• 脑膜炎奈瑟菌感染人类存在动物宿主

    Neisseria meningitidis only infects humans; there is no animal reservoir.


  • 增加传染病传播媒介动物宿主以及模式动态知识

    To increase knowledge of vectors, animal reservoirs and the modes and dynamics of transmission of communicable diseases.


  • 寄生虫载体节肢动物其他无脊椎动物传播寄生虫从脊椎动物宿主另一个

    A parasite vector is an arthropod or other invertebrate that transmits the parasite from one vertebrate host to another.


  • 西尼罗病毒(WNV)感染一种蚊虫传播鸟类为主要动物宿主自然疫源性疾病

    West Nile virus (WNV) infection is an endemic disease caused by WNV that is maintained in a natural transmission cycle involving mosquito vectors and bird reservoir hosts.


  • 虽然孢子丝状形式环境中的病原体传播荚膜几乎存在于哺乳动物宿主内的酵母形式。

    Although the pathogen propagates as spores and in a filamentous form in the environment, H. capsulatum is found almost exclusively in the yeast form within mammalian hosts.


  • 守候在草丛灌木丛(包括)顶端寻找动物宿主通过不是转移动物身上。

    Ticks search for host animals from the tips of grasses and shrubs (not from trees) and transfer from there to animals or people. Ticks only crawl; they do not fly or jump.


  • 我国已经证实的人鼠共患病按病原划分5类20种,列出病名及其主要啮齿动物宿主传播媒介地理分布

    There are 20 rodent-borne diseases that have been ascertained in China. The names of diseases, rodent hosts, vectors and geographical distribution are listed in this paper.


  • 寄生虫混合感染统计结果显示:感染1种肠道寄生虫的动物宿主最多寄生虫混合感染种数混合感染率呈负相关

    The parasite mixed infection results showed: Most animals infected with 1 parasite, parasites mixed infection species negatively correlated with mixed infection.


  • 此外,有的宿主细胞蛋白因为分子量比较它们动物宿主抗体生产过程中迅速清除有可能不会检测到

    It is also possible that HCPs with relatively small molecular size will not be detected because they are cleared quickly in the animal host during antibody production.


  • 路易·华盛顿医学院的病毒免疫学家SkipVirgin应该进行研究人类其他哺乳动物宿主是否相似作用机理

    Research into whether a similar mechanism applies to humans and other mammalian hosts should be conducted, said viral immunologist Skip Virgin at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.


  • 尽管目前人类中的爆发态势比较严重,但是,WHO认为如果采取果断措施消灭动物宿主阻断人类感染,爆发能够得到控制的。

    Despite the seriousness of the current outbreak in humans, WHO believes that it can be controlled, provided decisive measures are taken to eliminate the animal reservoir for human infections.


  • 不过美国,有非常严格的宠物疫苗接种流浪狗控制制度,因此狂犬病以不同的方式传播:浣熊臭鼬迄今主要的四脚动物宿主

    But in the United States, where pet vaccination and stray-dog-control programs are strong, rabies has a different face: Raccoons and skunks are by far the top four-legged viral hosts.


  • 寄生虫一个绦虫,它生活在更大的动物肠道内宿主那里吸收营养

    An example of a parasite is a tapeworm that lives inside the intestines of a larger animal and absorbs nutrients from its host.


  • 他野生动物如蛇和刺猬也是许多病毒的宿主

    Other wild animals like snakes and hedgehogs are also hosts of many viruses.


  • 每个季度都要制造新的流感疫苗是因为流感病毒不断地变化从而逃避宿主(无论是人类鸟类还是其他动物)免疫防线攻击

    New flu vaccines need to be made each season because the viruses are constantly changing so as to avoid attack by host immune defences - whether in birds, humans or other animals.


  • 他们现在尝试着将此胚胎植入一个宿主动物中。

    They are now trying toimplant the embryo into a host animal.


  • 正如动物岩石掩埋一样,这些病毒宿主基因组里,其自由生存的亲缘在不断进化,它们实际上时间冻结了。

    Just as animals get buried in rock, these viruses become trapped in the genomes of their hosts. While their free-living relatives continue to evolve, fossil viruses are effectively frozen in time.


  • 感染两种病毒认为猴是可能宿主因为实际上所有感染这两种病毒的动物迅速死亡很难维持病毒的生存

    Monkeys are susceptible to infection but are not considered plausible reservoir hosts as virtually all infected animals die too rapidly to sustain survival of the virus.


  • 证据表明,包括灵长类一些动物可能是病毒宿主

    There is evidence that some animals, including non-primates, may act as reservoirs.


  • 肺泡巨噬细胞(AM)GM - SCF强化先天免疫应答重要部分已知动物模型有助宿主防御流感病毒感染

    Alveolar macrophages (AM), which are enhanced by GM-SCF, are an essential piece of the innate immune response and are known to contribute to host defense against flu infections in animal models.


  • H5N1病毒似乎扩大了宿主范围,导致以往被视为禽流感病毒具有抵抗力哺乳类动物感染死亡

    H5N1 appears to have expanded its host range, infecting and killing mammalian species previously considered resistant to infection with avian influenza viruses.


  • 史密斯博士这些虱子不会的系统树上出现除非它们转变成寄生在胎盘类哺乳动物身上的物种大多数虱子不会经常变换宿主

    These lice would not show up in his tree, Dr. Smith said, unless they had been able to transfer to the placental mammalian species, and most lice do not regularly switch hosts.


  • 看来,在白垩纪虱子物种进化时宿主可能哺乳动物系统树上分支而这一分支上的所有物种灭绝了

    In his view, the hosts on which lice were speciating during the Cretaceous could have been a different branch of the mammalian family tree, all of whose species are extinct.


  • 他们甚至可以推算疟疾寄生虫为了在其他宿主比如哺乳动物上传播的进化比例。

    They were able to estimate the rate at which malaria parasites would have had to diversify in order to spread to other hosts, like mammals.


  • 动物病毒则一般吞噬进入宿主细胞内。

    Animal viruses generally are phagocytosed and gain entry to host cells from vacuoles.


  • 更多方面,被动吸烟恶化宿主流感反应动物模型研究吸烟如何恶化呼吸道病毒感染方面可能有用的

    In most respects, smoke exposure worsened the host response to influenza. This animal model may be useful in studying how smoke worsens respiratory viral infections.


  • 很多动物西尼罗河病毒宿主病毒主要还是通过当地一些蚊子来传播这些蚊子是知更鸟的食物,了蚊子,自然变成宿主了。

    A variety of animals can serve as hosts for West Nile, but the virus primarily spreads through a few species of mosquitoes that usually feed on birds, and those bird species, which become viral hosts.


  • 鸟类密切接触人类其它动物可能感染,禽流感病毒开始适应新的宿主,病毒微小变异慢慢累积,这个过程持续多年

    Humans and other animals in close contact with the birds may be infected, and the virus begins to adapt to new host animals, a process that may take years as small changes accumulate.


  • 这种寄生虫需要两个宿主完成生活史雌性按蚊一种脊椎动物,而疟原虫可以侵入到脊椎动物血流中然后破坏红细胞

    The parasite needs two hosts to complete its life-cycle: female Anopholes mosquitoes, and the bloodstream of a vertebrate where it invades and damages red blood cells.


  • 这种寄生虫需要两个宿主完成生活史雌性按蚊一种脊椎动物,而疟原虫可以侵入到脊椎动物血流中然后破坏红细胞

    The parasite needs two hosts to complete its life-cycle: female Anopholes mosquitoes, and the bloodstream of a vertebrate where it invades and damages red blood cells.


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