• 笔者认为宏观角度而言刑事证据特权规则保护基本社会关系

    From a macroscopic perspective, the author believes what the rules of criminal evidence and privilege in criminal proceedings protect are the fundamental social relations.


  • 侦查线索法庭证据有效契合,应当成为心理测试结论刑事证据体系中的真正归宿

    Therefore, the effective combination of clues of investigation and court evidences should be the end-result of mental test conclusion in the system of penal evidence.


  • 侦查线索法庭证据有效契合,应当成为心理测试结论刑事证据体系中的真正归宿

    Therefore, the effective combination of clues of investigation and court evidences should be the end-result of mental test conclusion in the system of penal ev…


  • 作为控辩式刑事诉讼基本制度之一刑事证据展示制度,其制度设置理应符合程序公正的价值追求。

    The criminal lawsuits evidence show system, which is one of the basic systems of accusing and defending criminal lawsuit, should be in agreement with the requirement of procedure justice.


  • 第二部分实际操作角度探讨我国刑事证据开示制度存在问题完善刑事证据开示制度专有程序必要性

    The second part explores on the existing problems of our criminal evidence discovery from a pragmatic view and on the necessity of the completion of such a proprietary criminal procedure.


  • 分析我国刑事证据出示现状出发阐述了建立我国刑事证据出示规则的现实意义提出了建立我国刑事证据出示规则的构想。

    The essay is based on the analysis of nowadays situation of disclosing of criminal evidence, and it expounds practical significance of establishing disclosure of criminal evidence.


  • 为保障正当程序,刑事证据规则体系规范证据能力规则为主干,以当事人主要调整对象,注意证据规则诉讼规则配套设置。

    We should put forward the standardization of the witness ability system, adjust the parties chiefly and pay more attention to the collocation of witness regulation and litigation regulation.


  • 文章刑事证据法学角度,阐述电子证据特点法定形式以及电子证据成为刑事证据的必要性以期我国电子证据制度的完善有所裨益。

    This article discusses its traits, legal form and necessary to be criminal proof in order to be good for electronic proof system in our country.


  • 文章刑事证据法学角度,阐述电子证据特点法定形式以及电子证据成为刑事证据的必要性以期我国电子证据制度的完善有所裨益

    Its form is different from traditional proofs largely. This article discusses its traits, legal form and necessary to be criminal proof in order to be good for electronic proof system in our country.


  • 判定没有充分的证据提起刑事诉讼

    He decided there was insufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings.


  • 联阿援助团酷刑目的获取信息口供阿富汗刑事审判中,信息和口供往往唯一证据

    UNAMA said the torture aimed to obtain information and confessions, which it said are often the sole form of evidence submitted in Afghan criminal trials.


  • 感觉快要找出袭击穆萨父女幕后元凶了,他正在搜集无可辩驳证据打算国际刑事法庭呈交这些证据

    He felt that he was on the verge of identifying who had ordered the hit on the Musas, and was collecting irrefutable proof, which he intended to present at the International Criminal Court.


  • 英国不同,苏格兰刑事案件中保留证据不足判决,眼下令人不快景象正是由洛克比案的此种审判结果所带来的。

    Unlike the English, the Scots retain a "not proven" verdict in their criminal courts, and the unappealing prospect in sight is of this being the effective outcome of the Lockerbie case.


  • 如果法庭认为足够证据审判班加,国际刑事法庭2002年开始运作以来一起审判。

    If the court finds there is enough evidence against Lubanga to warrant a full trial it would be the first at the I. C. C. since it started work in 2002.


  • 例如刑事审判中能够出示哪些证据受到有关保护财产不受非法搜查没收的《第四条修正案》制约的。

    What evidence may be used in a criminal case, for example, is governed by the protections against unlawful search and seizure established in the Fourth Amendment.


  • 国际刑事法庭法官对奥卡姆提交证据进行评估然后决定是否发布逮捕令

    Judges at the ICC are evaluating the evidence submitted by Moreno-Ocamp and will decide whether to issue the arrest warrants.


  • 喀土穆指责这些慈善组织国际刑事法庭提供证据,不过这些组织予以否认

    Khartoum accuses the groups of giving evidence to the court, a charge the charities deny.


  • 刑事鉴识科专家经常犯罪现场实验室工作分析dna手印武器以及其他犯罪证据有时候他们也需要出庭作证。

    Forensic scientists often work in crime scene LABS, analyzing DNA, fingerprints, weapons, and other evidence, and sometimes testifying in court.


  • 证据开示成为我国刑事诉讼面临一个十分突出的、可能妨碍诉讼公正和诉讼效率迫切问题

    Disclosure of evidence has turned into an urgent and prominent issue for our penal litigation, which will probably hinder the justice of litigation and the efficiency of it.


  • 证据显示,据信从国防部INNSWORTH基地安全区被盗硬盘数据刑事罪犯敌对分子盯上

    There is no evidence to suggest that the information held on the hard drive believed to have been stolen from the secure... site at MoD Innsworth has been targeted by criminal or hostile elements.


  • 第四部分着重分析了我国刑事审判建立品格证据规则必要性可行性具体制度建构

    The section four mainly discussed the necessary and possibility of establishing Chinese character evidence rules in the criminal justice, and posed a concrete designing idea about the rules.


  • 我国随着刑诉法实施,在刑事审判环节辩护人只能在法院看到主要证据复印件看不到全部证据材料

    With the enforcement of new criminal procedure law in China, a counsel can look through only the duplicate copy of major evidence instead of all the evidence materials in criminal link.


  • 本文以一比较法的视角旨在厘清我国刑事诉讼中言词证据内涵、范围特点及其证据规则体系

    From the perspective of comparative law, this article aims at making clear the connotation, scope, character and evidence regulation system of Chinese criminal procedure.


  • 见证人是否参与刑事见证侦查笔录证据证据能力证明影响进行分别论述

    Involved in the criminal testimony from the witness whether the transcripts of evidence, the evidence on the ability to detect and prove the impact of power separately.


  • 品格证据规则核心在于避免品格证据刑事审判产生偏见案件事实的客观发现所造成的消极影响从而提高审判的准确性

    The function of character evidence rules is to avoid those negative impacts that produced by the prejudice in the criminal progress, and to improve the accuracy of trial.


  • 品格证据规则核心在于避免品格证据刑事审判产生偏见案件事实的客观发现所造成的消极影响从而提高审判的准确性

    The function of character evidence rules is to avoid those negative impacts that produced by the prejudice in the criminal progress, and to improve the accuracy of trial.


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