• 南非种族隔离将部落制作国土“分而之”政策基础

    Apartheid used tribalism as the basis of its "divide-and-rule" homeland policies.


  • 在这里,因南非种族隔离政策关押的囚犯甚至包括纳尔逊·曼德拉,他曾经一个采石场敲砸碎头,以此来作为其反对种族隔离政策的惩罚

    Here, the prisoners of South Africa's Apartheid regime, including Nelson Mandela, broke rocks in a quarry as punishment for opposing racial segregation.


  • 南非阳光正灿烂,运动文化对展示非洲亦有所裨益,以及多年种族隔离斗争之后南非外界认可敏锐

    Sunshine will help. So will South Africa’s sporting culture, and its keenness for acceptance after the long years of the anti-apartheid sporting boycott.


  • 要是种族隔离年代这样的场景肯定会被看做不祥之兆奇怪的车辆南非城镇的街道巡逻,车顶装着摄像机拍下数以亿计照片

    In the apartheid era it would have looked distinctly sinister: strange vehicles on patrol in South Africa's townships with protruding cameras capturing billions of images.


  • 参与了北爱尔兰和平谈判苏联军控谈判,推动美国种族隔离时期的南非实施制裁。

    He negotiated peace in Northern Ireland, arms control with the former Soviet Union and pushed the U.S. to enact sanctions against apartheid-era South Africa.


  • 欧内斯特儿子哈里(Harry)都是南非议员:欧内斯特作了14议员直到第二世界大战,哈里作了9年议员,作为种族隔离反对派成员

    Both Ernest and his son Harry served in South Africa’s parliament: Ernest for 14 years in the run-up to the second world war, and Harry for nine years as a member of the anti-apartheid opposition.


  • 孩提时代,尼克·科恩就被教导有些地方的桔子绝不南非的(因为那里的种族隔离),西班牙的(因为朗哥的法西斯主义),以色列的(因为他们侵占别人的领土)还有罗里达的(因为母亲很讨厌尼克松)。

    AS A child Nick Cohen was not allowed to eat oranges from South Africa (apartheid), Spain (Franco's fascism), Israel (occupation) or Florida (his mother detested Nixon).


  • 莱希设想是调查委员会按照南非调查种族隔离时期真相调查委员会模式建立,对那些愿意合作免于起诉

    Leahy said he envisions the panel modeled after the truth commission in South Africa that investigated the apartheid era, and that immunity from prosecution could be offered to those who cooperate.


  • 受制于国内反种族隔离法律的束缚,南非啤酒厂1990年时只局限于满足于国内消费者,而今天成为世界啤酒厂之一。

    South African Breweries in 1990 was a local brewer confined to its home country by anti-apartheid laws. Today it is one of the world’s three largest beer companies.


  • 这个口号出现种族隔离南非以及1960年代北爱尔兰当时的天主教徒表示财产基础的地方议会选举偏袒清教徒

    That slogan was heard in apartheid South Africa, and in the 1960s in Northern Ireland, where Catholics said a property-based vote for local councils favoured Protestants.


  • 南非这样对移民现状的忧怨历史种族隔离政策下达之前就开始了,那时候国家通过周边国家引进流动劳动力农场工作

    South Africa's fraught history with migration goes back long before apartheid, when the country imported migrant labor from surrounding countries to work in mines or on farms.


  • 所大学认为南非白人堡垒,他们荷兰定居者后代,这些人常常白人种族隔离条例紧密联系在一起

    The university has been regarded as a bastion for Afrikaners, descendants of Dutch settlers who are often most closely linked with white apartheid rule.


  • 此前前往巴拉亚地区揭露美国农村贫困严重性并且前往南非激励那里年轻人起来反对种族隔离制度

    He had also been to Appalachia to expose the depth of rural poverty in America, and had made an amazing trip to South Africa, where he challenged young people to fight apartheid.


  • 15年前结束种族隔离南非有87%耕地白人所有,黑人只占13%,而人数所占比例正好相反。

    When apartheid ended 15 years ago, 87% of commercial farmland was owned by whites and 13% by blacks-the exact reverse of their proportion of the population.


  • 约翰内斯堡消息——南非星期三开始了种族隔离制度废除后以来,竞争最为激烈选举南非选民排队3小时只为投票

    JOHANNESBURG -- South African voters stood in line for hours Wednesday to cast their ballots in the most competitive election since the first postapartheid vote.


  • 科尔先生这些照片是一悲惨的图像记载曾经种族隔离南非被禁现在则陈列约翰内斯堡美术馆(Johannesburg Art Gallery)。

    Mr. Cole’s photographs, a harrowing pictorial record once banned in apartheid South Africa, are being displayed at the Johannesburg Art Gallery.


  • 南非450万白人有大约300万荷裔南非人,其中大部分人曾支持过在19481994年间统治南非长达半个世纪之久,奉行种族隔离政策的国民党。

    Of South Africa's 4.5m whites, about 3m are Afrikaners. Most supported the apartheid National Party, which ruled South Africa for nearly half a century, from 1948 to 1994.


  • 一个家庭友好下午约翰内斯堡动物园进入南非历史国家博物馆军事历史或种族隔离博物馆。

    Spend a family-friendly afternoon at Johannesburg Zoo or dive into South African history at the National Museum of Military History or the Apartheid Museum.


  • 1991年,种族隔离南非国会取消人口注册法案,这项法案要求所有南非出生时进行种族分级

    1991 - Apartheid: the South African Parliament repeals the Population Registration Act, which had required all racial classification of all South Africans at birth.


  • 1991年,种族隔离南非国会取消人口注册法案,这项法案要求所有南非出生时进行种族分级

    1991 - Apartheid: the South African Parliament repeals the Population Registration Act, which had required all racial classification of all South Africans at birth.


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