• 这些老鼠分成室温下暴露这种气体另一温暖的环境下以便保持他们体温下降

    The mice were split into two groups. Half were exposed to the gas at room temperature and half in a warm environment to keep their body temperatures from dropping.


  • 堆芯暴露在水面上,回路中水的辐射水平达到正常标准的350

    Half of the core is now uncovered, and the radioactivity of the water in the primary loop is 350 times its normal level.


  • 研究人员对老鼠进行超过的实验,其中的老鼠周六每天暴露4支卷烟烟雾中,另一则完全处在无烟环境中。

    Mice were studied over seven weeks, with half exposed to smoke from four cigarettes a day for six days a week while the other half smoke free.


  • 专家大约有一心理健康问题15之前就会首次暴露

    Experts say about half of all mental health problems first appear before the age of fifteen.The countries with the highest percentages of young people are in the developing world.


  • 活动式设置浅色的木框架上。天花板上暴露横跨整个空间。

    A tall window wall, part of which is operable, is set within a light-coloured wooden frame. Overhead, an exposed wooden beam spans the width of the ceiling.


  • 世界人口拥挤城市经常没有足够的卫生设施暴露诸如麻疹流感这类疾病流行

    Nearly half the world's people are crowded into urban areas, often without adequate sanitation, and are exposed to epidemics of such diseases as measles and flu.


  • 水生植物应当包括池塘表面至少有一以上如果暴露白天长时间阳光直射

    Your aquatic plants should cover at least half of your pond's surface, and more if it is exposed to direct sunlight for long periods during the day.


  • 随着运移作用加强,含氮化合物绝对浓度下降,“屏蔽”型与“暴露”型屏蔽”型化合物比值增加

    With the increasing of oil migration effects, the concentration of nitrogen compounds decreased whereas the ratios of shielded nitrogen compounds to exposed or semi-shielded ones increased.


  • 走过街区白色居民楼劈成两房子一边暴露出来。

    One block over, the facade of a white six-story residential building had sheared off, leaving one side of the apartments open to the air.


  • 由于缺乏管理工具产品杀死用户已经暴露人口误导烟草行业有关适宜产品

    The lack of regulation of the tools of a product that kills half of its users has exposed the population to the misinformation of the tobacco industry about the suitability of their products.


  • 充分暴露规管轮廓砧骨保持骨性外耳道后壁的完整。

    Outside the full exposition the semicircular canals outline and the anvil nest, maintains the osseous external auditory meatus behind completeness.


  • 研究人员MagdalenaPasarica博士指出,暴露病毒中的干细胞超过转化脂肪细胞以及储存脂肪没有接触病毒细胞仅仅一小部分会转化。

    More than half the stem cells exposed to the virus turned into fat cells and accumulated fats, while only a small percentage of the non-exposed stem cells did the same, said researcher Dr.


  • 蘩漪悲剧撕开封建残殖民地中国肌体上脓疮。暴露了旧中国家庭社会罪恶

    The tragedy happened in Fanyi broke up the running sore of Chinese skin in the semicolony and semifeudal society and exploded the guilty in the old chinese family.


  • 但是即使防晒霜使用者中间,也有超过受访者过去年间经受过轻微严重伤,因为他们无法正确判断日光强度以及他们暴露日光中的时间长短。

    But even among sunscreen users, more than half the respondents reported mild or severe sunburn in the past two years because they misjudged the sun's strength or how long they had been exposed.


  • 摘要我国职业暴露评估正处于起步阶段大部分处于定性定量评价阶段。

    Abstract: the occupational exposure assessment in our country is in its infancy, most of them are in the stage of qualitative and semi-quantitative evaluation.


  • 即使如此,还是防止媒体追踪我两岁的女儿学校暴露学校的地址

    However, my behavior doesn't make it right for the media to follow my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter to school and report the school's location.


  • 专家大约有一心理健康问题15之前就会首次暴露

    Experts say about half of all mental health problems first appear before the age of fifteen.


  • 专家大约有一心理健康问题15之前就会首次暴露

    Experts say about half of all mental health problems first appear before the age of fifteen.


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