• 哺乳动物生物学杂志网页

    This is the webpage of Mammalian Biology Journal.


  • 动物生物学主要研究动物种类参照他们的分子细胞系统进行解剖,研究生理和行为

    Animal biology concentrates on the scientific study of the biology of animal species and phyla. with reference to their molecular and cellular systems. anatomy. physiology. and behavior.


  • 不会很大地影响我们怎么看待鸟类来源于恐龙构图影响到一些小细节:对动物生物学重要改变

    It doesn't affect much of our big picture view of how birds came from dinosaurs, but some of the minutiae: the small changes that are important to the biology of the animals.


  • 显然这种逆转录病毒基因填补了哺乳动物生物学小生境但是一方面来说第一次感染此类病毒以前哺乳动物已经能够完美生殖了。

    Clearly, this retroviral gene fills an important niche in mammalian biology, but, on the other hand, mammals were able to reproduce perfectly well before they were first infected.


  • 我们正在尝试了解蜥脚类动物生物学比较它们化石现代动物解剖结构,以更好了解它们如何生活的。

    We are trying to understand the biology of sauropods, comparing their fossils to the anatomy of modern animals to get a better idea of how they lived.


  • 生物学动物怎么受精卵发展一个完全成形有机体一个相当好的理解

    Biology has a pretty good understanding of how animals develop from a fertilized egg to a fully formed organism.


  • 我们可能需要更加深入地把历史学当作生物学分支学科来研究,专注研究一种动物行为表现,那便是智人

    We might even go further and argue that history has become a sub-field of biology, focusing on the behaviour of one animal, Homo sapiens.


  • 吃掉自己后代动物他们基因走进了生物学的死胡同。

    The animal that eats its offspring, those genes are a biological dead end.


  • 科学家格拉斯哥举办的实验生物学协会会上就此作报告,对比分析了其他动物音量

    Scientists presenting at the Society for Experimental Biology annual conference in Glasgow recorded the bug and analyzed its volume compared to various other loud animals.


  • 所以动物蛋白被认为优质蛋白拥有更高生物学价值

    And so, protein from animal based foods considered to have what was called high quality or high biological value.


  • 作为实验老年病学专家,通过观察其它动物方式更广生物学角度来看待合格问题

    As an experimental gerontologist, I approach this issue from a wider biological perspective, by looking at other animals.


  • 李敏最近分子细胞生物学重点会议(加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚,斯勒)上公布了一研究结果,同时今年些时候研究异钩藤碱啮齿类动物的影响。

    Li, who recently presented her results at the Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, will begin trials of Isorhy in rodents later this year.


  • 正如他们发表行为生态学社会生物学上的文章所述,动物发现雄性仅仅是求偶所需的反复的声音联系多得多。

    They discovered, as they report in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, that male hyraxes are doing far more than just repetitively communicating that they are ready to mate.


  • 研究人员在本周的《当代生物学》上报道说,贝塔微精原蛋白第一种在海洋动物发现的能够激发进攻性本能的化学物质。

    microseminoprotein is the first aggression-triggering compound found in marine animals, the researchers reports this week in Current Biology.


  • 首先观众必须明白生物学概念整个动物王国分类组织法则。

    First, theaudience must understand the concept of phylum (plural, phyla): the organizingprinciple for classifying the entire animal kingdom.


  • 神经生物学一个等级系统无脊椎动物的研究被看好,除了非常特殊例子枪乌贼巨大的轴突

    There was a hierarchical system in neurobiology, and working in invertebrate animals was not looked upon favorably, except in a very special case: the squid giant axon.


  • 我们社会性动物生物学意义上父母并不一定抚养孩子

    We're social animals and the biological parents do not necessarily need to raise children.


  • 人类高度复杂社会性灵长类动物所以我们对外界反应很难单纯生物学神经传递素来解释

    Humans are highly complex social primates and, because of this, our responses to the world can be difficult to explain with simple biology or neurotransmitters.


  • 出版重要著作课题广泛,有肉食植物有海洋吸附甲壳动物珊瑚礁形成生物学

    He published important work on subjects as diverse as the biology of carnivorous plants, barnacles, earthworms and the formation of coral reefs.


  • 这些方法也许不能区分免疫接种动物染病动物因此目前更倾向于使用能够检测出特定DNA序列分子生物学方法

    These methods may not allow the distinguishing of vaccinated from infected animals, so molecular biology approaches that detect specific DNA sequences are now preferred.


  • 几十年研究人员一夫一妻行为生物学研究重转心啮齿动物特别是田鼠

    In recent decades, researchers have turned to rodents, specifically voles, in their efforts to understand the biology of monogamy.


  • 从人类学,灵长类动物认知科学心理学生物学考古学进化生物学基因学,人们人类属性的研究包括很多领域

    The study of our human nature encompasses a variety of fields ranging from anthropology, primatology, cognitive science and psychology to paleontology, archaeology, evolutionary biology and genetics.


  • 看看一个族谱中较遥远动物——传说中扑食大象的大鹏这种动物神话中的长动物同样是古生物学中虚构部分

    More distant on the family tree was the legendary roc, a vast, elephant-eating bird, which Shared some pseudo-palaeontology with mythical horned beasts.


  • 我们得到下颌一部分,却我们见任何下颚化石都要,“奥斯陆大学研究动物小组中的一位古生物学埃斯本

    We have parts of the lower jaw that are huge compared with anything we've ever seen, " said Espen Madsen Knutsen, a palaeontologist on the team at the University of Oslo that studied the creature.


  • 迈克尔·瑞安克利夫兰自然历史博物馆古脊椎动物部门负责人,他本月生物杂志》上对外公布一新发现。

    Michael Ryan, curator of vertebrate paleontology for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, published the discovery in this month's Journal of Paleontology.


  • 我们真正懂得文明是怎样进化的,”亚特兰大动物灵长目动物学者塔拉·斯托因斯,她合著一篇文章,即将生物学通讯》上发表。

    "We don't really understand how culture evolved," said primatologist Tara Stoinski of Zoo Atlanta, co-author of the upcoming study in Biology Letters.


  • 因此如果创造文化能力我们生物学特征基础Thornton认为寻找我们文化根源方法之一就是研究其它动物社会存在的更简单传统

    So if the foundation for the capacity for culture is rooted in our biology, Thornton argues, one of the ways to find these roots is to study the simpler traditions seen in other animals.


  • 生物学研究植物动物

    In biology we study plants and animals.


  • 研究人员写道:“诸如报道中的这类发掘地点,将进一步为研究这种飞会神奇动物习性生物学特征提供依据

    "Sites like the one reported hereprovide further evidence regarding the behavior and biology of this amazinggroup of flying reptiles that has no parallel in modern time, " theresearchers write.


  • 研究人员写道:“诸如报道中的这类发掘地点,将进一步为研究这种飞会神奇动物习性生物学特征提供依据

    "Sites like the one reported hereprovide further evidence regarding the behavior and biology of this amazinggroup of flying reptiles that has no parallel in modern time, " theresearchers write.


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