• 马上作出相应安排疏散的客人送往已有预先协议安排附近酒店休息住宿。

    F. Make the concerned arrangement and send evacuated guests to nearby hotel for accommodation that must be arranged with agreement in advance.


  • 还有一点尚不清楚,就是盖达马克为何不在八月份将俱乐部出售法拉吉,当时斯托里相信已经这位沙特商人安排了一协议结果却是法希姆买下了朴茨茅斯

    One issue which is still unclear is why Gaydamak did not sell to Faraj in August when Storrie believed he had brokered a deal for the Saudi to take over, only for Fahim to buy Portsmouth.


  • 日程表安排讨论一下签订长期协议可能性

    One of the items on our agenda will be the discussion of the possibility of establishing a long-term agreement.


  • 各国谈判代表团团长举行会议,他希望他们如何执行谈判第二阶段达成协议作出总体安排

    He says they are going to have a meeting among heads of delegations and he hopes they can make the overall arrangements on how to implement the agreement reached in the second phase of the talks.


  • 知情人士表示凯利获悉这份协议递交了辞呈,促使花旗安排另一个职位提升了戈斯帕奇。

    People near to the situation said that Mr Kelly tendered his resignation on hearing of the agreement, prompting Citi to offer him another role and to promote Mr Gerspach.


  • 因此我们他们利益我们的利益做出让步。他们他们至少需要72小时研究这个协议评估他们自己的安排

    So we have conceded to their interests as well as ours and they said they need at least 72 hours at least to look at it and review their own arrangements.


  • 由于没有使用时序安排服务协议服务规范只是一个简单接口

    This service specification is a simple interface, because there is no interesting protocol for using scheduling services.


  • 服务接口一个简单的接口,因为对于使用日程安排服务来说,并没有感兴趣的协议

    This service interface is a simple interface, because there is no interesting protocol for using scheduling services.


  • 经过一段时间协商中美双方建立“中美战略经济对话机制达成原则协议商定了机制的有关安排

    Through consultation, the two sides have agreed in principle to establish the "China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogues" mechanism and decided upon the relevant arrangements for the mechanism.


  • 分析人士一致认为,目前最为迫切任务具体实施停火协议安排俄罗斯格鲁吉亚撤军

    Analysts agree that the most pressing problem now is to enforce a ceasfire and bring about the withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgia.


  • 至于双方签署哪些协议,有关的日程安排议题进一步商讨之中

    The agreements to be signed, schedules and topics are still under further consultation.


  • 关于巴西外长访华能否介绍他此次访问具体安排,是否签署协议

    Q: Can you brief us on the visit to China by Brazilian Foreign Minister? Will the two sides sign any agreements?


  • 律师参与其他司法管辖区就协议安排进行的谈判,并处理由外地或香港特区提出国际司法合作请求

    Lawyers in this division also participate in the negotiation of agreements and arrangements with other jurisdictions and handle requests to and from the HKSAR for international legal co-operation.


  • 了解协议但是没有得到授权能够谈论这一安排人说,苹果已经SprintNextel签订协议顾客提供新的Iphone

    Apple has struck a deal with Sprint Nextel to offer the new iPhone to its customers, according to a person with knowledge of the deal who was not authorized to speak about the arrangement.


  • 担保”是任何按揭押记质押留置权其它保障任何人任何义务的担保权益或任何种类的协议具有类似效果安排

    "Security" means a mortgage, charge, pledge, lien or other security interest securing any obligation of any person or any other agreement or arrangement having a similar effect.


  • 如果存在关于联合巡逻协议,那么不是中国首次邻国达成的境外执法安排

    If an agreement on joint patrolling exists, it would not the first such arrangement of extraterritorial law enforcement that China has with a border state.


  • 我们今天外出安排上已经达成了“协议”:他们现代美术馆的展览费心欣赏的话,之后能在“Yo!Sushi”店一顿。

    We've made a deal about today's outing: if they promise to pay attention at the Tate Modern exhibition, then we'll eat at Yo! Sushi.


  • 签订好协议买方卖方支付货款事项做出安排

    Having worked out an agreement, the buyer and seller must arrange payment.


  • 协议应该制度安排促使各国同舟共济、共同努力

    The agreement should provide institutional arrangements that propel countries to make concerted efforts.


  • 试想如果撇开业已达成的基础另起炉灶,短期内该谈判基础本身都恐形成共识更别提要就后京都安排达成协议了。

    We can imagine that if one decides to propose a new framework, it would be difficult to predict how long a consensus could be reached then, let alone to achieve a post-Kyoto agreement.


  • 正常商业条款订立的包销安排,一般构成一致行动定义所指协议谅解

    Underwriting arrangements on arms' length commercial terms would not normally amount to an agreement or understanding within the meaning of acting in concert.


  • 如果安排路径过程遇到问题互联网控制信息协议(ICMP)就把信息错误报告主机发送。

    If problems are encountered during routing, the Internet Control message Protoccol or ICMP sends messages and reports errors to the source host.


  • 昨天恩先生李先生财务安排达成原则协议

    Yesterday, Mr Bowen and Mr Li reached a general agreement on the financial arrangement.


  • UPMA协议不同业务类型赋予不同的优先级,并用轮询方式妥善地安排节点的分组传输

    UPMA protocol endows different priority levels to different types of traffic, and can perfectly schedule the transmission of mobile terminals (MTs) by means of polling.


  • 广场协议”设计安排一揽子协作政策

    The "Plaza Accord" laid out a package of co-ordinated policies.


  • 广场协议”设计安排一揽子协作政策

    The "Plaza Accord" laid out a package of co-ordinated policies.


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