• 五月一个明媚清晨悄然离开位于墨西哥州时髦温泉真理结果”(原名白兰鸽温泉镇),直奔东南面广袤沙漠。

    Early one clear, still morning this past May, I slipped out of the funky old hot-springs town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, and headed southeast into the high desert.


  • 今年这份民调九月十月进行,民调结果凸显了相关事情。

    Two related things stand out in the results of this year's poll, taken in September and early October.


  • 结果就是时装潮流变化非常明显80年代“强人装”90年代摇滚装”,再到近年的“保守潇洒装”。

    This has resulted in clear fashion trends, from the "power dressing" of the eighties, to "grunge" of the early nineties to conservative "chic" of recent years.


  • 结果利弊,美金英镑爆升,两个国家出口商造成问题并且加剧了1980年代经济衰退。

    The initial effects were mixed, with sharp appreciations of the dollar and pound causing problems for the two countriesexporters and exacerbating the recession of the early 1980s.


  • 结果这些卡通美国市场70年代就已枯竭灰心沮丧代理商甩手把他们的卡通打入日语有线电视频道

    Consequently, the American markets for these cartoons dried up in the early ’70s, and discouraged distributors dumped their cartoons on Japanese-language cable channels.


  • 至少上周,人们就已经预计杰克逊之死调查结果他杀。 当时对莫瑞医生展开的调查取得的警方搜查证证词提交给了法庭

    A homicide finding has been expected since at least early last week, when a police search-warrant affidavit arising from the investigation into Dr. Murray surfaced in court.


  • 结果他们,就是价格已经飙升以及2008建设热潮正在进行恢复是,就是Chanos其他人所说浪费和过度建设。

    A result, they say, has been soaring prices and a resumption of the building boom that was under way in early 2008 - one that Mr. Chanos and others have called wasteful and overdone.


  • 6一个发言人声称匈牙利的债务违约绝非危言耸听”.结果可以想象,福林大幅贬值,公债收益上涨图表)。

    In early June a spokesman for Mr Orban said it “wouldn’t be an exaggeration” to speak of default. Predictably, the forint tumbled and bond yields spiked (see chart).


  • 所有11候选人五月汉密尔顿参加面试,最终结果将于5月6日揭晓。

    All 11 hopefuls will be flown to Hamilton Island in early May for interviews, and one will be declared the winner on May 6.


  • 结果表明,轧制变形程度加热温度都是影响复合板结合强度主要因素。

    The results prove that the initial bonding strength mostly depends on total reduction and heating temperature of al.


  • 研究结果表明1. P - RE复合变质对过晶铝合金共晶硅具有良好变质和细化作用。

    The result indicated that: 1. P-RE combination modification can modify both the eutectic Si and primary Si of the hypereutectic Al-Si alloy at the same time.


  • 目的:旨在了解延长发酵培养时间各类样本大肠菌群检出结果影响

    Objective: To know the effect resulted from prolonging of primary fermentation time on coliform bacteria among different categories of samples.


  • 考虑到周末的情况,结果能够接受滴。

    Well, considering the way the weekend started out, I think the results were pretty reasonable.


  • 仿真结果表明,所提出的精确制导方法合理有效增加较小燃料消耗情况下,大大提高轨道拦截的制导精度

    The simulation results show that the precise initial guidance method is rational and efficient, and it can greatly improve the accuracy of orbit interception with an extra little fuel consuming.


  • 试验结果表明:在污水处理厂取消修建住宅取消化粪池污水处理厂稳定运行有益。

    The experimental results indicated as well that canceling primary sedimentation tank and cesspool when building houses would avail to stable running of sewage treatment plant.


  • 给出应力数值特征轴向压力圆柱临界值影响,给出数值结果

    The numerical result and the critical value's effect imposed by circumferential initial stress numerical character on cylindrical thin shell beard the press at axis.


  • 结果发急性心肌梗死年龄大、合并高血压糖尿病吸烟、梗死心绞痛患者发生梗死的机率大。

    Results People with initial infarction at older age, hypertension, diabetes, smoking and post infarction angina had more possibility of reinfarction.


  • 结果表明无菌土纸未灭菌自然盆栽复筛试验,从108辣椒疫霉拮抗放线菌中筛选出2株防效最佳的拮抗放线菌0108和0110。

    The result showed that 2 strains(0108 and 0110) were screened out via sterile soil and natural soil in pot experiments which had better control effect to pepper phytophthora blight.


  • 西汉时期刘向认为人性善恶之分,善恶后天教育环境影响结果,因此有人生修养的必要。

    Liu Xiang, born west Han Dynasty, thought that there was no distinction between good and evil about human nature, good or evil was the result of postnatal education and effect of surroundings.


  • 研究结果表明未燃煤固体质点形式分散内部,使粘度大大增加,渣熔体难以滴落;

    The result shows that the viscosity is greatly increased while the solid coal powder distributed in the inside of slag and result in poor separation of molten iron and slag.


  • 结果表明羽化种蚊虫淋巴蛋白质区带分别为915条822条

    The results showed that protein bends obtained from salivary gland and hemolymph of newly emerged two species mosquitoes were 9 and 15, 8 and 22 respectively.


  • 结果显示具有粘性良好低温储存稳定性成本低廉优点

    The result showed that this adhesive has advantage of high initial adhesive strength, good low temperature storage stability and low cost.


  • 最后采用ICP算法点云结果进行优化实现点云精确配

    Finally, by using ICP algorithm to modify the former result, the optimal registration can be achieved.


  • 结果表明:该胶粘剂粘结强度(尤其是粘强度)剥离强度明显提高

    The results showed that felting and peeling intension (especially early felting intension) of the adhesive were obviously advanced.


  • 结果表明反应,煤转化速度较快,氢反应温度提高对加快煤转化速度有利

    The results showed that during the initial stage of reaction, conversion rate was larger and the content of "oil" (include gases and water) in the product increased quick-ly.


  • 结果经过验证试验检出A型肉毒毒素

    Results: After screening and confirmatory tests, detect type a botulinum toxin in soybean paste.


  • 结果经过验证试验检出A型肉毒毒素

    Results: After screening and confirmatory tests, detect type a botulinum toxin in soybean paste.


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