• 决心退休最后痛痛快快地玩乐一

    He was determined to have one last fling before retiring.


  • 访问这座城市历史先研究

    She had boned up on the city's history before the visit.


  • 尖锐批评持屈从的态度。

    He resigned in the face of trenchant criticism of his policies.


  • 他们天生优越感来到非洲如同那个把一枚得可怜的硬币罐子温情地乞丐说教的绅士。

    Like the gentleman who fondly lectures the beggar before dropping a meager coin into his jar, they came to Africa with an innate sense of superiority.


  • 在上路尽可能预约导游,而如果打算乘马或者骆驼行,那就要事先讨价还价,有时候在行程结束还要再讨价还价一

    Make sure you book a tour guide before you go and, if you decide on a horse or camel ride, haggle over price beforehand. You may also have to haggle as you try to get off the ride.


  • 20相比记录灾难每年200件翻了一增长到了超过400件。

    Recorded disasters have doubled in number from 200 a year to more than 400 over the past two decades.


  • 当然不是第一采访的记者,坚持采访要先打扮穿上粉色裙子,戴着一个亮粉色的帽子。

    I was certainly not the first journalist to come to see her but she insisted on dressing up for the occasion, wearing a bright pink dress and a bright pink hat.


  • 请你上网找到在赴宴进行一推敲看看有什么酒在预算之内,然后在网上了解一下这些酒。

    Find it and study it before you go. See what fits into your budget and look up the wines online.


  • 公司称现在光顾修眉顾客有40%为男士,较了一

    Men, it said, now make up 40 percent of the visitors to its brow bars, double the proportion of a year ago.


  • 公司解雇一名IT顾问可能会犹豫

    Companies might hesitate before sacking an it adviser.


  • 截至到2008年,亚太地区旅游人数达到3.85亿人,几乎10了一

    By 2008, tourist arrivals to the Asia Pacific region had nearly doubled, to 385 million, from a decade earlier.


  • 不久一个社交网站上闲逛,当时在要是网站不这么沉寂多好可以blog上进行评论或者在社交型网络的个人资料里大肆吹嘘一

    A while ago, I looked around the social web and wished that it could be less static. Sure, you can leave a comment on a blog or write a text blurb on your social networking profile.


  • 据估计流动劳动人口一亿五千人左右,这总体人口的11.5%,较之十已经了一

    The current number of migrant workers is estimated at 150 million, or 11.5 per cent of the population, nearly double that of 10 years ago.


  • 预测,2050年乳制品消费翻一而且据说家畜产生甲烷世界温室

    Meat and dairy consumption is predicted to double by 2050 and methane from livestock is said to currently produce about 18 per cent of the world’s greenhouse gases.


  • Garrissa洪水时期相比,求诊人数翻了,在上周甚至增长了倍。

    The number of medical consultations in Garrissa have doubled and even tripled over the last week compared to the pre-flood period.


  • 你们中的一些人扬升遇到邀请进入他们飞船遨游一但是这个并不会发生每个人身上

    Some of you will meet before Ascension when you are invited aboard their craft, but that will not apply to everyone.


  • 同样学生们黑客松签下工作,先体验初创公司工作是什么感觉的理想渠道。

    Likewise, students say hackathons are an ideal way to test-drive the experience of working at a start-up before committing to a job.


  • 选美皇后们在选美会结束舞台一圈卖弄一

    The beauty queen showboat around the stage at the end of the show.


  • 女人倾向申请职位或是参加面试彻底研究

    Women tend to research thoroughly before applying for positions or attending interviews.


  • 里面穿梭感受了一最后深望一眼大海,决定启程回到镇上,看着小镇建筑物一点点在你眼变大直到在你身

    You middle about a bit more before deciding to head back, take one last look over the water, and turn back into town, watching the buildings slowly grow until they are right above you.


  • 男人知道女人总喜欢镜子很长时间打扮——不管是约会、一个重要工作场合还是场聚会,哪怕是参加葬礼,女人都要打扮一

    For most men it is a universal truth that women spend loads of time getting ready in front of the mirror, whether it is for a date, an important event at work, a social do or even a funeral.


  • 我把绘画年轻时其他东西一起放进了一个箱子里,要不是几天决定它们出来重新鉴赏一它们一直待那里。

    They've been in a box with other items from my early days, and they'd still be there if I hadn't decided to haul them out a few days ago for a reappraisal.


  • 不能告诉芭拉两个小时刚刚来和琳达一样的话

    I couldn't tell her that Barbara had come in two hours earlier to say the same thing about Linda.


  • 他们面对下一个敌人,凯巴布部落,他们带领对方的使者观摩了一他们制造的场。

    When they confronted the next tribe, the Kaibabs, they brought an emissary back to view the carnage.


  • 春天气候来临好好享乐

    To have a little fun before spring comes.


  • 春天气候来临好好享乐

    To have a little fun before spring comes.


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