• 我们并行动态编码静态补偿演算证明了静态并行动态补偿演算具有相同表达能力

    We present an encoding from parallel dynamic to static compensation calculus, showing that static and parallel dynamic compensation models have the same expressive power.


  • 构建外部描述数据结构概念之上,这是固定列表动态sql使用主机变量一种编码方法

    It also builds upon the concept of externally described data structures, a way of soft coding the host variables used by fixed-list dynamic SQL.


  • ESQL编码期间使用动态引用提高消息导航效率

    Use dynamic references during ESQL coding in order to improve the efficiency of message tree navigation.


  • 各种条件下,创建时,也许简单地运行静态编码更加动态方法

    In various common situations, you may want to create classes in more dynamic ways than simply running static code for their creation.


  • 服务器端的编码过程其中所有动态内容经过编码函数这时脚本编制标记替代所选择字符集中的代码

    Server side encoding is a process where all dynamic content will go through an encoding function where scripting tags will be replaced with codes in the chosen character set.


  • 尽管可以编码中实现,但是规则管理环境构建这些片段就能够更好地控制管理重用,对于动态复杂规则尤其如此。

    While certainly attainable in code, building these fragments within a rule management environment allows better control and management of reuse, particularly where rules are dynamic or complex.


  • 我们演示了当网站使用简单定制标记正确编码动态内容可以消除大多数攻击

    We have also demonstrated that the majority of the attacks can be eliminated when a Web site uses a simple custom tag library to properly encode the dynamic content.


  • 5中,portlet天气服务动态检索指定邮政编码代表的地区的天气情况。

    In Figure 5, the portlet dynamically retrieves the weather from a weather service for a specified zip code.


  • 包含简单编码结构含有动态数据循环能力形成大多数动态Web页面主干

    The ability to include simple coding structures, such as looping for tables with dynamic data, forms the backbone of most dynamic Web pages.


  • GRDDL可以RDF编码数据协同工作,可以与格式数据亲密合作,这些微格式数据能够动态转换成rdf数据。

    GRDDL works with both RDF-encoded data as well as microformat data which can be converted to RDF on the fly.


  • 非常简单应用程序可能完全不用编码Rails运行动态生成客户机html页面

    Very simple applications can almost entirely avoid custom coding by letting Rails dynamically generate client HTML pages as it runs.


  • 通过零件特征参数属性特征编码关联加工方法目前技术水平下实现动态工艺知识有效管理的一种可行的方案。

    The establishment of the relations between the feather code of parts and the working methods is the valid way of dynamic knowledge management in the current technology level.


  • 如果已经实现传输编码动态压缩Web服务器输出

    If transfer encoding is implemented, compress the Web server output on the fly.


  • 编码过程中,对于不同的输入矢量适应产生不同的动态搜索范围顺序而排除大部分码字。

    During the encoding process, the adaptive searching range and sequence are obtained for each input vector in order to reject a lot of unmatched codewords.


  • EBCOT采用并行运算动态内存控制(DMC)结构保证编码速度的前提下,最大限度减小了片内小波系数缓存量和访问频率。

    The EBCOT design USES parallel processing and dynamic memory control (DMC) architecture, which greatly speeds up the coding process and achieves higher hardware utilization.


  • 发布关于ISO/IEC 10646字符编码标准参考资料、最新动态技术详情以及有关软件数据下载

    Description: Provides reference information of the ISO/IEC 10646 character encoding standard and related activities, technical details of ISO/IEC 10646, and downloads of related data and software.


  • 对话意味着沟通一种意义表达解码传递编码生成的过程,具有动态开放性特性

    Dialogue, a means of communication, is the process in which the meaning is expressed, decoded, encoded and transmitted with open and dynamic characteristics.


  • 怎么动态依赖关系添加项目构建路径编码吗?

    How can I add dependencies to project build path dynamically by the coding?


  • 通过合理器件选择动态功耗管理功耗编码等设计方法,使系统功耗降低50%。

    The system power dissipation was reduced 50 percent by means of proper device selection, dynamic power management, and low-power coding.


  • 由于动态神经网络结构确定困难,采用二进制实数编码结合联合编码用遗传算法优化得到神经网络结构及对应权值。

    To rise above the difficulty of determining NN's structure and weights, the GA optimization algorithm is used to get them by combining binary encoding with real encoding.


  • 本文提出了基于动态树的水印基数编码方案水印中的常量进行编码达到水印防篡改目的。

    In this paper a novel radix encoding scheme based on dynamic binary-tree is presented, and the constants existed in the watermark is encoded to tamper-proof the watermark itself.


  • 仿真结果显示,此法能够良好地抑制动态轮廓,并且有助于克服单纯延伸编码显示灰度不足缺点

    Simulation results show that this method can greatly reduce dynamic false contour and overcome the shortcoming of insufficient gray levels in pure stretched-out coding display.


  • 提出一种新的低功耗排序总线编码方法通过改进偏移地址线动态重排以降低具有高负载的地址总线的功耗。

    The irredundant sorting bus encoding method reduces the power dissipation of highly capacitive memory address bus based on the dynamic reordering of the modified offset address bus lines.


  • UML对基于图文法产品族配置系统进行建模静态建模、动态建模以及编码部署分析从而系统的具体开发准备

    Using UML, use-case modeling, static modeling, dynamic modeling, coding and deployment analysis are made for the system, thus making ready for its particular development.


  • PASIS架构分散式存储系统数据冗余编码技术以及动态自维护技术相结合,创建了生存力强的信息存储技术

    PASIS architecture combines decentralized storage system technologies, data redundancy and encoding, and dynamic self-maintenance to create survivable information storage technology.


  • 文中提出一个基于偏振编码,适用于动态互连的方案,给出连接系统增长规律

    In this paper, a system based on a polarization code is proposed for dynamic optical interconnection and introduced a growth rule for the fully connected version of it.


  • 多带激励低速率语音编码研究中,本文依据动态规划技术原理,提出了有效实用的前后各看一帧的双向基音跟踪平滑算法

    In the study of MBE speech coding, a new efficient practical look-back and look-ahead pitch tracking smoothing algorithm is presented based on the dynamic programming approach.


  • 第一阶段模糊分类系统前件输入变量编码个体,实现了输入变量论域的动态划分和输入变量选择。

    In the first step, the antecedents of fuzzy classification system and input variables are coded into a binary string and treated as an individual in genetic algorithm.


  • 动态图象快速编码视频会议系统实现关键问题之一

    Fast encoding motive image is one of the key techniques for implementing videoconference system.


  • 动态图象快速编码视频会议系统实现关键问题之一

    Fast encoding motive image is one of the key techniques for implementing videoconference system.


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