• 我们另外了一单一国家研究,以美国公司为基础

    We further conduct a single country study, based on companies in the United States.


  • 经济低迷同样对于过于依赖单一国家地区缺少产品附加值小规模企业

    The downturn also hurts smaller companies that do not have the benefits of scale, depend too much on customers in a single country or region, and do not add much value to the commodities they process.


  • 科学技术整个人类珍贵财富属于任何一单一国家种族

    Science and technology are precious wealth of all the mankind, does not belongs to any individual nation or race.


  • 全球框架巩固无论是单一国家还是全球范围内减排目标监督技术更新进程

    This global framework would underpin national and global targets for emissions control and for monitoring the progress of the technological overhaul.


  • 伊特全球经济衰退定义美国这样一个单一国家经济衰退的定义不同

    Buiter relies on a different definition of global recession than what is used to define such an event in a single advanced economy like the United States.


  • 韩国到访日本最大单一国家游客群,2009年159万韩国人日本旅游。

    South Koreans are still the single-biggest nationality of tourists to Japan, with 1.59 million having visited in 2009.


  • 即便联盟塞尔维亚黑山在2006年解体前,作为单独实体欧盟谈判而不是作为一个单一国家

    Even before the union of Serbia and Montenegro broke up in 2006, the two parts negotiated with the EU as separate entities, not as a single country.


  • 相互矛盾报道源于国家研究小组公布单一国家研究报告不可避免这些报告所基于的样本很少

    The contradictory headlines are the result of national research teams releasing single-country reports, despite the fact that these inevitably involve smaller samples.


  • 欧盟一直试图越来越多地表现一个单一国家——欧罗巴合众国——而未建立起只有国家公民才能引起忠诚感。

    The EU has been trying to act increasingly as if it were one nation-the United States of europe-without developing the kind of loyalties and commitments only nations can elicit from their citizens.


  • 埃及和美索不达米亚,人类透过武力征服,将不同地区统合单一国家但是在印度河的早期聚落没有见到这种模式

    Whereas in ancient egypt and mesopotamia military conquest achieved the integration of distinct regions into single states , this pattern has not been seen in early indus settlements.


  • 尽管绝大多数依然是单一国家公民,然而他们以往任何时候在文化上物质、心理上更多参与其他国家人民生活

    Though most people are the citizen of single nation, they get involved in the lives of the other people of different nationalities culturally, materially and psychologically more than before.


  • 美国仍然是中国出口商品最大单一国家市场美国出口中国的商品2001年以来增长到三倍并且从趋势来看这种增长还将持续

    The U. S. remains the largest single country market for China's exports, while U. S. merchandise exports to China have more than tripled since 2001, and trends suggest that growth will continue.


  • 世界面临许多危机国际集体行动也面临许多限制,这一点毫无疑问,尽管令人感到沉痛。但是没有哪个单一国家组织能够独自应对当今挑战

    The world faces many crises, and the limits of collective international action are painfully clear. Yet no single country or organization can address today's challenges alone.


  • 2005年Hugo Chávez访问古巴时,FidelCastro的面公开表示他们国是「单一国家」,Hugo Chávez补上一句「共有一面旗帜」,Fidel Castro当场回应「我们都是委内古巴人」。

    When he was visiting Cuba in 2005 Fidel Castro said publicly to him that their two countries were “a single nation”. “With one flag, ” added Mr Chávez, to which Mr Castro replied, “We are Venecubans.”


  • 2005年Hugo Chávez访问古巴时,FidelCastro的面公开表示他们国是「单一国家」,Hugo Chávez补上一句「共有一面旗帜」,Fidel Castro当场回应「我们都是委内古巴人」。

    When he was visiting Cuba in 2005 Fidel Castro said publicly to him that their two countries were “a single nation”. “With one flag, ” added Mr Chávez, to which Mr Castro replied, “We are Venecubans.”


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