• 震感传到了那不勒斯(意大利西南部,震中在中部),首都罗马历史悠久卡拉卡拉浴场遭到了破坏

    The tremors were felt as far away as Naples and damaged the ancient Caracalla baths in Rome.


  • 1990年意大利世界杯足球赛期间罗马卡拉卡拉豪华浴场举办最初的那场音乐会为了给乔斯点钱

    The original concert in the caracalla baths in Rome during the time of the1990world cup soccer tournament in Italy was created to make some money for jose.


  • 蜗牛藤又豇豆卡拉卡拉(Vigna caracalla),这一普普通通的名字取浓郁的芳香和蜗牛状的花型。是豆类家庭的一名成员,生长在南美地区。

    Vigna caracalla takes its common name from its highly fragrant, snail-shaped flowers.


  • 此,这本书名为《追逐大海:迷失在中亚帝国的幽灵中》,讲述了一段从塔什干到卡拉卡尔的公路之旅。在卡拉卡尔,数百万人的生命因海洋的慢慢干涸而湮灭。

    Hence this book, Chasing the Sea: Lost Among the Ghosts of Empire in Central Asia, talks about a road trip from Tashkent to Karakalpakstan, where millions of lives have been destroyed by the slow drying up of the sea.


  • 京的生活成本大约比卡拉奇高三分之一,卡拉奇是214个城市中生活成本最低的城市。

    Tokyo is about one third more expensive than Karachi, which is the least expensive city among the 214 cities.


  • 尽管伊迪卡拉是以澳大利亚处地名而命名,但伊迪卡拉沉积层却遍及世界各地,并且追溯到前寒武纪时代

    Although named after a site in Australia, the Ediacaran formation is worldwide in distribution and dates to Precambrian times.


  • 所以卡拉季奇首先落网,出乎所有意料因为一直很多卡拉季奇可能波斯尼亚或者在波斯尼亚、塞尔维亚黑山中间的某个地方。

    So this is a surprise for everyone [that it was Karadzic first], of course, because there was a lot of talk that Karadzic may be hiding in Bosnia or between Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro.


  • “安德雷·马里纳(周日比赛主裁)给卡拉一张黄牌判罚直接任意球的决定完全正确的,”补充道,“卡拉下去的做法是彻彻底底错误。”

    "[Sunday's match official] Andre Marriner was absolutely right to award a yellow card and a direct free-kick," he added. "It would have been totally wrong for him to have sent Jamie Carragher off."


  • 作为回应阿巴斯的巴民族权力机构将约旦河西岸放在海报中,意在说明卡拉·达维教派会议拥护那些极端正统犹太人,并且附加说明:卡拉·达维会见以色列人

    Mr Abbas's PA responded by decking the West Bank in posters showing Mr Qaradawi hugging ultra-orthodox Jews at interfaith meetings, with the caption "Qaradawi meets Israelis".


  • 尽管卡拉奇实行宵禁种族冲突却持续第二,人民普遍害怕回到了80年代卡拉洗劫一空部落战争

    Despite a curfew, this ethnic conflict continued into the next day, raising fears of a return to the tribal war that raged in Karachi in the late 1980s.


  • 晚上卡拉ok印尼一个晚上似乎卡拉ok。

    It is karaoke night. Every night seems to be karaoke night in Indonesia.


  • 3月份,王朝汽车公司宣布目前正被一家巴基斯坦的企业收购会把公司搬迁卡拉生产,再由卡拉出口美国

    In March it announced that it is being bought by a Pakistani firm, which will move production to Karachi and export to the United States from there.


  • 卡拉英国实验室正在对安卡拉实验室确认h5n 1阳性其余9患者样本进行进一步联合调查

    Samples from the remaining 9 patients, confirmed as H5 positive in the Ankara laboratory, are undergoing further joint investigation by the Ankara and UK laboratories.


  • HaiderAbbas Rizvi是来自卡拉全国议会议员,他说:“存在个要统一民族运动党手中夺取卡拉齐的计划”。

    There’s a plan to snatch Karachi from the MQM, ” says Haider Abbas Rizvi, an MQM member of the national parliament from Karachi.


  • 另一案件中,HealthSouth公司首席执行官里查德•斯卡拉Richard Scrushy)则无罪释放。 里查德•斯卡拉指控牵涉夸大卫生保健公司39亿美元利润一案。

    But in another big case, Richard Scrushy, former chief executive of HealthSouth, was acquitted of charges relating to the inflation of earnings by some $3.9 billion at the health-care firm.


  • 金达必鞍钢卡拉铁矿石项目上签包销协议,鞍钢承购卡拉拉铁矿石项目100%铁矿石产量,提供旗下建成第一期的年产能650万鞍钢集团鲅鱼圈钢铁厂

    Gindalbie and Ansteel have an off-take agreement for Karara iron that has Ansteel taking 100% of the production of the mines to Ansteel's new 6.5 million tons per year Bayuquan steel mill.


  • 特佳丽多美玩具公司设计的“Hi - kara”袖珍卡拉ok7厘米见方不到1,但功能真正卡拉ok机一样好。

    The "Hi-kara" karaoke machine, by Takara Tomy, is a 7-cm cube which weighs less than a pound and works like a real machine.


  • 谁的排球肯定卡拉的。(它肯定属于卡拉。)喜爱排球。

    Whose volleyball is this? It must be Carla's. (=It must belong to Carla. ) She loves volleyball.


  • 卡拉·卡拉浴场尚可穿泳衣尴尬来到腓特烈浴池则不准穿衣因此你能否在此浸浴则要胆量勇气了!

    In Carla Carla bathing within you still wear swimsuit avoid embarrassing, but came to Frederick baths are no dressing, so you can be in the bath, depends on your courage with courage!


  • DSP媒体管理卡拉即将到来专辑云霄飞车卡拉日本的第三张专辑发行3月23日所得款项用于帮助地震灾民

    DSP Media, which manages KARA, said the proceeds from the upcoming album "Jet Coaster Love," KARA's third album in Japan set for release on March 23, will go to helping earthquake victims.


  • 故事然后卡拉夫,图兰朵儿之间的三角特征,而柳儿对卡拉夫的爱无条件的

    The story then takes on a classic love triangle featuring Calaf, Turandot, and Liu, whose love for Calaf is unconditional.


  • 卡拉·卡拉鹰,一种有点无精打采白天大部分时间都空旷栖息地度过。

    The caracara, a somewhat lethargic bird, passes much of the day on the ground of the open country it inhabits.


  • 卡拉马里人为他们美丽的探险太空客轮装上武器和装甲外壳,它们改装卡拉·马里星际巡洋舰

    The Mon Calamari converted their beautiful exploration ships and space liners with weapon mounts and armor plating, turning them into the Mon Calamari star cruisers.


  • 离子K卡拉胶中的含量直接影响凝胶强度凝固点,并影响卡拉胶应用产品水性

    Content of potassium ion in the Kappa - Carrageenan directly influence on condensation point the strength and diffusion water of Carrageenan gel.


  • 太阳雅,或者译作“苏利耶”)其中一主神认为是(丁卡拉)和温暖(巴卡拉泉源。

    The sun (Surya) was one of the chief deities in the Vedas. He was recognized as the source of light (Dinkara), source of warmth (Bhaskara).


  • 亚麻籽单独添加可与卡拉配添加,使卡拉凝胶韧性增大持水时间延长从而实现优势互补

    Add flaxseed gum alone and could also add carrageenan complex, so that the gel carrageenan increased toughness, water-holding extended in order to achieve complementary advantages.


  • 亚麻籽单独添加可与卡拉配添加,使卡拉凝胶韧性增大持水时间延长从而实现优势互补

    Add flaxseed gum alone and could also add carrageenan complex, so that the gel carrageenan increased toughness, water-holding extended in order to achieve complementary advantages.


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