• 尺度折射指数结构参数概率分布及其计算通量平均值值的应用。

    Probability Distributions for the Inner Scale and the Refractive Index Structure Parameter and Their Implications for Flux Averaging.


  • 最后讨论内尺度模型归一化强度协方差函数湍流强度变化情况。

    Finally, the variation of the normalized covariance function of intensity with different strengths of turbulence under zero inner model is discussed in detail.


  • 举例给出了有限湍流尺度情况下平面波球面闪烁指数通用表达式。

    Plane and spherical waves in the cases of zero and non-zero turbulence inner scale are given as examples for illustration of the general behaviors of scintillation indices.


  • 数值计算实测结果表明: 速度起伏不仅使时间相关减小而且使频谱尺度减小。

    The numerical calculation and experimental results show that temporal correlation decreases more rapidly and inner scale of frequency spectrum gets smaller due to turbulent evolution.


  • BDD第二由外至的、基于拉动的、多利益相关者的、多尺度的、高度自动化的敏捷方法

    BDD is a 2nd generation, outside-in, pull-based, multiple-stakeholder, multiple-scale, high-automation, Agile methodology.


  • 这些尺度有助于识别应用程序作用作用域外需要关注问题所在

    These metrics assist in identifying problem areas requiring attention either within or outside the scope of the application.


  • 我们描述创建一个从1X尺度范围;并且在这个范围每个描述打分。

    A scale of 1 to X is created for each of the statements; we give each statement a score within this range.


  • 对于自己喜欢事情要有尺度就意味着可能每天活动时间上保持平衡但是可以一周或者保持平衡

    Making space for the things you love doing may mean that truly balancing your activities and time each day is impossible.But you can also balance over the course of a week, or a month, or a year.


  • 一些研究者转而把目光投向其特别出现纳米尺度范围光学效果解决这个难题

    Some researchers are turning to exotic optical effects that emerge at the nanoscale to solve this conundrum.


  • 就是宇宙尺度范围的“撞了就”。

    IT'S hit-and-run on a cosmic scale.


  • 科罗拉多州园石国家标准技术研究所的James Chin -Wen Chou带领了一个研究团队原子时钟显示更为常见尺度范围相对论对时间影响

    Of the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado, led a team that used atomic clocks to show the effects of relativity at more familiar scales.


  • 纳米技术就是纳米尺度范围,设法组成物质开发应用的技术。

    Nanotechnology is a new comprehensive system which products new substances and exploits new applied technology in nanometer scale.


  • 虽然这些区域都与盒子空间截然不同因为它们尺度与城市道路相似,所以给人公共空间的感受

    Although it is inside the home, it contrasts with the interior of the boxes in that it has the scale of a city street, lending a somewhat public feeling to the space.


  • 板块运动理论一个关键点就是地质历史的尺度海洋盆地开合是因为板块转换,具有转换特征

    A key aspect of plate tectonic theory is that on geologic time scales ocean basins are transient features, opening and closing as plates shift.


  • 结果表明晶体dsc扫描时间尺度范围稳定,能保持原有的熔融特性,不是低熔点晶体转化成的晶体。

    It turns out that the crystal on the time-scale of the DSC experiment is stable, which is not transformed from the crystal with low melting point.


  • 衡量社会接受机构组织权利分配平等程度尺度

    A cultural measure of the extent to which a society accepts the unequal distribution of power in institutions and organizations.


  • 其强灾害产生与热带气旋登陆能量短时突然释放台风强烈的尺度扰动特征有很大关系

    Those serious disasters of tropical cyclones are closely related to sudden release of energy and mesoscale disturbances of a landing tropical cyclone in a short time.


  • 干燥裸地边界层湿现象由于非均匀湿度尺度平流共同作用的结果。

    A phenomenon called humidity inversion is caused by the joint of the heterogeneous humidity Pattern and mesoscale advection over the underlying surface.


  • 整个尺度范围纬、银纬样本星系团的分布规律相似

    The fractal properties are similar in the northern and southern galactic latitudes on small and large scales.


  • 截至目前,比萨斜塔历经多次修复,为的是确保它能在一个安全尺度继续倾斜

    The tower has been restored on many occasions to ensure that the structure continues to lean but does not tilt to a dangerous level.


  • 微米微米尺度采用原子力显微镜(afm)研究沉积原子团(凝聚体)微观结构特征

    We also study the microstructure of the ag clusters or aggregates at the micro and sub-micro scales by using the AFM measurement.


  • 首先给出了包含大气湍流尺度效应折射率功率密度函数

    Firstly, the power spectral density function of refractive index is given including the effects of inner and outer scale of the turbulence.


  • 采用盒维数方法生长图像分析表明充分生长的霜层一定尺度范围具有分形特征。

    The Analyses on frost image by box-counting method express that full growth frost was a fractal structure ranging in some scale.


  • 但是一定时间空间尺度再生资源数量也是无限的。

    But in certain time the heel the space dimensions, can the quantity of the reborn resources is also limited.


  • 讨论不同传播高度、不同湍流尺度高斯波束传输闪烁指数影响

    The influence of different altitudes, different sizes of the inner and outer scale of the turbulence on the scintillation index with Gaussian beam propagation in the slant path is discussed in detail.


  • 大量研究表明岩土介质孔隙几何原子尺度晶粒尺寸范围表现分形特征

    Research results indicate that the pore geometry of the rock and soil shows the fractal behavior over the range from atom scale to grain size.


  • 大量研究表明岩土介质孔隙几何原子尺度晶粒尺寸范围表现分形特征

    Research results indicate that the pore geometry of the rock and soil shows the fractal behavior over the range from atom scale to grain size.


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