• 符号几何规划(SGP)问题经常出现工程设计管理中。

    Signomial geometric programming (SGP) problems often occur in engineering design and management.


  • 本文提出了结合椭球算法仿算术方法求解鲁棒性几何规划

    A new method that combines the ellipsoid method and affine arithmetic is presented.


  • 表明遵循几何规划形式超高速碰撞模型可以进行综合非线性设计优化

    Results show that global nonlinear design optimization can be performed for hypervelocity impact models that follow the Geometric Programming form.


  • 本文内燃机汽门弹簧进行优化设计,采用了约束定式几何规划对偶

    The present paper introduces the optimized design of valve springs of the internal-combustion engine by the duality method of the geometric programming with the positive term equations of constraint.


  • 同时利用信息论中的不等式直接证明最小交互熵就是对偶几何规划解;

    Then, using the inequality of information theory, the paper directly proved that the minimum cross-entropy solution is exactly the dual geometric programming solution.


  • 本文应用几何规划理论方法处理磁流体发电装置燃烧产物组分计算问题。

    The principles and methods of geometric programming are adopted to deal with the calculation of compositions of combustion products in MHD system.


  • 变量组合法进行改进,使困难几何规划对偶变量分离问题简单

    The improvement to the method of variable combination makes the problem of dual variable separation in geometric programming with a multi difficulty degree simple and easy to solve.


  • 压力容器螺柱组联接优化设计采用约束正负定式几何规划迭代法

    The iteration of geometric programming with constraint positive negative term equations is applied to the optimal design for bolted tight connections used in pressure vessels.


  • 几何规划求解非线性规划问题的一个有效方法方法成功地用于工程优化设计

    Geometric programming is a effective method for solving nonlinear programming. This method has been successfully used in optimization design of engineering.


  • 本文采用几何规划方法船舶的箱形剖面舱口进行最小重量设计,求得了解析最优

    In this paper, minimum weight design of a hatch cover of box cross section is made by geometric programming. The analytic optimal solution is obtained.


  • 简要介绍评价舰武器系统性能指数种特殊的非线性规划方法——几何规划方法。

    In this paper, a optimization method of naval gun weapon system performance is presented based on the polynomial mode of power index method and the solutions concision geometry programming method.


  • 系统地讨论代数多项式算术-几何均值定理原型几何规划理论作出了简明推导分析

    This paper discussed the theorem of the average arithmetic geometric mean of algebraic polynomials systematically, then derived and analyzed the original geometric programming (GP) briefly.


  • 基于此,找到特殊规划简单易行有效算法几何规划研究具有重要理论意义应用价值

    So, if we can find some simple and cushy efficient algorithm of this special programming, it will produce important theoretical significance and applied value for studying on geometric programming.


  • 集约几何规划应用连续刚架的主体优化设计计算了跨连续梁和门式钢框架,均得到满意结果

    A reducible geometric programming is applied to general design of optimum continual beam and frame. Two span beam and steel door-frame are calculated and give satisfactory results.


  • 在给定的约束条件下,几何规划算法可以全局性高效解决电感各竞争目标品质因数面积之间优化折中问题。

    This algorithm can globally and efficiently solve the tradeoffs between the inductor competing objectives, such as the quality factor and the area.


  • 对使用几何规划进行灵敏度分析实用算法进行了改进,提高了计算准确度几何规划的灵敏度分析成功地用于结构优化设计中。

    The practical algorithm of sensitivity analysis of geometric programming is improved to reduce calculation error, and this method is applied in structure optimal design.


  • 尊重城市规划总则该地块的地形,严格死板几何体块当代设计

    It respects the positioning dictated by urban planning rules, has a rigorous but not rigid geometry, and a contemporary design.


  • 根据该技术的检测原理,从几何光学的角度建立了孔径规划模型给出了模型数值求解具体方法。

    Based on the testing principle, a subaperture layout model was established with geometry optics theory, and the numerical solving method was provided in detail.


  • 本文机器人任务空间几何结构出发,对任务空间轨迹规划进行了总结

    The task space trajectory planning for robots is reviewed and analyzed based on the geometric structure of task space.


  • 算法CAD模型分割建造几何特征提取生产车间以及机器人运动轨迹规划方面都有很高应用价值

    The algorithm have large application value in the many fields such as models partition, constructing, geometric character distilling in CAD, the manufacture shop and robot motion track planing.


  • 系统几何建模运动学建模及路径规划部分构成。

    The system consists of three parts: geometric modeler, kinematic modeler and path planer.


  • 参数曲线高速数控补时,进速度规划需要综合考虑机床动力学特性曲线几何特征限制。

    Velocity planning for curved path interpolation in high CNC machining should be bounded by both dynamic properties of the machine tool and the geometrical properties of the curved path.


  • 一个几何景观规划设计由于工作男子工程

    It is a geometric landscape, planned and designed, the result of the work of men's hands and engineering.


  • 三维几何约束求解对于装配设计、装配工艺规划并行工程等多个领域的研究具有重要意义

    D geometric constraints solving has important significance for assembly modeling, assembly process planning and concurrent engineering.


  • 微分几何矢量分析工具,提出了复杂曲面加工路径规划方法

    Using differential geometry and vector analysis, a new tool-path generation method for freeform surface machining is presented.


  • 分析离心压气机叶轮几何结构特点加工工艺,并此基础上规划叶轮精加工刀具轨迹

    Based on the geometry characteristic and processing technique of centrifugal compressor impeller, the tool path of rough and finish machining are scheduled.


  • 研究解决了基于工作空间焊接机器人无碰撞轨迹规划问题的有效途径几何图形法。

    In this paper, an effective geometry-graphics method based on Euclid space for welding robot collision-free trajectory planning is studied.


  • 作者基于分析建立加工曲面型面几何偏差与加工规划参数关系提出几何误差的控制方法

    This paper presents the methods to control geometrical errors based on the establishing of the link between geometrical errors and the parameters of tool path planning.


  • 计划赞同两个城市电网本身规范地区城市规划,这些新的解释生成网格校园几何复杂性

    The plan aligns itself with the two urban grids that regulate the town planning of the area and the new interpretation of these grids generates the geometrical complexity of the campus.


  • 取得结果不仅直接应用路径规划算法设计实现而且应用于计算几何中相关问题求解

    The obtained results can not only been applied to the design and implementation of algorithm for avoidance obstacle path planning, but also been used to solve the problems of computational geometry.


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