• 第一刑事证明标准概念功能

    The first chapter is about the concept and function of criminal proof standard.


  • 章在分析我国刑事证明标准现状缺陷基础提出了我国刑事证明标准规则建构建议

    This chapter analyzed the current situation and defects of criminal proof standard, then based on which proposed recommendations on reconstruction of criminal proof standard rules in our country.


  • 我国刑事诉讼法关于证明标准规定仍欠完善传统证明标准理论存在诸多不足。论文从诉讼规律出发,结合各国相关的法律规定,探讨了我国刑事证明标准体系的完善问题。

    The regulations on testification standard in China's Criminal Procedural Law is not perfect, and there are also many shortcomings in the theory of traditional standards of testification.


  • 证明标准逮捕条件中的核心问题我国刑事诉讼法相关司法解释一问题作出明确界定

    Standard of testification is a core problem in arrestment conditions. However in our country's criminal procedure law and relevant judicial interpretations, this problem is not clearly defined.


  • 证明标准问题,一直以来是刑事诉讼中的热点难点方面,学界展开激烈争论,最后仍达成一致的共识。

    Prove standards have been the highlights and difficulties in criminal procedure theories. Academic circles have been discussing them for a long time, but no agreements have been made any more.


  • 较为具体阐释了大陆法系国家内心确信证明标准以及德国意大利的几种刑事简易程序中的适用情况。

    This chapter interprets mainly the proof standards of innermost definition in civil law countries, and its applications in simple criminal proceedings in Germany and Italy.


  • 刑事诉讼证明程序证明标准一个概念,该概念实体证明标准并列。

    The procedural standard of proof is a new concept in the criminal procedure, and both of the procedural standard of proof and the substantive standard of proof are all important.


  • 文章简要阐述刑事诉讼证明标准特征,对各种有代表性观点进行了评析,并提出实体真实证明标。

    By comparing and analyzing some views on this subject, author provides a new idea that substantive truth should be the standard of proof in the criminal procedure.


  • 刑事诉讼证明标准分为客观证明标准主观证明标准多元化证明标准一元化证明标准

    Proof standards in the criminal procedure can be classified into objective proof standards and subjective proof standards, diversified proof standards and centralized proof standards.


  • 我国死刑案件证明标准目前采用普通刑事案件相同证明标准不利于被告人生命和自由的保障

    This article first analyzes the problems of proving standard for death penalty cases and then explains the current proving standard and suggests that the standard should be enhanced.


  • 全文分为五个部分第一介绍刑事诉讼证明标准概念内涵相邻范畴之间作了比较分析。

    The full text is divided into five parts. The first chapter introduces the conception and connotation of criminal procedural testification standard, and compares it with similar categories.


  • 刑事诉讼由于诉讼阶段不同,认识层次阶段任务有所差异,就决定了在不同的刑事诉讼阶段适用不同的证明标准

    Because there are different stages in the criminal procedure and each stage has its own tasks, the standard of proof should also be of vareties.


  • 与有罪判决证明标准相比,刑事起诉标准存在种模式,一种二者相同模式,另一种是前者高于后者模式。

    The prosecution proof standard and the prosecution standard are not the identical conception, the prosecution standard must measure the public interests and the criminal policy.


  • 证明标准贯穿整个证明过程始终根金线,是刑事诉讼基础核心,侦查人员必须将以证据核心侦查观念贯穿于整个侦查过程。

    The standard of proof throughout the entire certification process is always the one golden thread, and is the basis and the core for criminal proceedings.


  • 虽然我国刑事诉讼法明确刑事诉讼证明标准但是实践中存在诸多问题不好操作

    Though has defined the identification standard of criminal suit in criminal procedure law of our country, but a great deal of problems still exist in practice, not easy to operate.


  • 治理不当审讯,应对不同强制措施之下审讯时空进行严格限制降低刑事拘留逮捕证明标准侦查机关目标考核制度进行结构性调整。

    To eradicate the improper interrogation, we shall limit the conditions of the interrogation, lower the demands of arrest and detention, and systematically reform the target assessment system.


  • 治理不当审讯,应对不同强制措施之下审讯时空进行严格限制降低刑事拘留逮捕证明标准侦查机关的目标考核制度进行结构性调整。

    To eradicate the improper interrogation, we shall limit the conditions of the interrogation, lower the demands of arrest and detention, and systematically reform the target


  • 治理不当审讯,应对不同强制措施之下审讯时空进行严格限制降低刑事拘留逮捕证明标准侦查机关的目标考核制度进行结构性调整。

    To eradicate the improper interrogation, we shall limit the conditions of the interrogation, lower the demands of arrest and detention, and systematically reform the target


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