• 幸运的是,通过扩展泛型DAO可以使这种功能适应各种对象类型。

    Luckily, you can make much of this functionality generic by extending the generic DAO.


  • 无论哪种行为动物王国都是常见的,生物学家猜想一种适应功能

    Whenever a behavior is common in the animal kingdom, biologists suspect it has an adaptive function.


  • 涵盖了控制工程学方法适应仿真功能决策制定支持以及产出和分析的图形显示。

    It covers the adaptation of the controlling and engineering methods, simulation function, decision-making support and graphic ability of production and analysis.


  • 应该知道工具想得到什么技术功能并且必须清楚地了解软件解决方案如何适应支持业务过程

    You should know what you want out of tool technically and functionally, and you must clearly understand how the software solution will fit with and support your business processes.


  • 产品提供了包装了众多特性功能不同产品版本适应大量来自客户不同需求

    Both of the products offer various editions packaged with features and functions to suit a wide variety of customer needs.


  • 现有科技适应巡航控制系统航线保持协助结合能形成综合性功能

    It works using a combination of existing technology such as adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping assist, rolling them all into one comprehensive function.


  • 幸运这个功能源代码可供使用,并且调整它适应其他环境并不困难

    The good news is that the source code of this functionality is available and is not too difficult to adapt to other environments.


  • 上下文门户一种概念概念指可以使用动态门户功能用户界面适应用户具体情形上下文

    The contextual portal is a concept in which you use dynamic portal capabilities to adapt the user interface to fit a user's situation and context.


  • 人类大脑主要功能就是吸收信息能力挑战陌生环境适应性。

    The primary function of the human mind is its ability to absorb information and adapt to challenging unfamiliar environments.


  • 集成这些系统使他们能够更快适应新的改变业务流程而不人工开发新的功能不断地开发集成逻辑

    Integrating these systems would enable them to adjust to new and changed business processes more quickly, without the need to manually develop new functions or continuously develop integration logic.


  • 一个分散化冗余组织能够功能受影响的前提下收放自如,因此能够适应

    A decentralized, redundant organization can flex without distorting its function, and thus it can adapt.


  • 这些强大功能适应,您需要远见和进行细心地处理

    As powerful as these functions are, they require far-seeing and careful treatment.


  • 前肢适应抓握功能而且能快速树木许多大型的陆生动物到处踩踏地面寻找食物时,这种能耐必须手到擒来

    Its front limbs were adapted to grasp and scurry up trees, an ability that must have come in handy when so many large ground animals were stomping around below and looking for dinner.


  • 它们功能操作能力更改具有一定适应能力。

    They also exhibit a certain degree of resilience to changes in their functional and operational capabilities.


  • 虽然UML需要一些时间适应但它却是一种理解功能片段设计直观方法

    While UML takes some time to get used to, it is an intuitive way to understand the design of a piece of functionality. The visual modeling of systems provides the following advantages


  • 因为能与现时不断变化设计适应QuaDror功能使独树一帜。

    The versatility of QuaDror is an asset that makes it distinct, because of its ability to accommodate our ever-changing profession of design.


  • 混合版本管理功能Version6引入的,现已得到增强适应混合版本 WebSphere 拓扑中的 Version7 节点。

    The mixed version management feature was introduced in Version 6 and has now been enhanced to accommodate Version 7 nodes in a mixed version WebSphere topology.


  • 6中,创建测试环境适应Web服务其他必需功能原型

    In Figure 6, a test context is created to host prototypes for the Web services and other functions necessary to execute the test case.


  • 尽管一个SOA应该业务需要驱动,但有时为了适应那些非功能需求需要选择正确基础架构

    Although any SOA should be driven by business needs, you have to choose the right infrastructure in order to accommodate your non-functional requirements.


  • 所有这些功能共同允许通过调整数据库配合业务环境而不是牺牲设计适应数据库。

    All these features allow you to adapt the database to your business environment instead of compromising your design to fit the database.


  • 然而是否能够交付可以大量重用组件在很大程度取决于组件适应使用环境功能

    However, the ability to deliver wide reuse of components depends heavily on the capability to adapt components to the environment in which they are used.


  • IBM开发了一个SOA参考体系结构显示作为SOA一部分服务其他功能类型以及它们之间如何互相适应

    IBM has developed an SOA reference architecture that shows the kinds of services and other capabilities that can be part of an SOA and how they fit together.


  • 功能允许设计更加灵活更容易适应更改业务流程

    This capability lets you design business processes that are more flexible and adaptive to changes.


  • 测试管理器关键功能提供某个概念适应测试,并且这个测试界面适合这个用户

    The key functions of a testing manager are to provide adaptive testing of a specific concept, and to adapt the testing interface to the user.


  • 对于某些性情的人来说不是容易,因为他的整个神经系统体系历经年后已经适应了任何活动,具有了应对紧张功能

    For some temperaments, it will not be easy because the entire nervous system and body have been geared over the years to activity, to overt and tense functions.


  • 小心地使用这些功能可以导致界面能够适应用户需要简化交互过程

    Careful use of these features can result in interfaces that dynamically adapt to the user's needs and simplify interaction.


  • 但是我们到底是什么时期如此独特问题研究得越多,青春期就越像是一个高度功能甚至颇具适应的时期。

    But the more we learn about what really makes this period unique, the more adolescence starts to seem like a highly functional, even adaptive period.


  • 程序员注意若想创建卓越的软件添加宏编功能从而允许用户社区能够增强工具适应他们自己的偏好

    Programmers take note: If you want to create great software, then add the ability to program macros, allowing your community of users to be able to enhance your tool to suit their own tastes.


  • 我们必须更改或者添加功能时,或者每一次我们必须适应开发团队加入的新人时,我们设计兴趣会更大。

    The interest that we pay on design debt is additional cost every time we have to change or add functionality, and every time we must acclimate somebody new to the development team.


  • 遗留系统某些功能通常并不能适应基于SOA应用程序中的实时特性

    Certain features of legacy systems are often not a natural fit with the real-time nature of SOA-based applications.


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