• 样,如果你只会说中文,收到瑞典语的卡片就会失去部分乐趣。

    Similarly, if you speak only Chinese, receiving a card in Swedish takes part of the fun away.


  • 使用读书卡片作为书签并且在阅读部分之前回顾问题

    Use the notecard as a bookmark and review questions before each reading session.


  • 给予部分资料如规格材质的情况下,由参与者决定创造产品(一个有关气候改变棋类游戏),并且,每个人都要将问题卡片上,为产品起名,定商标市场策略

    Given a few guidelines on size and materials, they decided what to create (a board game about climate change), wrote a deck of question CARDS, and came up with a name, logo, and marketing strategy.


  • 用户经历只是功能性需求一小部分客户一张索引卡片上面。

    The user story is a small piece of functionality that CAM be described by the customer on an index card.


  • 也许发现可以使用它们中的绝大部分或者找到一张特别卡片重复打印出来。

    You may find that you use many of them or find one particular one that you print over and over.


  • 目标这个通用目标设定卡片有助于记住绝大部分详细的可测量的、可执行的目标

    The My Goal Card: This universal goal setting card will help you remember that most goals need to be specific, measurable, and actionable.


  • 尽管如此对于大小限制物质介质需求意味着部分DS软件借助实体卡片传播

    However, size limits and the desire for physical media means the majority of ds software sales will remain retail, distributed through physical CARDS.


  • 如果交易仅仅经济商家转嫁卡片商的话那么这个和竞争政策没有任何关系(特别是如果部分最终持卡者这里)。

    If interchange fees merely shift economic rents from merchants to card firms, then that is not a concern for competition policy (especially if some of the rents end up washing back to cardholders).


  • 绝大部分心得日记里,日记有好几,还做了上千索引卡片

    I wrote most of these ideas in my personal journal, which consisted of several notebooks and thousands of index CARDS.


  • 绘制卡片时,你可能会牙签修改自己画错的部分并不是什么时候都有合适的工具来帮你修复,尤其在切割卡片时!

    When you're painting a card, you can use toothpicks to undo a wayward stroke, but no such tool exists for the wayward cut.


  • 点击其中任意一个模块观看卡片形式展示语法课程,另部分会以互动问答的方式测试对相关知识的掌握情况。

    Tapping on one of these modules takes you to a section where you can see the grammar lessons in the form of flashcards, and then a section where you can test your knowledge in an interactive quiz.


  • 塑料屏风容器商店里,或者甚至可以切碎卡片箱的盒子打造部分空间书桌厨房浴室

    You can buy plastic dividers at stores like The Container Store, or you can even cut up old cardboard boxes to create sectioned-off spaces in your desk, kitchen, or bathroom.


  • 2显示同样大小卡片每张卡片分成几个同样大小的部分

    Diagram 2 shows two CARDS of equals size. Each card is divided into several equal parts.


  • 系统零件信息录入模块锻造工艺知识行业规范存储模块,锻造工艺决策优化模块,工艺数据合成工艺卡片输出模块4个主要部分构成。

    This CAPP system composes by 4 parts of basic information input module, forging knowledge and criterion saving module, decision-making and process optimizing module, process CARDS output module.


  • 把它揣在怀里像是块易的无价之宝,潸然泪下——部分为了一张永远珍视卡片另一部分所爱生命遭受的痛苦变化

    I cradled it like a priceless breakable and wept buckets of tears. Some for a card I would always hold dear, others for the sorrowful changes taking place in the lives of those I loved.


  • 品目92.09卡片,即使乐器一同报验,也视为该乐器的组成部分,而应作为单独报验的物品对待。

    Cards, discs and rolls of heading 92.09 presented with an instrument are to be treated as separate articles and not as forming a part of such instrument.


  • 虽然没有得到一等奖——风扇但大部分能得到精美礼品例如装饰笔记本卡片等等

    Although no one got the first prize, which is a fan, most people had got elegant small gifts, such as adornment box, cash pot, notebook, card and so on.


  • 一张卡片或者是一张纸盖住已经阅读完毕的部分,让卡片保持所读的文本的上一行也是行之有效的法子,迫使往前读。 。

    Using a card or apaper to block what you haveread before, keep the card above the line that your reading, isalso an effective way to control the eyes, it forces you to moveforward.


  • 加快阅读速度简单方法就是用一张卡片盖住面未部分,边读边移动

    The single best way is improve your reading speed is to move an index card physically the width of the page down the page as you read.


  • 把它在怀里,像是块易的无价之宝,潸然泪下——部分为了一张永远珍视卡片部分所爱生命遭受痛苦变化

    I 6 cradled it like a priceless breakable and wept buckets of tears. Some for a card I would always 7 hold dear, others for the sorrowful changes taking place in the lives of those I loved.


  • 作为发售纪念部分书店里可以购买作为典的信纸插画卡片

    As part of the sale in honour of the bookstore to buy stationery and illustrations as special code CARDS.


  • 作为发售纪念部分书店里可以购买作为典的信纸插画卡片

    As part of the sale in honour of the bookstore to buy stationery and illustrations as special code CARDS.


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