• 热朗泽铅银矿矿石化学分析进行人工试验

    Artificial heavy concentrate tests were conducted on chemical analysis spare sample from Relangze Lead-Silver Mine.


  • 往常一,一公事公办子,有着化解恶意的诚实

    He is, as ever, business-like, and disarmingly honest.


  • 格斯把办公拉近了一西装一衣架上的组装骨骼

    Jungers pulls his office chair over to an assembled human skeleton hanging like a suit from a hanger.


  • 毕竟名顾问不能师一配一新的眼镜——眼镜框——改善你的视力

    A consultant, after all, is not unlike an optician who prescribes a new pair of glassesor frameworkto improve your eyesight.


  • 同理仍然想像什么的情景。

    Similarly, I still can not figure out what it is like.


  • 问道好像拿出扑克牌准备变戏法,“我的确收到书迷来信了,这挺了不起的,对吧?”

    I said, as if pulling out a deck of CARDS to do a magic trick. "I do get fan letters."


  • 如果新闻关注(我以前是个记者),知道其实复一年,新闻就那么一嘴脸。

    And if you’ve paid attention to the news as long as I have (I’m a former journalist), you know it’s all the same, year after year.


  • 伊万有着好胃口还一点黑色幽默,这两俄国充满危险日常生意中生存下来。

    Ivan has the strong stomach and dark sense of humour needed to survive the everyday perils of doing business in Russia.


  • 站立地方的涡轮完全座涡轮塔属于罗兰先生任职工程总裁美国金风公司

    Two of the closest, like the tower he was standing on here, were built by Goldwind USA, where Mr. Rowland is vice President for engineering.


  • 如同大部分青少年一可能就眼睛翻转并且做出非常,非常子。

    And being like most teenagers, I would roll my eyes and try to make a case for really, really NEEEEEEEDING it.


  • 如同大部分青少年一可能就眼睛翻转并且做出非常,非常子。

    ` And being like most teenagers, I would roll my eyes and try to make a case for really, really NEEEEEEEDING it.


  • 如果衣服回来的时候仿佛九九八十一难,破烂或许不是洗涤造成的,而是熨烫不当的结果。

    If your clothes are coming back looking like they've been through the wringer, the worn out look might not be a result of the cleaning but the pressing.


  • 通过许多细节上的调整乐器演奏时会呈现更佳效果,天才的演奏者可以小提琴分钟内格外动听。

    A lot can be done to tweak an instrument to make it sound better, and a brilliant player can make even a run-of-the-mill violin sound great for five minutes.


  • 表情跟她的声音枯燥,一漫不经心伸手门铃

    She looked just as bored as she'd sounded, reaching out to ring the bell with casual disregard.


  • 木头起来,不过因为年代久远,木料有些褪色了并且布满了裂纹,看起来就像没有图片的画框一

    The hole in the sage-covered hill had been shored up by timbers. They were weathered and splintery, and looked like a picture frame around nothing.


  • 看着,脸上血流不止,衬衫上也到了血,看起来就像乱糟糟的番茄酱想象更加杂乱不堪。

    Joe just looks at me with that stupid look, covered in flowing blood, going onto his shirt like ketchup randomness, so much messier and more random than I could ever plan.


  • 社会制约告诉他们男人行事’、‘男人要有一自信的面孔以及男孩子不能’,愈加强化了人们的这类行为

    Social conditioning reinforces these behaviours in men by teaching them to 'act like a man', 'put on a brave face' and 'boys don't cry'.


  • 辞旧迎新之际,必定满怀忧惧期盼地展望下一,你最想什么呢?

    As the old year dies and you begin, with apprehension and expectation, to ponder the year ahead, which is the face that you would most want to be looking at?


  • 如果外部圆角我们就应该控制上面一图像和它弧线部分具有宽度

    If the outside corners are rounded, we should make the front image only as wide as the curved portion of the image.


  • 胸脯! 你爪子原谅我,你的铁爪足以和所有野兽对抗,多么可惜,竟是一只哑巴,只缺少喉咙

    Thy breast is the breast of an eagle ! thy claws-I beg pardon-thy talons, are a match for all the beasts for the field, oh, that such a bird should be dumb, and want only a voice."the


  • 文章中还有讲述了“一个完美的工作日什么

    The article includes the following graph showing "What happens on a great workday"


  • 3月27国王阿卜杜拉任命同父异母兄弟纳耶夫王子为第首相时候关于王位的更迭,虽然谣言四起,但宫内偶尔也能传出真实消息

    Amid the swirl of rumour, news of real shifts occasionally wafts out, as it did on March 27th, when King Abdullah appointed his half-brother, Prince Nayef, as his second deputy prime minister.


  • 比赛结束了,他们每个男孩地毯起来溃败的失意中昂首阔步装出获胜的子,流露街头地痞一骄横蛮不讲理

    And as each of their boys got up from the mat, he swaggered around in his 11 tatters with false 12 bravado, a kind of street pride that couldn't acknowledge defeat.


  • 第六,照了照浴室里的全身,侧脸一,一米八二的个头,一十岁的埃席勒的摸穿着干净的白衬衫,再这黑西装,穿着好像是要赴葬礼

    Step Six: look in full- length bathroom mirror and behold angular, wild-eyed 6’1“ ten-year-old Egon Schiele look- alike in clean shirt and funeral director suit.


  • 曼联球迷,曼联的球员们看到欢迎曼彻斯特来”的大广告牌,上面的特维斯映着一片天蓝色笑得跟花一灿烂。

    Like United's fans, the players clocked those "Welcome to Manchester" billboards featuring Tevez in sky blue.


  • 什么笔触什么色彩描绘青春图画

    What can I use the brush strokes, what kind of color to depict a picture of youth?


  • 今人读书厌恶有口无心

    Look at present study, a pair of sample, that she.


  • 这个女的根棍子又高又垂的黑发,脸庞清秀而苍白玳瑁架的眼镜

    The girl had a long, thin body, like a stick, straight black hair, a pale, thin face, and she wore horn-rimmed glasses.


  • 时空之外是不是落雨时候和落魄的形骸。

    Outside of time and space, is you also in dripped, the same as me, a deputy dethroned head.


  • 时空之外是不是落雨时候和落魄的形骸。

    Outside of time and space, is you also in dripped, the same as me, a deputy dethroned head.


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