• 试验表明三相功率平衡好,功率因数较高

    The test shows that the balance of three phase powers is better and each phase of power factor is higher.


  • 本文利用功率平衡原理提出了一种新的补偿方法

    This paper proposes a new approach to reactive power compensation according to the principle of power balancer.


  • 本文提出了一种新的液体火箭发动机功率平衡通用计算方法

    A general method for the cycle power balance calculation of the liquid rocket engine is proposed in this paper.


  • 功率平衡沥青布车设计计算、汽车底盘选型重要步骤

    Power balance calculation is the important procedure for the design of asphalt spreader.


  • 提出一种基于功率平衡原理串联型有源电力滤波器(APF)。

    Grounded on the theory of power equilibrium, a novel single phase series active power filter (APF) is proposed.


  • 最后,应用分析实践展示上述功率平衡方程广阔应用前景

    The wide application prospect of the equation is shown by the application analysis and practices.


  • 指出采用功率平衡控制器并车控制方法可以达到较高功率分配精度

    It presents that the parallel operation control method with power balance controller can achieve higher power distribution precision.


  • 推导出滑摩过程中的汽车功率平衡方程,计算了滑摩控制区域控制油压

    Based on the power equation, a model was established to calculate the control pressure of the clutch.


  • 补偿保持电力系统无功功率平衡降低损耗提高供电质量一种重要手段

    Reactive compensation is an important way which maintains the reactive power balance of the electric power system, reduces the loss and increases supply quality.


  • 本文结合风力发电机组常用直交结构,将功率平衡概念引入并网变流器控制

    In this paper, the AC-DC-AC structure commonly used in wind turbine is introduced, and introduce the concept of power balance control.


  • 输送机采用CST多级驱动控制通过比例控制系统实现起动功率平衡

    The conveyer belt adopts the CST step driver control, and the realization of the soft-startup and power balance depends on the proportional valve and control system.


  • 相比传统控制模式论文提出车辆行驶区间功率平衡功率实时自适应调节控制策略

    Compared with the other control model, this thesis proposes a novel strategy that the power of the APU is adaptively regulated based on the power balance of the driving cycle.


  • 在本论文中,作者进行皮带多机驱动功率平衡控制系统多输入多输出模糊控制方法研究。

    MIMO power balance fuzzy control of multi-motor driving belt system is studied in this dissertation.


  • 研究众多因素装置输出功率平衡影响, 建立功率固体激光功率平衡综合分析模型

    To study effects of a number of differences on the output power balance, the power-balance integrated analytic model of high-power solid-state laser has been established.


  • 重点介绍功率平衡、点火系统、气缸、燃油供给系及起动系检测诊断方法、项目设备

    This paper gives the emphasis on the presentation of the waysitems and equipment in the insPection and diagnosis of power ignitionstics, ignition s…


  • 重点介绍功率平衡点火系统气缸燃油供给及起动系检测诊断方法、项目设备

    This paper gives the emphasis on the presentation of the waysitems and equipment in the insPection and diagnosis of power charateristics, ignition system, cylinder, fuel system and…


  • 重点介绍功率平衡点火系统气缸燃油供给起动检测诊断方法、项目设备

    This paper gives the emphasis on the presentation of the waysitems and equipment in the insPection and diagnosis of power charateristics, ignition system, cylinder, fuel system and start


  • 利用功率平衡理论进行故障测距能够原理上克服传统阻抗普遍存在故障电阻影响缺陷

    The location results are always affected by fault resistance in almost all conventional impedance methods in fault location, but the application of power balance theory can overcome the shortcoming.


  • 再生能源接入问题目标实际上是以低的成本维持电网功率平衡尽可能利用可再生能源。

    The objective of renewable energy is ro maintain the power balance with a acceptable cost and maxmimum the utilization of the renewable energy.


  • 本文根据功率平衡原则将十二相发电机整流供电系统直流侧线路电阻折算相应交流侧各相绕组

    Based on the principle of power balance, the DC-side line resister of a 12-phase synchronous generators-rectifier system is reduced to the corresponding AC-side.


  • 前馈信号同时包含电网电压负载信息通过快速调节交流进线电流,使得系统功率平衡得以维持。

    Feedforward signal includes the information of both grid voltage and DC side load. Power balance between the input and output can be maintained by adjusting AC side currents.


  • 文章还在功率平衡控制基础上,为了能够直流侧支撑电容进行定量分析,进一步引入电容最小化设计

    Base on power balance control, the article introduce the minimum capacitance design to be able to make quantitative analysis for the DC-side capacitors.


  • 系统应用模糊控制技术控制输送机启动功率平衡提高带式输送机的运行性能自动化水平

    The system application fuzzy control technology, controls the soft start and the power balance of the belt conveyer, enhanced the belt conveyer performance characteristic and the automated level.


  • 保证系统无功功率平衡基础辅以调压等措施调整电压使电压偏移保持允许范围内

    Based on guaranteeing reactive power equilibrium of the system, only the voltage regulation assisted by on - load voltage regulation can make the deviation of voltage keep in allowable scope.


  • 电力系统负荷需要消耗大量的无功率无功功率平衡满足众多结点电压,就需要分级分层就地平衡

    The electric power system entails enough reactive power to meet the needs of consumers and the network. To satisfy numerous node voltages, reactive power should be balanced locally and hierarchically.


  • 第三方法采用电缆线路的分布参数线路模型根据功率平衡原理推导出故障测距方程,通过搜索迭代方法解之。

    The last proposed method is based on the distributed parameter model, the algorithm utilizes searching and iteration methods to locate the fault point.


  • 输电线路发生故障时,首先通过电功率平衡抑制各变量剧烈波动此基础上再汽门励磁协调控制器镇定系统

    When a transmission line fault occurs, the violent fluctuations of system variables are first suppressed with the aid of electric power equilibrium.


  • 论文这种装置结构原理进行了分析这种装置实现启动、软制动、无级调速多点驱动功率平衡进行了分析。

    The paper has analysed the structure principle of this kind of device, and analysed soft start, soft brake, variable speed regulation and multi-drive power balance.


  • 结果表明接收天线数目多于发射天线数目情况,该文提出的功率平衡方法可以有效降低多天线系统接收端的BER值。

    Simulation results indicate that power balancing can decrease BER at receiver when the number of receiver antennas is greater than that of transmitter.


  • 结果表明接收天线数目多于发射天线数目情况,该文提出的功率平衡方法可以有效降低多天线系统接收端的BER值。

    Simulation results indicate that power balancing can decrease BER at receiver when the number of receiver antennas is greater than that of transmitter.


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