• 社会行动单位既是数量概念也是一个关系范畴

    Social action unit is not only a quantity concept but also a relation category.


  • 等同范畴重要认知范畴,认知层面的等同范畴关系范畴

    Identity category is an important cognitive category and identity category in cognitive domain is a kind of relation category.


  • 第二:首先空间关系语义范畴划分一般空间关系范畴个别空间关系范畴

    Chapter II: First, the relationship between semantic category space is divided into general areas of spatial relationships and individual areas of spatial relationships.


  • 关系范畴表明区域内群体群体、群体与个体、个体与个体之间关系性质

    What the relation category indicate is the nature of the relation among the colony and colony , colony and individual , individual and individual in a certain area.


  • 文艺价值一个关系范畴,和人整个文艺活动息息相关,人的艺术需要其中重要的中介。

    The literary value is a concept of relationship, which is related to all literary activities of human-beings.


  • 由于一般空间关系比较绝对化,因此一般空间关系范畴不在论文研究范围之内简略介绍

    The general scope of spatial relations of this paper is not within the scope of the study only did a brief description.


  • 一般认为,公正是一个关系范畴,是一个道德范畴一个历史范畴基本价值理念就在于平等。

    Generally speaking, justice belongs to the category of relation, morale and history, the concept of which is equality.


  • 第四范畴情景言语层面内容类型,将空间关系范畴情景划分典型范畴情景典型范畴情景。

    Chapter iv: areas of scenario is the type of content of speech level, the scope of space between the typical scenario is divided into areas of atypical areas of scenarios and situations.


  • 笔者认为价值其实主体性实践活动中的表现,是人的活动特点什么客观实体或者关系范畴

    I believe that the value is the subjectivity of human in practice activities; it is the characteristics of human activity, rather than any objective entity or relationship areas.


  • 但是,应对快速刺激而做出的瞬时决策并不专属人际关系范畴

    But snap decisions in reaction to rapid stimuli aren't exclusive to the interpersonal realm.


  • 反正真正目的不是人看清只要职务隶属关系数量以及范畴让人肃然起敬就行。

    The real purpose was not for you to read them anyway, just to be impressed by the number, and the scope, of titles and affiliations.


  • 领导人关心支持下中印关系超越双边范畴,具有全球战略意义

    With the personal care and support of our leaders, China-India relations have gone beyond the bilateral dimension and assumed global and strategic significance.


  • 双方强调当前国际形势复杂多变背景下中欧关系日益超越双边范畴,具有国际意义。

    Both sides stressed that in a complex and ever changing international context China-EU relations increasingly transcend the bilateral framework and take on an international dimension.


  • 中印领导人一直强调,两国关系超出双边范畴越来越全球战略意义

    Leaders of China and India have always maitained that China-India relationship has gone beyond simple bilateral relationship and has increasingly carried global and strategic significance.


  • 或许这足以说明它们范畴彼此关系

    This is perhaps a sufficient account of their scope and of how they are related to each other.


  • 我们因果关系加以学习唯一途径来自过去经验,我们知道什么样范畴可以过去的经验中推断未来

    We think that the only way we can learn about causation is from past experience and we want to know what ground we have for extrapolating from past experience to the future.


  • 辛格表示印中关系意义重大超越双边范畴国际地区和平稳定具有重要影响

    Singh said the India-China relations are of great significance and go beyond bilateral scope. The relations have strong bearing on international and regional peace and stability.


  • 当前中欧关系不是简单双边关系,而是超越双边范畴,越来越具有全球意义

    The significance of relations between China and Europe has global reach, far exceeding the scope of just another set of ordinary bilateral ties.


  • 社会实践基本形式之一属于处理社会关系实践范畴

    It is one of the basic forms of social practice that belongs to the practice category dealing with social relations.


  • 关系(Relation)范畴包括定义学习对象其他相关学习对象之间关系的特性。

    The Relation category groups features that define the relationship between the learning object and other related learning objects.


  • 医疗民事纠纷其他民事纠纷一样属于平等主体之间财产关系人身关系民法调整范畴

    Medical civil disputes and other civil disputes between equal, belong to the property relationships and personal relationship, belonged to the adjustment of civil law.


  • 犯罪客体属于判断不是概念范畴内容行为法律关系的破坏性”行为违法性。

    The object of crime belongs to the category of judgment but not a concept, and its content is the behavior to destructiveness of the legal relationship, that is the behavior violated against the law.


  • 因此同态关系构造范畴数据类型关键但是,在数据类型中有些操作不是同态操作。

    So the relations of homomorphism are key ideas in construction of categorical data types, however there are some functions that are not homomorphism in data types.


  • 制度成熟管理机制超出血缘宗法关系范畴具有进步意义

    Moreover, the mature management mechanism of Gongxia System is far beyond the scope of blood ties and clan relations, which is apparently a further significant progress.


  • 接着探讨明知推定疏忽大意过失严格责任范畴关系

    Then follows the discussion about the relations between presumption of knowledge and other categories such as careless and inadvertent negligence and strict liability.


  • 本文认为,补语结构特征功能时间范畴和“量”范畴密切的关系

    This paper concludes that the structure feature and functions of complements are closely related with the. Time.


  • 此事是不是仅限于军事范畴还是影响双边关系大局

    Is it something that will remain in the military sphere or will endanger the overall relationship?


  • 其次对照体育课堂产生法律关系法律责任教育范畴进行延展

    Second, the PE classroom control the legal relations, liabilities, will be in the areas of education within the extension.


  • 其次对照体育课堂产生法律关系法律责任教育范畴进行延展

    Second, the PE classroom control the legal relations, liabilities, will be in the areas of education within the extension.


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