• IETF达成共识共同管理方案

    The IETF consensus process manages the schemes.


  • 但是你们其他人一样共同管理一样。

    But I'm HUMAN like the rest of you as is my co-admin.


  • 数据架构管理规则变更控制流程IT和适当的业务代表共同管理

    Governance rules and change control processes for the data architecture, managed jointly by it and appropriate business representatives.


  • 亲密关系中共同管理金钱某些资源时,是否冲突迭起

    If you are in a relationship with someone else which involves joint management of money and resources, is there conflict around handling it?


  • 两个好战组织一直共同管理基斯马尤,但是最近几周双方关系恶化

    The two factions used to share control of Kismayo, but relations have deteriorated in recent weeks.


  • 这种分布式情况下代理互相通信从而共同管理主题有关消息的发布和订阅

    In such a distributed case, physical brokers communicate with each other to jointly manage topics and the publication and subscription of messages.


  • 改善资源状态同时,对资源的共同管理帮助双方建立起相互的信心

    Along with improving the state of these resources, the management of Shared resources can serve as an important way to build confidence between formerly hostile countries.


  • 问题软件开发项目通常发生一个共同环境中,这种环境支持典型共同管理方法

    The problem is, software development projects typically take place in a corporate environment that espouses the classic approach to corporate management.


  • 综合运用国家企业共同管理控制以求达到建筑生产安全高效目的

    Making comprehensive use of state and the enterprise management and control in order to achieve building safety, efficiency purposes.


  • 罗纳集团成立于1996年,斯蒂芬·朗曼罗伯特·阿格斯蒂里共同管理

    Founded in 1996, the Rhone Group is owned and managed by financiers Robert Agostinelli and Steven Langman.


  • 应当权力分享,而共同管理内政部不是津巴布韦人民投票希望得到结果。

    I mean, this is supposed to be power-sharing, and this example of trying to share the Home Affairs Ministry doesn't reflect the will of what the Zimbabweans voted for, "said Wood."


  • ABC使得他们能够共同管理业务流程,并且理解这些成本是怎么影响整体运作的。

    ABC allows them to be co-managers with the business and understand how these costs affect the overall business.


  • 综合运用国家企业共同管理控制,以求达到建筑工程施工安全高效目的

    To synthesize to make use of nation and business enterprise to manage and control together in order to attain a construction engineering construction safety, efficiently of purpose.


  • 半个世纪,《南极条约》成为47个签约国和平协作、非军事化共同管理一个里程碑。

    A half-century later, it standsas a landmark of peaceful cooperation, demilitarization, and shared governanceamong the 47 countries that have signed.


  • 本文讨论病因流行病学因素诊断预防考虑民俗疗法治疗选择共同管理

    This article discusses etiologic and epidemiologic factors, diagnosis and prevention considerations, folk remedies, and common treatment options for the management of verruca.


  • 整个物流流程过去通过MRP来掌控直到物流经理生产经理用于共同管理流程。

    The entire logistics flow used to be handled via the MRP until the logistics manager and the production manager courageously worked together to get flow under control.


  • 管理公司里,你肯定批下属共同管理公司吧?如果没有为什么这么做呢?

    Surely at the company you run you have installed a layer of people below you who are in this with you? And if you haven't, why not?


  • 超过60%夫妻认为自己感情稳定,夫妻关系良好,只有40%的夫妻称共同管理他们财产

    More than 60 percent of couples are satisfied with their marriages. But only 40 percent of couples pool their incomes and manage their finances together.


  • 项目需要IBMRationalCSC双方积极参与管理因此结构必须满足共同管理的要求。

    The program required active participation and management by both IBM Rational and CSC, so it had to be structured to make co-management possible.


  • 剑桥大学考试委员会英国文化委员会澳大利亚教育国际开发署共同管理全球认可的英语语言水平考试

    It is jointly owned by UCLES, the British Council and IDP Education Australia. It is an English language proficiency test available world-wide.


  • 联合研究实验室落户青岛,由波音中国研发中心青岛生物能源所共同管理,合作重点将放在研发技术商业应用上。

    The lab, based in Qingdao and under the joint management of Boeing's R&D center in China and QIBEBT, will focus on the commercialization of R&D technologies.


  • 罗尼·魏努力指出气候变化过度放牧亚洲腹地的游牧社区造成严重的负面影响然而共同管理方案是一解决之道。

    Climate change and overgrazing have had negative impacts on pastoralist communities in central Asia, writes Ronnie Vernooy. But co-management schemes point towards a solution.


  • 如果其他选择的话法国希望牢牢地委员会自己控制,并德国组成欧洲G2共同管理不是让欧盟扩大27个国家

    If it had a choice, France would keep the commission firmly in its place and run the show with Germany as a sort of European G2, but enlargement of the EU to 27 countries got in the way.


  • 如果其他选择的话法国希望牢牢地委员会自己控制,并德国组成欧洲G2共同管理不是让欧盟扩大27个国家

    If it had a choice, France would keep the commission firmly in its place and run the show with Germany as a sort of European G2, but enlargement of the EU to 27 countries got in the way.


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