• 初期实现是以第一项必需技术为基础建立起来的,但是引入其他技术无法模板结合。

    The initial implementation was based around the first required technology, but other technologies introduced later didn't fit perfectly with the template.


  • 1980年代初期室内购物中心牢固融入了美国文化

    By the early 1980s indoor shopping centres were woven tightly into American culture.


  • 且不说2008年发布了365种产品,也不说今年一季度新产品达到120个,他们仍然深深相信:搜索,从整体上上,仍然处在初期

    Despite releasing over 365 products in 2008, and 120 in the first quarter of this year alone, they are convinced that search as a whole has yet to breach its infancy.


  • 19世纪初期这个国家开立第一批高等学府,大多数国家早得多

    The country's first modern schools opened in the early 19th century, far earlier than in most of the region.


  • 销售事业初期卖力销售,但是不能真正的清楚问题何在。

    In the beginning of my selling career I struggled selling and couldn't really figure out what the problem was.


  • 虽然研究处于初期这项技术可能得到扩展如让AF M探针阵列高效迅速石墨烯薄片上刻写电路

    While the research is still in its early days, it is possible that the new technique could be extended so that arrays of AFM tips rapidly write circuits at high rates across graphene wafers.


  • 或许确切欺骗研究初期甚至明白“欺骗回路这么清楚的种是否甚至存在

    It's probably true to say that deception research is in its very early days and its not even clear whether such things as distinct 'deception circuits' even exist.


  • 然而除了在初期阶段之外,光吸收数值不能反应氧化程度

    However, the magnitude of the absorbance does not correlate well with the degree of oxidation EXCEPT in the early stages.


  • 但是市场调查初期设计评审目标之一就是建立完善器械要求规格以最大程度减少后续变更

    However, one goal of market research and initial design reviews is to establish complete device requirements and specifications that will minimize subsequent changes.


  • 段婚姻关系初期夫妻们经常可以毫不费力进行最大限度的沟通

    In the beginning of a relationship partners often communicate effortlessly and at length.


  • 米煞应该已经有了一份清晰分析揭露了斯巴达计划初期儿童免疫系统疾病导致的死亡案例完全不自然分布规律尤其是殖民

    Mshak: You should have a clear breakdown that exposes the blatantly unnatural pattern of child autoimmune deaths on the beginning of the SPARTAN-Program, particularly in the Outer Colonies.


  • 目前对于脑卒中康复初期痉挛阶段偏瘫病人治疗师单一运用中控转移压法进行治疗

    At present, therapists usually apply single transfer of control key points or pull of inhibitory points to treat hemiplegia patients in the early CVA rehabilitation spasticity stage.


  • 古风时代初期通过“居统一”运动确立的。

    It was established by synoecism early in the Archaic period.


  • 上世纪70年代初期服完兵役之后,很明显就是一新的社会热切朝我们走来。

    By the early '70s when I'd gotten out of the service it was very clear that this new society was coming in earnest.


  • 结论青光眼术后初期及时发现滤过功能减退征象及时准确进行持续辅助治疗眼球按摩其疗效的关键时期

    Conclusion it is crucial that signs of decreasing filtering functions be detected and accessory treatment, such as eyeball massage, be given during the initial period after filtering surgery.


  • 用泥作底床对于水草来说好处在建初期提供充足的养分,因为初期缸里往往没有多少,即便床上也不能积累足够的便便。

    They help the plants get established initially and supply nutrients that are other wise lacking in the beginning before many fish are added and the tank has had a chance to accumulate waste.


  • 现在看来太阳系初期行星小行星首次形成深深延伸进入区域

    It now appears when the asteroids and planets were first forming in the very early Solar System ice extended far into the Main Belt region.


  • 油田开发初期,利用现有经验公式可以简便预测油田的原油采收率

    During early stage of oilfield development, recovery factor of a field can be estimated by empirical formulas.


  • 第一(1906)明显体现米拉玛海滩经常出现形态学类型学特征怀旧语言20世纪初期浪漫的形象为特点。

    The first phase (1906) is marked by a morphology and typology usual in Miramar Beach, characterized by the nostalgic language and romantic image of the early twentieth century.


  • 试验结果表明这种方法能有效诊断滚动轴承故障初期故障很敏感。

    Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective in bearing defect detection and sensitive to incipient defects.


  • 九十年代初期服装品牌就如雨后春笋茂盛起来于是服装品牌代理业务经过行业不断洗牌调整也发展壮大起来了。

    Since the early nineties, clothing brands, such as lush sprung up, so the clothing brand agency business industry continues to shuffle through adjustments to grow up.


  • 上个世纪初期需要一块但是现在个人就可以照料1000麦田

    Whereas farming a field might have taken a crew or family of a dozen back in the early 1900's today one man can tend 1000's of fields of wheat.


  • 日常生活中很多癫痫病患病初期没有得到良好重视控制渐渐造成病情恶化我们尽可能的杜绝一现象的发生。让更多的癫痫患者及早走向康复。

    In daily life, many epilepsy early in the disease has not been a good attention and control, gradually causing disease progression, we have to eliminate as much as possible of this phenomenon.


  • 开发区初期阶段较多体现了出口加工区特点

    They had much more characteristics of export processing zones (EPZs) in their incipient stage.


  • 在这个项目设计初期阶段,我们就已经决定钢筋混凝土粘土砖建筑结构把结构大方展示出来,这么做希望能够商业建筑中展现建筑工艺质感

    The design decision to use RCC with bricks and display the structure was taken at an early stage of design to achieve a sense of craft in a commercial building.


  • 他们暗示由于已婚者医生的次数较多,所以可能在患病初期诊断出病情,而且他们因为了配偶支持,也能更好配合治疗

    They also suggested that married people are probably diagnosed earlier as they tend to visit the doctor more and may comply better with treatment as they have a to support them.


  • 病害发生初期发生期施用多菌灵、退菌特等可有效防治病害

    These disease injuries can be effectively controlled by application of Derosal and Tuzet and other bactericides in its early occurrence phase or occurrence phase.


  • 病害发生初期发生期施用多菌灵、退菌特等可有效防治病害

    These disease injuries can be effectively controlled by application of Derosal and Tuzet and other bactericides in its early occurrence phase or occurrence phase.


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