• 劳动产权主要劳动按照劳动贡献享有收益权利

    Labor property rights mainly refers to the rights that laborer gets income according to his working contribution.


  • 马克思劳动价值论人们之间劳动贡献关系入手研究产权关系理论

    The labor theory of value of Marx is the theory that from people the labor between contributes relation proceed with one kind to study property right concerns.


  • 马克思劳动价值论一种人们之间的劳动贡献关系入手研究产权关系的理论

    Marx's labor value theory is a theory which studies property right relationship from labor contribution relationship.


  • 官方已经认定接近100万人口或者说五分之一劳动没有劳动贡献的”。

    Officials have decided that around a million people, or a fifth of the workforce, areunproductive”.


  • 官方已经认定接近100万人口或者说五分之一劳动没有劳动贡献的”。

    Officials have decided that around a million people, or a fifth of the workforce, are "unproductive".


  • 不管是主动还是被动机制,高管人员劳动报酬他们劳动贡献来决定

    Both in the "active" and the "passive" mechanisms, the compensations of the top management are determined by their contributions.


  • 通过劳动意识到我也能一些有益的事,我可以这个社会做出贡献

    Through work, I realized that I could do something useful, and I could still make my contributions to society.


  • 依然生存于世,得益于许许多多的人类劳动思想斗争渴望想象所作出贡献

    I'm being kept alive by the contributions of so many currents of human Labour, thought, struggle, desire, imagination.


  • 长久以来美国人口频繁流动美国经济实力壮大做出了巨大贡献因为人口流动能够扩大高效劳动市场降低失业率

    A high degree of population mobility has traditionally been one of America's great economic strengths, providing a flexibility that allows for more efficient Labour markets and lower unemployment.


  • 其中劳动增长和生产率增长大约贡献一半

    Around half that growth came from an expanding workforce; the other half from productivity growth.


  • 世界发达国家劳动转移同时实现人口彻底转移,与之相比我国农业剩余劳动力的转移没有城市化作出多大贡献

    Developed countries, while in the labor force, to achieve a complete transfer of population, compared to China's agricultural surplus labor and urbanization did not make much contribution.


  • 把他们留给市场他们仍然可以自由通过贡献劳动追求意义的生活,从而与其他人生活接轨

    Left to the market, they remain free to pursue a meaningful life by making a productive contribution, however modest, to the lives of others.


  • 不管生育率问题谁错,经济增长不再获得劳动增加带来正面贡献

    Whoever is right about the fertility rate, there will be no more positive contribution to growth from increases in the labor force.


  • 企业家只是构成劳动大块他们贡献较大份额的税收。

    Entrepreneurs don't just constitute a larger portion of our workforce; they also contribute a larger share of tax revenue.


  • 否则的话我们经济有望成长3%,其中生产力成长贡献2%,劳动力人口成长贡献1%,根本上经济很牢靠的。

    Otherwise, we should expect 3% real growth, based on 2% increases in productivity and 1% population growth. This economy is fundamentally sound.


  • 劳动土地资本各自到了他们生产过程边际贡献价值

    Labor, land, and capital each earn the value of their marginal contribution to the production process.


  • 基本上,在19世纪以及20世纪儿童劳动(包括州际全国性的)限制孩子工作能力后,孩子们家庭收入贡献已经开始下降了。

    Basically, children began to contribute less to the family's income when children's Labor lawsboth statewide and nationallylimited children's ability to work in the 1800s and early 1900s.


  • 测算结果表明广西农业经济增长主要依靠物质费用投入增加科技进步劳动耕地对农业总产值增长的贡献很小。

    The result indicates that the agricultural growth mainly relies on material expenses investment and scientific progress, the contribution of labor force and arable land is quite limited.


  • 工作紧缺加入劳动大军年轻人常会挤掉位于能为公司贡献经验人。

    When jobs are scarce, young people entering the work force tend to be elbowed aside in favour of experienced workers with more to offer companies.


  • 老人我们长辈他们辛勤劳动一辈子社会做出一定贡献长期实践中积累丰富知识经验

    The elderly are our elders, for their hard work a lifetime, in order to make some contribution to the community, and in the long-term practice has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience.


  • 根据这个原则,评定职工工资级别时,主要他的劳动好坏、技术高低贡献大校。

    In accordance with this principle a person's grade on the pay scale is determined mainly by his performance on the job his technical level and his actual contribution.


  • 摘要20世纪科学技术人类做出重要贡献之一人类繁重体力劳动解放出来,使有了充裕休闲时间

    Abstract: In the 20th century, science and technology on the human contribution to one of the most important is to liberate from the heavy manual labor people have plenty of leisure time.


  • 20世纪科学技术人类做出重要贡献之一人类繁重体力劳动解放出来,使有了充裕休闲时间

    In the 20th century, science and technology on the human contribution to one of the most important is to liberate from the heavy manual labor people have plenty of leisure time.


  • 愚蠢幸福聪明的人,幸福是劳动贡献

    Stupid people, happiness is money and official, intelligent people, happiness is labor and contribution.


  • 包含理论贡献诸如最优化收入商品课税理论包含了实证研究例如课税如何影响劳动供给研究

    It covers both theoretical contributions, such as the theory of optimal income and commodity taxation, as well as empirical work, such as the study of how taxes affect labor supply.


  • 结果表明人力资本物质资本和劳动之外,湖南经济增长贡献最大因素。

    The results showed that human capital made the greatest contribution to Hunan economic growth besides material capital and labor.


  • 本文通过实证研究分析地区工业化水平提高转移农村剩余劳动贡献

    With the empirical research, this paper analyzes the contributions to rural labor transfer promoted by the improvement of the industrialization level in different.


  • 只是直率评价劳动资金相对贡献

    It is a straightforward evaluation of the relative contribution of labor and capital.


  • 这项制度设立对于提升家务劳动社会价值保护家庭做出较多贡献一方的合法权益具有十分重要意义

    The establishment of this system has very important meaning to promote the social value of house work as well as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of those who devote more to the family.


  • 这项制度设立对于提升家务劳动社会价值保护家庭做出较多贡献一方的合法权益具有十分重要意义

    The establishment of this system has very important meaning to promote the social value of house work as well as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of those who devote more to the family.


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