• 这项提案立即遭到了两个共和国质疑

    The move was immediately challenged by two of the republics.


  • 菲利普·莫里斯公司,一家烟草公司捷克共和国生意得很大

    Philip Morris, the tobacco company, does huge business in the Czech Republic.


  • 如果有人回应任何握军权的人都是这样表现,我会回答军队必须共和国控制之下。

    If someone were to reply that anyone who bears arms will act in this manner, I would answer that armies have to be commanded by the republic.


  • 共和国领土属于全体巴西人民

    The republic is a dominion of the Brazilian people.


  • 自己宣布成立共和国的总统

    He is president of his own self-proclaimed republic.


  • 这个关键时刻重要三个共和国合作能力

    What's important at this juncture is the ability of the three republics to work together.


  • 共和国旗帜上纹希腊马其顿王朝古老标志

    The republic's new flag was emblazoned with the ancient symbol of the Greek Macedonian dynasty.


  • 月一日是中华人民共和国的国庆节。

    October 1st is National Day of the PRC.


  • 在1949年中华人民共和国的成立中起着核心作用。

    He played a central role in the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.


  • 孩子父母们被驱逐到那里没有别的原因,就因为他们是战前共和国官员

    The children of parents deported there for no other reason than that they had been officials in the prewar republic.


  • 这些当地居民现在必须平衡传统生活方式现代法兰西共和国生活方式。

    These local citizens now have to balance their traditional lifestyle with the lifestyle offered by the modern French Republic.


  • 这个国家怎么成为一个共和国第三共和国因为似乎是在摸索着前进而谴责?

    How does this country end up being a Republic, the Third Republic, which has been castigated because it seemed to fumble along?


  • 这个地区居民实际上法国公民,因为1946年以来,这里一直法兰西共和国殖民地

    People in this area are in fact French citizens because it has been a colony of the French Republic since 1946.


  • 最近迪丝利用无息贷款儿子有了次前所未有经历--到多米尼加共和国度假圣地度假。

    Recently, one of these interest-free loans allowed Edith to treat her son Sammy to something he'd never experienced before: a vacation at a resort in the Dominican Republic.


  • 上议院议长凯里·巴斯蒂安虽然存活了下来,议会大楼废墟中就在疏散多米尼加共和国前一天。

    Kely Bastien, the President of the Senate, survived the quake but was trapped in the destroyed parliament building for a day before being evacuated to the Dominican Republic.


  • 说,必须指出以美国为首北约南斯拉夫联盟共和国的军事行动地区人民造成了深重灾难

    Tang said "it must be clearly stated that the military operation of U.S.-led NATO against Yugoslavia has brought abysmal disaster to people in the region."


  • 1988年发生亚美尼亚共和国地震造成250000人丧失,地震后,国际组织开展一项救援工作。在A。

    Following the earthquake in the Republic of Armenia in 1988, which resulted in over 250,000 deaths, efforts were organized by international agencies to develop an assistance program.


  • 这个伟大共和国成功至今一直有赖于一代代美国人自愿敬重、实践建国先贤们的信条传承。

    The success of this great republic, he said, had hitherto depended on the willingness of generations of Americans to honor the creed of the founding settlers and to shed their old affinities.


  • 主要港口无法船上卸载物资数百辆卡车试图出海地,通往邻近多米尼加共和国道路也被封堵。

    The main port is unable to offload supplies from ships, and the key road to neighbouring Dominican Republic is clogged, as hundreds of lorries try to get in and out of Haiti.


  • 不过葡萄牙爱尔兰共和国借贷成本仍然停留水平上,这个水平意味着市场认为它们可能年内违约

    However, the borrowing costs of Portugal and the Republic of Ireland still remain at levels that suggest markets think they too are likely to default in the next five years.


  • Cliffe认为,为了支持利比亚苏丹海地东帝汶中非共和国脆弱转型今年援助协调工作十分密切。

    This year has witnessed good examples of tight aid coordination to support fragile transitions in Liberia, Sudan, Haiti, Timor Leste and the Central African Republic, according to Cliffe.


  • 用好几个小时时间谈论了自从苏联后期以来发生许多事情俄罗斯影响,以及高加索共和国生活命运

    She spoke for many hours about her life and fate in the small Caucasus republic that has shaped much of what has happened in Russia since the end of the Soviet Union.


  • 捷克共和国物价水平欧盟平均值的82%;人均收入捷克低很多的拉脱维亚,物价水平为欧盟平均值的85%。

    In the Czech Republic, which has a significantly higher per-capita income than Latvia, price levels are at 82% of the EU average, whereas in Latvia price levels are at 85% of the EU average.


  • 本周另一矿业巨头斯特拉塔公司宣布多米尼加共和国的生产由更昂贵的石油动力转变为动力期间暂停生产运营

    This week, Xstrata, another big mining firm, suspended operations at a nickel mine in the Dominican Republic while converting its power supply to run on coal, rather than-more expensive-oil.


  • 这样案例包括布鲁克林代理人法庭犹太婚礼庆典定义以及爱荷华州上诉法庭就几内亚共和国官方语言法语论断。

    Such cases include a Brooklyn surrogate court’s definition of the Jewish marriage ceremony and the Iowa Court of Appeals’ declaration that French is the official language of the Republic of Guinea.


  • 年前多米尼加共和国的时候,正在《世界时尚之》完成摄影任务他正一个海地附近的课题中告了一天

    That had been a year ago in the Dominican Republic when she'd been on a photo assignment for Elle and he'd been taking a day off from a project he'd been working on in nearby Haiti.


  • 2010年10月29日,俄罗斯西伯利亚联邦管区的图共和国的Ubsunur保护区普京参加对于雪豹生存环境的探索。

    Vladimir Putin takes part in an expedition to Ubsunur Hollow Biosphere Preserve to inspect the snow leopard's habitat in Tyva Republic in the Siberian Federal District, on October 29, 2010.


  • 亲眼目睹私人债务如何折磨南方种植园主乔治·华盛顿亚历山大·汉密尔顿的竭力劝说下接受公债巩固共和国财政

    George Washington, who saw how private debt plagued Southern planters, had to be persuaded by Alexander Hamilton to embrace public debt as a kind of financial cement for the new republic.


  • 亲眼目睹私人债务如何折磨南方种植园主乔治·华盛顿亚历山大·汉密尔顿的竭力劝说下接受公债巩固共和国财政

    George Washington, who saw how private debt plagued Southern planters, had to be persuaded by Alexander Hamilton to embrace public debt as a kind of financial cement for the new republic.


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