将会触发氰化物气体释放,致死地

    Geiger counter was included to measure radiation if at some point an atom decayed. Should that happen, the Geiger counter would trigger the release of cyanide gas, which would kill the cat.


  • 计数器(Geiger counter)被用来测量原子衰变放射线如果原子发生衰变,盖革计数器将会触发氰化物气体释放,致死地

    Geiger counter was included to measure radiation if at some point an atom decayed. Should that happen, the Geiger counter would trigger the release of cyanide gas, which would kill the cat.


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