• 这个新的国家科学基金网络吸引了越来越多的机构用户其中很多都有自己内部网络

    This new NSF network attracted more and more institutional users, many of which had their own internal networks.


  • 获得对冲基金内部文件之后,他们分析了18个月来66位日间交易员发送所有即时信息

    After getting access to the internal files of the hedge fund, they analyzed every IM sent by 66 day traders over an 18-month period.


  • 审判提供认为该行业最大受尊敬基金之一内部一瞥。

    The trial afforded a glimpse inside what used to be one of the industry's largest and most respected funds.


  • 早前2004年成立一只规模更小中国基金已经产生了高达33%内部回报率

    An earlier, smaller China fund, set up in 2004, has generated a respectable internal rate of return of 33%, however.


  • 不少已经购买保险基金回过头来检查保险单查看内部交易是否也包含在内增加保险限额

    Many funds that already have insurance policies are reviewing them to make sure insider trading is covered, and are increasing their policy limits.


  • 截至3月,2005年基金内部回报率(IRR)为- 34.3%。

    Its 2005 fund had a net internal rate of return (IRR) of -34.3% as of March.


  • 这并不奇怪无论出于何种理由也不管基金经理判断如何,对于投资者而言,内部回报率都一个差劲的指标。

    Not surprisingbut whatever the reason, or the fund manager's judgment, the IRR is a poor guide to the investor.


  • Storebrand期望将Web服务用到Storebrand银行基金业务单元其它业务领域中,可以这些地方减少内部操作成本

    Storebrand also expects that web services will be utilized in other business areas within Storebrand Bank and Storebrand Funds business units to reduce internal operating costs there as well.


  • 美国三大事件使金融危机话题重登媒体头版:对冲基金---帆船集团内部交易而接受法院审判

    Three events in America will bring the financial crisis back to the headlines: Galleon, a hedge fund, goes on trial for insider dealing;


  • Steer世行亚齐管理多边信托基金经验凸显捐助社会内部协调的必要性

    Steer says the Bank's experience in Aceh in managing a multi donor trust fund has also highlighted the need for co-ordination within the donor community.


  • 同时SEC宣称将大幅增加4个热点领域调查内部交易对冲基金次级借贷、倒签期权日期市政金融

    The SEC, meanwhile, reports a big increase in investigations in four areas of interest for enforcers: insider trading and hedge funds; subprime lending; options backdating; and municipal finance.


  • Permira2006年份基金内部回报率实在低可怜,今年3月31日公布业绩时仅为 -25%。

    The internal rate of return (IRR) of its 2006 vintage fund was a miserable -25% on March 31st.


  • 美国证券交易委员会――报道介入MovieGallery案件中――称对冲基金内部交易处于其“重点关注。”

    America's Securities and Exchange Commission—which is reported to be looking into the Movie Gallery case—describes insider trading by hedge funds as beingof significant concern”.


  • 1993年,k基金将英国最差当代艺术家奖颁给了Rachel Whiteread,她水泥浇铸屋子内部

    In 1993 (see article) the K Foundation honoured Rachel Whiteread, an artist who cast the inside of a terraced house in concrete, with the title of Britain's worst contemporary artist.


  • 本周Lacker金融市场内部自身波动并不要求改变联邦基金利率目标值

    Financial-market volatility, in and of itself, does not require a change in the target federal funds rate, ” said Mr Lacker this week.


  • 但是摩根大通一位内部人士不得不剥离高桥,这个大型套头基金(hedge - fund)公司糟糕的。

    But having to divest Highbridge, a big hedge-fund firm, would be "horrible", says a JPMorgan insider.


  • Yandex主要内部股东包括俄罗斯私募股权公司BaringVostok (IPO前持股24.17%)美国对冲基金TigerGlobal(持股2.76%)。

    Major inside shareholders include Russian private equity firm Baring Vostok (24.17% pre-IPO stake) and U.S. hedge fund Tiger Global (2.76%).


  • 使我们机构反映这个时代现实我们国际货币基金组织内部新兴经济体承担更多责任,赋予它们大的发言权

    To make our institutions reflect the reality of our times, we will shift more responsibility to emerging economies within the International Monetary Fund, and give them a greater voice.


  • 但是传统看法为了应对目前行业动荡对冲基金需要强力的内部控制合作者守口如瓶

    But conventional wisdom is that hedge funds need the tight control and secrecy of partnerships in order to cope with the turbulence of their industry.


  • 合规官员雇用以及内部运作更多支出成为财务负担尤其是基金募集艰难时候

    Hiring a compliance officer and spending more on internal operations will be a financial burden, particularly at a time when fund-raising is difficult.


  • 熟悉基金内部争论一位官员表示中国的这基金目前尚未决定什么面貌出现在世人面前。

    China's fund has yet to decide what accounts it should publish, according to an official familiar with its internal debates.


  • 内部人士正是其反对国际货币基金组织希腊救援计划中起到作用的原因之一

    Insiders say this is one reason why he has opposed a bigger role for the IMF in rescue plans for Greece.


  • 基金组织内部人员说道围绕资本流动措施框架谈判具有争议的以至于一个参与者都不会忘记”。绝对如此的。

    A fund insider says that negotiations around the new framework on capital-flow measures were "the most contentious that any staffer can remember". It shows.


  • 1980年去年年底所有风险资本基金终身平均内部回报率为5.5%,而全部收购公司内部回报率14.4%。

    The average internal rate of return over the life of all venture capital funds since 1980 until the end of last year was 5.5 per cent, against 14.4 per cent for all buyout firms.


  • 2008年,卡恩曾因下属有染面临国际货币基金组织内部调查

    Already, in 2008, he faced an internal IMF investigation into an affair with a fellow member of staff.


  • 一如过去国际货币基金组织所证明的,由外部机构推动强制变革让那些从内部选出政客们来推行容易得

    As the IMF has proved, it is often a lot easier for an outside body to impose tough changes than it is for locally elected politicians.


  • 一如过去国际货币基金组织所证明的,由外部机构推动强制变革让那些从内部选出政客们来推行容易得

    As the IMF has proved, it is often a lot easier for an outside body to impose tough changes than it is for locally elected politicians.


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