• 莫兰告诉国家公共广播电台记者·爵士乐似乎并不美国人的喜爱。

    Jazz seems like it's not really a part of the American appetite, Moran tells National Public Radio's reporter Neal Conan.


  • 来自佛罗里达大学西德·皮尔斯说:“地球上,藻类基因可能动物细胞起作用。”

    "There's no way on earth that genes from an alga should work inside an animal cell," says Sidney Pierce from the University of South Florida.


  • 我们最近厄立特里亚加大了努力的力度,该国向世人显示了一个非洲国家是如何成功地抗击疟疾方面取得进展的,”说:“我们正在就在若干国家开展新项目的准备工作进行讨论,这些国家包括赞比亚、布基纳法索以及塞内加尔、加纳和日利亚。”

    We’ve recently also boosted our efforts in Eritrea which has shown how successfully an African country can make progress in the fight against malaria,” Nankani says.


  • 个人同时表达对另一个厌恶时,流言使他们彼此更加亲近,“杰博森说道,他是佛罗里达大学心理学教授

    "When two people share a dislike of another person, it [gossip] brings them closer, " says Jennifer Bosson, a professor of psychology at the University of South Florida.


  • 劳瑞雅·康大部分时间往返于温巴黎两个城市之间这里成为朋友中的一员。

    Gloria divides her time between Winnetka and Paris, but when she is here she includes me in her circle of friendship.


  • 事实上,天空观测者在较奥斯陆加拿大托巴美国的苏必利尔湖拍摄到了极光照片

    In fact, sky-watchers were snapping pictures of auroras as far south as Oslo, Lake Manitoba in Canada, and Lake Superior (map) in the United States.


  • 法庭审理了托马斯案子。托马斯来自威尔士思镇患有慢性睡眠障碍意味着无法控制自己行为

    The court heard Thomas, from Neath, south Wales, suffered from a chronic sleep disorder that meant he was not in control of his actions.


  • 表示,疟疾非洲付出了巨大社会经济代价

    Nankani describes the social and economic costs of malaria on Africa as enormous.


  • 巴拉圭当成自己第二祖国。”巴西臭名昭著毒枭,费尔·迪·奥·贝尔马,2003年逃出警局,接受菲格雷多电话采访时说。

    "I consider Paraguay my second fatherland," Brazil's most notorious drug Lord, Fernandinho Beir-Mar, told Figueredo in a 2003 phone interview while he was on the run from police.


  • 联赛第二弗格森更情愿使用维尔·贝克搭档而且换人时候换上的上赛季引进埃尔德斯

    For the second week running Ferguson preferred to partner Rooney with Welbeck and this time, when the substitutions were made, it was Javier hernandez who was introduced.


  • 非洲各国领导人致力于消除‘成本、高风险商业环境标记,”

    "African leaders are working to peel away this label of a high-cost, high-risk environment for business," Nankani says.


  • 如果认真看看身边现在好莱坞很难遇上谁胡子的:扎克。埃夫,种。哈姆。奥贝恩乔治·克鲁最近都爱蓄须。

    But if you really look around, it's hard to go anywhere in Hollywood now without bumping into a beard: Zac Efron, Jon Hamm, Conan o 'brien, and George Clooney have all recently sported them.


  • 世界银行主管非洲地区事务的行长戈宾.表示,刚果(金)赠款项目世界银行疟疾控制加强规划非洲实施的第一个项目。

    Vice President for the Africa region, Gobind Nankani, says the grant for the Congo is the first project under the Bank’s malaria control booster program in Africa.


  • 表示,巴黎峰会寄予了两方面希望

    Nankani says his hopes for the Paris summit are two-fold.


  • 多哥近期局势掩盖塞拉里昂安哥拉和平局面、坦桑经济增长加纳的房地产繁荣景象,”道出了近期取得的一些成就。

    "Recent events in Togo shouldn't obscure peace in Sierra Leone or Angola, growth in Tanzania, or a housing boom in Ghana," says Nankani, pointing out some recent gains.


  • 一旦适应小豌豆埃尔一起轮番搭档安排轮休时,我们将能多次看到两位小将联袂登场亮相。

    Once he’s fit, he and Javier Hernandez will share the job of partnering Wayne Rooney, and in quite a few games, watch for the two youngsters playing together while Wazza is being given a rest.


  • 一旦适应小豌豆埃尔一起轮番搭档安排轮休时,我们将能多次看到两位小将联袂登场亮相。

    Once he's fit, he and Javier Hernandez will share the job of partnering Wayne Rooney, and in quite a few games, watch for the two youngsters playing together while Wazza is being given a rest.


  • 正是鲁的助攻使得吉格斯破门得分,进而打破了长久以来的僵局,随后,赫尔·德斯的传球后亲自操刀,又进一步的扩大了优势。

    They broke the deadlock when Wayne Rooney slipped in Ryan Giggs to slot home and Rooney doubled the advantage by firing in a Javier Hernandez pass.


  • 曼联在对阵巴塞尔比赛中只能排出了没有没有韦恩·鲁哈维尔·埃尔德斯因为他们受伤了

    Ferguson picked a team without either Wayne Rooney or Javier Hernandez for the Champions League match against Basel. Both were injured.


  • 尤其是韦恩·哈维尔·埃尔斯似乎被客队勤勉防守限制住了手脚。

    Wayne Rooney and, especially, Javier hernandez were mostly shackled by the diligent visiting defence.


  • 地区未来取决于全球伙伴合作关系的建立,在这一框架下非洲国际合作伙伴对各国的战略提供支持,”

    "The region's future depends on a global partnership where Africa's international partners support homegrown development strategies," says Nankani.


  • 即使是很普通害羞也会使父母担心尤其是男孩子父亲们更是如此。波士顿儿童医院希.斯德曼医生如是说

    Even garden-variety shyness worries parents, particularly fathers of boys, says Dr. Nancy Snidman of Children’s Hospital Boston.


  • ·文斯取代里奥·费迪出现首发位置上,只是他依旧被维奇前锋史蒂夫·莫里森完爆。

    Jonny Evans, starting instead of Rio Ferdinand, was bullied by the Norwich striker Steve Morison.


  • 只是现在只能在曼联着说曼联有太多好前锋韦恩·,哈维尔·埃尔德斯还有迪米特·贝尔巴托夫,甚至新星·维尔贝克也十分优秀,只能从那儿抢个板凳。

    Now he laughs at the sheer scale of competition at United, where Wayne Rooney, Javier Hernández, Dimitar Berbatov and increasingly Danny Welbeck block his path.


  • 韦恩·哈维尔·埃尔德斯将会因为伤病双双缺阵曼联主场迎战巴塞尔欧冠小组赛

    Wayne Rooney and Javier Hernández will both miss Manchester United's Champions League game with Basel through injury. Photograph: Jon Super/AP


  • 传言加利打电话给 弗洛伦蒂诺 ·佩雷斯询问 迪亚拉,利诺奥马尔 ·蒂索内费尔父亲经纪人 ),米兰可能儿子签约。

    Rumours are that Adriano Galliani has phoned Florentino Perez for Lassana Diarra (26), but according to Lino Omar Tissone, the father and agent of Fernando, Milan could be making his move for his son.


  • 佩贾称经济低迷时期瓦斯瓦讨论一些困难决策使威普罗联席CEO具有其它公司单个CEO所不具有的优势。

    Mr Paranjpe has said that the ability to discuss difficult decisions with Mr Vaswani during the economic downturn has given Wipro's bosses an advantage over sole supremos.


  • 张图片大致拍摄格林时间凌晨0:38,此时国际空间站位于大西洋上空。

    The image was taken approximately 38 minutes after midnight Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), while the International Space Station was located over the southern Atlantic Ocean.


  • 威尔士人、二十二岁·埃尔森是威尔士卫队第一的一等兵。灵车载着尸体经过时,他的亲人痛哭失声

    Relatives of lance corporal Dane Elson, 22, from Bridgend, south Wales, of the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards, wept as the hearse carrying his body passed.


  • 威尔士人、二十二岁·埃尔森是威尔士卫队第一的一等兵。灵车载着尸体经过时,他的亲人痛哭失声

    Relatives of lance corporal Dane Elson, 22, from Bridgend, south Wales, of the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards, wept as the hearse carrying his body passed.


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