• 可能发言的对象是几千号,他们挤房间吵吵嚷嚷,面对这样的情况,不妨先暂时专心说话,”

    "Whether you have a few people in the room or a thousand, direct your focus to one person at a time," he said.


  • 休斯顿出发自由太阳已经苏丹一个港口运送了数以救援食品正行驶蒙巴萨运送更多援助物资的途中

    The Liberty Sun, which set off from Houston, had already delivered thousands of tonnes of food aid to a port in Sudan and was en route to deliver more aid to Mombasa.


  • 航行1速度最快每秒17速度脱离太阳系

    Voyager 1 is moving the fastest though, escaping the solar system at about 17 kilometers per second.


  • 这个直径达52的陨石坑得名于印象派画家中的插图1970年代水手10太空船执行任务时拍摄

    Named for the impressionist painter, the 52 kilometer diameter crater is also shown in an inset context image from the Mariner 10 flyby mission in the mid 1970s.


  • 总决赛失利,奥尼尔转投洛杉矶球队战绩一落2004年获得选秀权。

    Then Shaq left for Los Angeles and the team fell far enough to get the number one draft pick in 2004.


  • 尼尔斯·安德森波特兰下船,他携带了价值十一万两美元黄金

    Niles Anderson came off the ship Portland with one hundred twelve thousand dollars in gold.


  • 不过哈雷2核心毫无疑问是目前见过最小的了,直径2米(1.2英里)。

    But Hartley 2's nucleus is definitely the smallest one so far, its long axis spanning only about 2 kilometers (1.2 miles).


  • 奋进在离开地球350的高空中环绕着小时27 000英里的速度急速穿过地球的阴影时,它打开了负载舱的灯光

    Orbiting 350 kilometers above planet Earth, Endeavour's payload bay is lit up as it hurtles through Earth's shadow at 27, 000 miles per hour.


  • 喜欢星球大战星际迷可以使用手机自带摄像头充当星际战争的背景屏幕,以此重现星际大战中“战争飞船”“”的辉煌。

    A new game for iPhone lets users take the controls of the Millennium Falcon and battle enemy spaceships using the phone's built-in camera to create the backdrop.


  • 由于玛丽玫瑰沉入了索伦特海峡满是淤泥海床里,所以才能够将数以文物保护的这么

    The Mary Rose settled deep into the silty bed of the Solent, which preserved thousands of artefacts in excellent condition.


  • 2011年1月1芝加哥市伊利诺伊州,大学纷飞,雪花飘在公园里雕塑

    Snow falls on the Cloud Gate sculpture in Millennium Park on February 1, 2011 in Chicago, Illinois.


  • 相邻13反应堆积水的核放射性水平要高出1以上

    At that level it is a thousands times more radioactive than water found in the neighboring Number-1 and -3 reactor buildings.


  • 距离法戈市北约10英里(16),洪水迫使29际公路关闭

    About 10 miles (16 kilometers) north of Fargo, flooding forced the closure of Interstate 29.


  • 重现泰坦尼克!相信自己耳朵,真万确。今年的8月18,科学家大西洋海底宽2.5英里的残骸范围内,艘世纪沉船展开科考活动。

    Raise the Titanic! Virtually, that is. On Aug. 18, an expedition will begin exploring the lost ship, some 2.5 miles down on the floor of the Atlantic.


  • 印度尼西亚拉皮火山26先后喷发了上万居民被迫火速撤离。释放出的灼热火山灰导致一名三个月大的婴儿死亡。

    Indonesia's Mount Merapi erupted three times on Oct. 26, 2010, causing thousands to flee and claiming the life of a three-month-old baby girl as it emitted searing clouds and volcanic ash.


  • 但是这个转变对于物理图书馆员StellaOta来说困难准备6月9物理馆的闭馆,因而要决定旧书命运

    But the transition is tougher for Physics librarian Stella Ota, who is responsible for the fate of thousands of old books as she prepares for the June 9 closure.


  • 最快返航载人航天飞机1969年返回地球时速为24700英里(39700)阿波罗10拜尔补充说

    The fastest a spaceship has returned to Earth with astronauts aboard was the 24, 700 MPH (39, 700 KPH) re-entry of Apollo 10 in 1969, Byerly added.


  • Cyclone Aila五月二十五孟加拉国印度打动了上万也应该被分类气候变化事件吗?

    Should Cyclone Aila, which hit Bangladesh and India on May 25th and affected hundreds of thousands of people, be classified as a climate-change event?


  • 载有三人的日本籍大山信胜丸渔船海域倾覆,当时三名船员试图回捕获有巨型水母渔网。

    The trawler, the Diasan Shinsho-maru, capsized off Chiba 'as its three-man crew was trying to haul in a net containing dozens of huge Nomura's jellyfish.


  • 信使”(MESSENGER)就是“水星表面空间环境,地质化学以及广泛任务”的缩写,它将飞入宇宙中最小且太阳最近行星,199的水星。

    Messenger, which stands for Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging, swooped within 199 kilometers Mercury, the smallest planet in the Universe that is also closest to the Sun.


  • 小组只是假设维珍银河橡胶燃料引擎燃烧1的燃料释放60

    The team assumed that Virgin Galactic's rubber-burning engine would emit 60 grams of black carbon per kilogram of fuel burned.


  • 这里显示勒拿河三角洲,是美国地球资源卫星72000年拍摄的彩色图片覆盖了拉普捷夫Laptev Sea)超过一万一平方英里的区域。

    The Lena’s delta, shown here in a false-color image taken by the Landsat 7 satellite in 2000, covers more than 11,000 square miles on the Laptev Sea.


  • 10月17逃离战场上万民众他们听到了密集空袭声。

    Civilians, who have fled the ground offensive launched on October 17th in their tens of thousands, tell of intense aerial bombardment.


  • 架飞机一个12马力(8.9)汽油机——并不Piccard先生太阳脉冲4个6瓦的电动机功率

    It had a petrol engine producing 12 horsepower (8.9kw) -not much more than each of the four 6kw electric motors on Mr Piccard's Solar Impulse.


  • 州长瑞克·佩里(Rick Perry)的特别项目走廊,北达拉斯南直安东尼奥,全程300英里(合480),几乎与现在经常塞车的35公路并行

    Governor Rick Perry's pet project is the Trans-Texas Corridor, running more than 300 miles (480km) from Dallas to San Antonio, more or less parallel to existing, often-congested Interstate 35.


  • 原本定于4月16起飞航班但是冰岛火山使成百上欧洲航班被迫取消。

    It should have taken off on 16 April, but Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano had erupted two days earlier, causing thousands of flights across Europe to be cancelled.


  • 提出是否继续实施”项目问题。伦敦通向伯明翰,利滋,时速超过255米小时铁路线

    SIR – You questioned whether our proposed schemeHigh Speed Two”, a 225mph railway line from London to Manchester and Leeds by way of Birmingham, “is a good idea” (“The need for speed”, March 5th).


  • 上面图片,是NASAMODIS卫星传感器1月23拍摄,图片显示冰架正处于半坍塌状态,数以的冰山威德尔漂流

    This image, captured by NASA's MODIS satellite sensor on February 23, shows the shelf mid-disintegration, spewing a cloud of icebergs adrift in the Weddell Sea.


  • 上面图片,是NASAMODIS卫星传感器1月23拍摄,图片显示冰架正处于半坍塌状态,数以的冰山威德尔漂流

    This image, captured by NASA's MODIS satellite sensor on February 23, shows the shelf mid-disintegration, spewing a cloud of icebergs adrift in the Weddell Sea.


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