• 凯伦告诉南森找到我们

    Karen told me that Nathan could not find us.


  • 南森·艾伦写道:“天啊太难了,真电话摔了!”

    Nathan Allen wrote: 'Jesus that was hard, was about the throw my phone then! '


  • 等在那里南森雅各我们过来,我们终于见面了

    Nathan and Jacob went to meet us, they waited there to coordinate the rescue for quite long, and we finally met!


  • 带同十三船员以及足以支撑给养南森离开奥斯陆出发前往新西伯利亚群岛

    With a crew of 13 and provisions for five years, Nansen left Oslo in the summer of 1893, bound for the New Siberian Islands.


  • 南森约翰森于1896年夏天回到挪威时候,他们简直就月球背面返航一样。

    When Nansen and Johansen returned to Norway in the summer of 1896, they might as well have been returning from the dark side of the moon.


  • 你们旅程了不起,高兴成为第一祝贺回来。”那南森说。

    "You have made a good trip of it," the man told Nansen, "and I am awfully glad to be the first person to congratulate you on your return."


  • 而为了让给船员们保暖南森厚厚的毛毯驯鹿的皮毛软木以及焦油把船体围起来;

    To keep the explorers warm, Nansen insulated his vessel with thick felt, reindeer hair, cork shavings, and tar.


  • 随着时间的推移,南森开始“嘲笑冰层”,说“我们座坚不可摧城堡里。”

    Over time Nansen came to "laugh at the ice; we are living as it were in an impregnable castle."


  • 南森·利奥·伯德(当时19)勒伯犯案时,已经完了大学进入到芝加哥大学法学院。

    Nathan Leopold had already completed college and was attending law school at the University of Chicago when he and Loeb committed their crime (aged 19).


  • 不错,远处的确另一个人类南森向着他靠近很快就经历了次史丹利-利文斯通式的见面时刻

    There in the distance, sure enough, was another human being. Nansen approached the figure, and soon the two men enjoyed a remarkable Stanley-Livingstone moment.


  • 3月4麦迪逊广场花园观看骑士尼克斯之间比赛6岁南森尽享父亲的亲密时刻

    Six-year-old Nathan enjoys some hang time with his dad on March 4, during a basketball match between the Cleveland Cavaliers and New York Knicks at Madison Square Garden.


  • 原来南森的人杰出的英国探险家弗雷德里克·乔治·杰克逊南森碰巧于四年前伦敦面。

    Nansen's rescuer was an accomplished British explorer named Frederick George Jackson who, as it happened, had met Nansen four years earlier in London.


  • 伟大的探险家弗里德约夫·南森其他探险家早已挪威北部萨米那里学习了怎样穿着旅行以及吃饭

    The great polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen and others had learned how to dress and travel and eat from Norway's northern Sami people.


  • 南森那些令人目不暇给成就里,反而“弗拉姆”在1893年到1896年之间悲惨旅程人生富有戏剧性

    For all of Nansen's protean accomplishments, it was the harrowing journey of the Fram between 1893 and 1896 that gave his life story real drama.


  • 南森某晚曾日记里这样描述她:“思念,你的思绪在荒凉中向北飞升,可他们知道何处可觅到我。”

    Your thoughts fly northwards in the great desolation. They do not know where to look for me.


  • 所以埃迪·南森一起长大一位当地医生,给我拆了针线那天晚上7楼上卧室'太棒了!

    So when Eddie Nathan, who is a local doctor, who I grew up with, took out my stitches, that night at 7 o 'clock I went upstairs in the bedroom and said, 'Great!


  • 然而第二早些时候,很明显拉姆号是不能到达北极了,为了实现目标南森不得不踏上冰面雪橇向北极进发。

    Early in the second year, however, it became apparent that Fram would not reach the Pole. To achieve his goal, Nansen would have to get out on the ice with sleds and dogs and make a dash for it.


  • 南森·郎克尔,出生美国俄亥俄州的偏远地区,从小就目睹了农场动物虐待的场景,决定在1999年成立了MFA

    Nathan Runkle, who grew up in rural Ohio and witnessed cruelty to farmed animals firsthand, founded MFA in 1999.


  • 有关搜救背景材料搜救人员全名职位以及搜救的组织情况等,结束美国之旅回到北京后与南森通邮件获知的。

    The background information of rescue such as name, position and organization of this rescue was obtained from Nathan after I went back to Beijing via email.


  • 曾经以为需要公开透明责任分明时代坦诚地说,我受不了这个时代,”现居俄亥俄州的南森。佩尔切

    "I thought I wanted a new era of transparency and accountability, but honestly, I just can't handle it," Ohio resident Nathan Pletcher said.


  • 南森日记里写道:“约翰森睡着了,弄得小屋回响声声高兴他的母亲不会看到现在,一个又衣衫褴褛的。”

    As Nansen wrote in his diary, "Johansen is asleep, and making the hut resound. I am glad his mother cannot see him now … so black and grimy and ragged as he is."


  • 看过这些物件后,南森想知道,究竟他不能乘着北冰洋里这股强大的东西方向洋流北极或者起码接近北极的地方,于是一个想法诞生了。

    Reading about the Jeannette artifacts, Nansen wondered if the strong east-to-west current over the Arctic could be ridden to the North Poleor at least close. And so an idea was hatched.


  • 1930年,那位于奥斯陆郊外里萨城堡房子南森阳台上心脏病发,终年69岁;现在他的骨灰南面草坪简单墓碑之下。

    Nansen died of a heart attack in 1930 on the balcony of his castle-like house in Lysaker, on Oslo's outskirts, where his ashes are now buried beneath a simple gravestone on the south lawn. He was 69.


  • 南森想法诀窍当然就在于造出内特号结实的船,于是1891年,南森聘请出色的挪威籍苏格兰海军设计师柯林·阿奇尔负责这件

    The trick, of course, was to build a boat far tougher than the Jeannette, and in 1891 Nansen hired a brilliant Norwegian naval architect of Scottish descent named Colin Archer to do just that.


  • 萨缪尔森看做一个有能耐经理人尽管过去曼公司与大众公司的主席费迪南德·皮耶希有冲突

    Mr. Samuelsson was viewed as an able manager, though he had clashed in the past with Ferdinand Piech, the chairman of both MAN .


  • 个人同时表达对另一个厌恶时,流言使他们彼此更加亲近,“杰尼弗博森说道,他是佛罗里达大学心理学教授

    "When two people share a dislike of another person, it [gossip] brings them closer, " says Jennifer Bosson, a professor of psychology at the University of South Florida.


  • 诺森比亚大学毒品酒精共同研究小组的领头人汤姆赫夫博士这些研究发现有助于反吸烟活动的开展。

    Dr Tom Heffernan, who leads Northumbria University’s Collaboration for Drug and Alcohol Research Group, said the findings would be useful in anti-smoking campaigns.


  • 诺森比亚大学毒品酒精共同研究小组的领头人汤姆赫夫博士这些研究发现有助于反吸烟活动的开展。

    Dr Tom Heffernan, who leads Northumbria University’s Collaboration for Drug and Alcohol Research Group, said the findings would be useful in anti-smoking campaigns.


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