• 小说围绕死亡”和“即将死亡”来写,根本的主题哈里回到过去,从过去走到现在历程回顾

    The story centers on the topic of death, but the essential topic is Harry's recollections.


  • 可以去科瑞尔博物馆 ,参观主题为“玻璃探索历程威尼斯玻璃艺术千年”回顾展览,故事与之相联系

    The story is related in "The Adventure of Glass: A Millennium of Venetian Art" at the Correr Museum.


  • 托姆·布雷先生运用那些随意选取的材料——木块纸板棕榈塑料这些创作了首次回顾过去15艺术历程的作品。

    Mr Twombly, who is being given his first retrospective in 15 years, USES materials that have come to him at random-bits of wood, cardboard, bronze boxes, palm leaves and plastic flowers.


  • 李树钢总领事讲话回顾新中国成立60年以来所走过光辉历程以及取得的巨大成就

    Mr. Li reviewed New China's great accomplishments over 60 years of the Glorious development road in the speech.


  • 回顾中美建交三十多年来历程,不难看到。

    A review of our diplomatic relations over the past 30 years and more shows that.


  • 本书的字里行间,舒尔茨真诚的,甚至可谓迎合讨好的好好先生的形象出现,因此回顾焦虑,讲诉奋斗历程会为他喝彩

    Schultz comes across in these pages as a genuinely, even disarmingly, nice guy, so that, while he's recalling his angst and recounting his struggles, you find yourself cheering him on.


  • 因此我们觉得时候回顾一下那些女人所走过的历程了。

    So, we thought it was time to take a look back at the women who paved the way.


  • 有梦苏珊·波尔的故事》12月13日美国电视指南频道播出,该片将回顾默默无闻举世闻名的非凡历程

    I Dreamed a Dream: the Susan Boyle Story will air on the TV Guide Channel in the us on December 13, and will trace her extraordinary journey from obscurity to global fame.


  • 20世纪80年代开始,围绕一主题进行了研究评论回顾了这一历程,得出同样结论绩效工资急剧增加产量

    Four reviews of research on the subject from the 1980s onwards have all come to the same conclusion: that pay-for-performance can increase productivity dramatically.


  • 近日,戴尔公司(Dell)首席执行官迈克尔•戴尔接受了《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的采访。 采访中,戴尔回顾26年来大学寝室罗杰斯共同创建的这家公司所走过的历程

    Dell CEO Michael Dell sat down with The Wall Street Journal to reflect upon the path his company has taken since he co-founded it in his dorm room some 26 years ago.


  • 不能做的任何事情都会隐藏起来因为总是时间你去回顾生命历程

    Nothing you do can be hidden away, as there is always a time for reviewing your lives.


  • 回顾自己生命历程就是这样过来的。

    Recalling the course of their own lives, I just like them there.


  • 本文回顾我国证券发行制度变革历程通过比较各国(地方)保荐人制度的异同,总结出我国上市保荐人制度特点

    The article reviews the changes of security issue system in China and concludes the traits by comparing with the sponsors of other counties.


  • 本文共分部分一部分(导言)界定相关概念内涵,通过回顾常识概念图式的演变历程总结概括了基本特征

    This paper divides five parts: in the first part (introduction), I define some relative concepts and summarize its basic characters by reviewing the history of Commonsense conceptual schema of human.


  • 介绍网络计算基本概念基础上,回顾了网络计算的几种模式演变历程简要分析网络计算的发展趋势

    On the basis of the concept of network calculation, this paper reviews the network calculations modes and its developmental process, and then analyzes its developmental trend.


  • 第三部分首先阐述了中国证券市场国际化现状回顾我国证券市场国际化的历程我国证券市场国际化方面所做的有益尝试

    The third part explained the current situation of the internationalization of China's securities market and reviewed of our country security market course and helpful try in security market.


  • 回顾过去抗战的斗争历程边区干部他们所取得的胜利成果感到自豪。

    Looking back on eight years of struggle, Border Region officials were able to congratulate themselves on the following accomplishments.


  • 回顾研究性学习历程剖析研究性学习现状,有助于我们正确认识把握新形势下研究性学习的发展趋势

    It facilitates the our correct understanding and seeing through the tendency of the development of the research type study to look back on its course and analyse its status quo.


  • 文章回顾视线跟踪技术研究历程基础上,定义了视线跟踪的基本概念参数

    This paper looks back the study history and puts forward basic concept and metrics definitions of eye tracking technology.


  • 第四部分回顾我国现代学校制度变迁历程分析现代学校制度变迁特征

    The fourth part looks back the course of modern school system change and analyses the features of modern school system change.


  • 回顾中国安全科学学科建设历程跨越两个世纪

    The history of discipline construction of safety science in China, spanning two centuries, has been reviewed.


  • 介绍中原油田的网络建设情况勘探数据库组织管理机构回顾中原油田勘探数据库建设历程

    This paper introduces the local area network and the database organization in Zhongyuan Oilfield, and review the growing course of exploration database.


  • 本文回顾国外关于CAPM实证研究的大体历程,同时整理了国内相关文献

    This paper looks back the general course of empirical tests abroad about CAPM, and sets out related papers to CAPM home.


  • 方法回顾半个世纪以来经络研究历程查阅分析文献

    Methods Review courses of studies on Meridian and collaterals in the half century, and look up and analyze the literature.


  • 回顾历史美国为首西方先进国家城市郊区建设开发历程上,经历多次反复变更

    Review history, the United States, advanced nation of the western has gone through repetition and change many times in the course of the construction of city suburban district.


  • 本文简要回顾了现代漆画成长历程重点漆画的“漆性”画意两个方面结合漆画创作展开论述。

    The paper briefly reviewed the history of the development of modern painting and focus from the painting "paint" and "painting" two aspects of painting started on creation.


  • 作者所在单位铲运机实行点检年来所走过的历程进行了回顾

    The paper review the spot check for excavator in his own unit in recent two years.


  • 访谈中,先生回顾自己学习研究历程,就“古史辨”、上古史、出土文献研究及“二重证据法”、“五帝时代”等问题畅谈了自己看法。

    Qiu looked back upon the course of his studies and research, and talked freely on the problems of the "Ku-shih-pien" School, early Chinese history, the studies of excavated documents, "the .


  • 访谈中,先生回顾自己学习研究历程,就“古史辨”、上古史、出土文献研究及“二重证据法”、“五帝时代”等问题畅谈了自己看法。

    Qiu looked back upon the course of his studies and research, and talked freely on the problems of the "Ku-shih-pien" School, early Chinese history, the studies of excavated documents, "the .


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