• 单独放置需要进行药评估的药品(脉率血压)。

    Place all tablets or capsules requiring preadministration assessments (e. g. , pulse rate, blood pressure) in a separate cup.


  • 一认识评估潜伏油气潜力具有重要意义

    The idea of genetic types of reef petroliferous system have played an important role in pre-drilling appraisal of hydrocarbon potential for reef reservoir.


  • 正确诊断治疗评估避免误诊误治规范化治疗的关键。

    The correct diagnosis and the appraisal before treatment are importation for normative treatment, which can avoid misdiagnosis and mistreatment.


  • 如何做好投稿评估提高所投期刊命中率;如何正确把握投稿全过程

    And then elaborates how to assess the journals before paper submission in order to increase the percentage of paper adoption and how to command the whole process of submission.


  • 说明磁共振成像移植评估移植并发症早期发现非常重要作用。

    That MRI assessment has a very important value in evaluation pre-orthotopic liver transplantation and early detection of complications after transplantation.


  • 本文结合生产实际,介绍了利用资料评估值定性、定量进行压裂选层的方法

    In this paper, a new method based on the well test data and the pre hydraulic forecast production is developed.


  • 本文结合生产实际,介绍利用资料前评估值定性、定量进行压裂选层方法

    In this paper, a new method based on the well test data and the pre hydraulic forecast production is developed. The real field experiments show that the method is reliable and useful.


  • 我们这些测试,随着宠物老化作为基线麻醉评估检测长期药物用来评估生病动物

    We use these tests for baselines as pets age, pre-anesthetic evaluation, monitoring long term medications, as well as evaluating sick animals.


  • 培训后果评估指标体系的构建程中,采取培训评估指标、培训评估指标培训评估指标作为框架。

    Index system on training effect evaluation divided into evaluation index before training, evaluation index in training and evaluation after training.


  • 对新产品开发评估方法研究可以反过来促进新产品开发的创意阶段工作使产品开发创意更加明确

    The research on pre estimate methodology of new-product development can promote the work at the originality stage, making the ideas more clear.


  • 计划包含喜欢公司商业环境(不仅仅只是几名的公司)的评估

    My new plan included evaluating the types of firms and business environments I enjoy working in beyond just top-ranked corporations.


  • 决定用户密码明文发送给用户需要一下风险评估

    You need to do some risk assessment before deciding to E-mail cleartext passwords to users.


  • 应该选择es b对此进行仔细研究评估因为ESB可伸缩性需求密切相关

    You should carefully study and evaluate this before choosing the ESB, as this is closely related to the ESB's scalability requirements.


  • 这个早期阶段使用面向学习的评估方法估算几个迭代需要资源也是有用的。

    At this early stage, it may be useful to apply learning-oriented estimation to assess the resources required for the first few iterations.


  • 西雅图工程相似是,这里的项目也需要新的钻探技术包括上马巨型隧道掘进机(TBM)使用评估土质条件

    Similar to the Seattle project, this one required new drilling techniques, including the use of probe holes to assess ground conditions ahead of the huge tunnel-boring machines (TBM).


  • 这位财长同意四月建立指示指引”,以此指引评估国家国内对外平衡

    The ministers agreed to agree by April on a set of "indicative guidelines" which would be used to assess countries' domestic and external balances.


  • 中资银行提供贷款,是否能印度家庭一样仔细评估创业想法商业价值呢?

    And are Chinese Banks as good as Indian families at evaluating the business merits of an entrepreneur's idea before extending credit?


  • 个体引导关注事件自我评估,通过在提出问题要求项实践消息来源程序步骤来实现

    Self evaluation, conducted by the individual raising the concern, is accomplished through the procedural steps requesting two practices and sources before raising an issue.


  • 甚至可以定制系统使用SPT评估分区的系统是否真的能够支持构建的分区。

    You can even use SPT before ordering a system to evaluate if the partitioned system can indeed support what it is that you are trying to build.


  • 不过智利地震就收集大量图像信息,在评估过程当作比较数据使用。

    However, he said, Chile already has a wealth of pictorial information from before the earthquake that can be used as comparative data in the assessment process.


  • 零售商提高了发送信息频率。评估期内500强的零售商发出邮件了23%,其余的零售商发出的邮件数去年多了39%。

    The Top 500 retailers sent out 23 percent more email in the evaluation period, while the remaining retailers sent 39 percent more compared to the previous year.


  • 学术考试(其他学业评估)到学业考试,以及考试,考试焦虑都是较为普遍的问题

    A common problem, test anxiety occurs before, during or after an academic test or other evaluation for school or work.


  • 在进行任何治疗医生作出全面评估

    A complete assessment by a doctor should be made before trying any treatment.


  • IPCC已于今年早些时候发布了评估报告部分

    The two previous parts of the IPCC's assessment were released earlier this year.


  • 药品整个生命周期(批准阶段病人使用),都保持警惕,对药物存有的风险带来的益处进行评估

    Vigilant assessment of the risks and benefits of medicines applies throughout the life cycle of a medicine - from the pre-approval stage to use by patients.


  • 相反他们采取了“立体办法此法为患者评估那些符合主要诊断之外症状以及评估症状的严重程度

    Instead, they have adopted a "dimensional" approach, in which patients are assessed for symptoms besides those that match their principal diagnosis, as well as for the severity of their symptoms.


  • 我们进入两个评估技术解释,我们应该先了解一些关于评估模型的概念

    Before we leap into an explanation of the next two valuation techniques, we should be grounded in a few concepts regarding valuation models.


  • 屏幕显示数据库需要按照AUS一次评估刷新它们统计数据

    The screen shows the databases and the tables requiring refresh of the statistics based on the previous evaluation done by AUS.


  • 两组志愿者测试测试评估皱纹深度评估人员志愿者试用何种产品并不知情。

    The depth of their wrinkles was assessed before and after the treatments, and those assessing them were not told which product the women were using.


  • 两组志愿者测试测试评估皱纹深度评估人员志愿者试用何种产品并不知情。

    The depth of their wrinkles was assessed before and after the treatments, and those assessing them were not told which product the women were using.


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