• 英美刑法中的严格责任不仅既存法律现象,同时也是具有相当理论深度重大实践价值的一刑事法律制度

    Britain and the United States criminal Code of strict liability is not only a phenomenon existing laws, but also have considerable depth theoretical and practical value of a major criminal law system.


  • 军事刑法独特价值取向决定了军事刑法应当突出国家军事利益保护

    Military Penal Code determines the unique values of the country should focus on protecting the interests of the military.


  • QQ号码具有客观上可管理可支配性,具有经济价值刑法意义财物”,可以成为盗窃罪犯罪对象

    The QQ numbers are objectively manageable and governable with economic values, which means they belongs to the "property" in Criminal Law and might become the object in the crime of stealing.


  • 阐述刑法扩张解释概念分类、扩张解释存在根据价值

    Elaborated the concept and categorize of amplified interpretation, amplified interpretation existent of basis and value.


  • 第二部分介绍我国没收财产问题着重分析没收财产刑对刑法原则价值违背

    The second section describes the issue of China's criminal forfeiture of property, focusing on analysis of the confiscation of property penalties for a breach of criminal law principles and values.


  • 刑法理论上研究身份无论是行为人定罪还是量刑,都具有很大的理论价值实践意义

    Theoretical studies about the status crime have theoretical value and practical significance to conviction and the measurement of penalty for the behavior.


  • 牵连刑法理论实践一个重要且具有实务价值课题也是刑法理论与刑事司法中的疑难问题之一

    The study of implicated offender is not only a subject of important and practical value, but also one of the problems in criminal law theory and criminal justice.


  • 不仅混同了“事实价值”的区别忽视刑法评价过程由表及里形式实质层次性

    Not only this has confused "the fact" and "the value" difference, also has neglected in the criminal law appraisal process from outside to inside, from the form to the substantive hierarchical.


  • 原则司法实现前提价值准确把握

    The prerequisite for judicial implementation of the principle of legality is precise mastery of its value.


  • 现行刑法虽然惩治合同诈骗犯罪提供了法律依据但是司法实践中,如何正确区分合同诈骗罪合同纠纷中的民事欺诈行为,探讨价值的问题。

    Present Criminal Law also provides law gist for punishing this crime. But it is worth discussing so as to correctly distinguish civil cheat in the crime of contract take-in and contract dissension.


  • 数额就是刑法明文规定表明犯罪社会危害程度表示人数量、行为次数、物品数量或者物品经济价值量的数额为犯罪构成要件的犯罪。

    The crime of amount is a kind of crime prescribed in the Criminal Law and is able to indicate the degree of harm done to the society.


  • 二者关系采取有限相关原则,能够在兼顾实行性的基础上最大限度实现刑法人权保障价值追求。

    About the relationship between the two things, principle of relevance not only can be put into practice easily but also can do good to guarantee freedom and human rights.


  • 实现刑法规范明确性概括性立法稳定性和司法可操作性的和谐平衡犯罪数额立法的价值目标。

    The legislation of the amount of crime is to look for the harmony and balance between the clear-out and generalization of the crime law? The steady of legislation and the operation of commanding.


  • 犯罪行为犯罪意图两个方面英美法系国家和地区刑法诈骗罪构成条件加以比较,对推进我国诈骗罪理论研究颇具参考价值

    The paper compares the constitutive requirements of the crime of swindling in Anglo-American law system from the two aspects of criminal deed and criminal intention.


  • 犯罪行为犯罪意图两个方面英美法系国家和地区刑法诈骗罪构成条件加以比较,对推进我国诈骗罪理论研究颇具参考价值

    The paper compares the constitutive requirements of the crime of swindling in Anglo-American law system from the two aspects of criminal deed and criminal intention.


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