• 当前全球会计国际化进程协调阶段逐渐步入趋同阶段。

    At present, the global accounting internationalization process has stepped into a convergent stage from the coordination stage gradually.


  • IASB作为全球会计准则设立标准机构出现引发思考。

    What are the main issues underlying the emergence of the IASB as a "global" standard setting body?


  • 因此如何防范会计信息失真成为全球会计人士最为关注问题

    So how to keep a lookout on the distorted accounting information has been a problem that makes all accounting in the world pays more attention to.


  • IFRS尚未成为所有财务专业人士通用的全球会计语言行业的重大失误

    It is a major failing that IFRS are not already the global accounting language for all finance professionals.


  • 应当感谢注协2003年以来就担任国际会计联合会理事国际会计师联合会中国以及全球会计行业发挥的重要作用。

    I want to thank Dr. Yugui Chen, who has been an IFAC Board member since 2003, for the leadership he has provided within IFAC, in China and to the global accountancy profession.


  • 我们最有可能金融领域看到这种做法,制定银行资本金要求会计制度信用评级方面标准促进全球经济复苏

    We are most likely to see this in the financial realm, where setting standards for the capital requirements of Banks, accounting systems and credit ratings would facilitate global economic growth.


  • 建立执行严格资本杠杆要求影子银行体系纳入监管,制订全球统一会计准则

    We need to establish and enforce strict capital and leverage ratio requirements, bring the shadow banking system under supervision and regulation and formulate globally consistent accounting rules.


  • 全球四大会计事务所之一德勤现在如坐针毡,已经成为有关自由企业未来全球争夺战焦点。

    The global accounting powerhouse, Deloitte, is sitting between a bullet and a target in a global battle over the future of free enterprise.


  • 普华永道会计服务公司发布了题为“2015年世界”的报告,其结论金融危机加快全球经济力量新兴经济体转移

    THE World in 2050, published by PwC, a professional-services firm, concludes that the financial crisis has accelerated the shift in global economic power to emerging economies.


  • 商店失窃这里包括店员本身偷窃以及会计差错)让全球零售商今年损失1073亿美元。

    SHOPLIFTING (which here includes theft by employees and accounting errors) cost retailers around the world $107.3 billion this year.


  • 不仅仅英国问题会计行业是全球的——需要一个全球解决方案

    This is not a uniquely British problem: accounting is a global profession-and it needs a global solution.


  • 澳洲会计师公会澳洲最大财务会计商业团体也是全球最大会计专业团体之一,拥有122,000名会员

    CPA Australia is the largest professional finance, accounting and business body in Australia and one of the world's largest accounting bodies with more than 122,000 members.


  • 根据新的会计规定全球企业不得不修改并购成本会计处理方法此举将影响公司利润,同时可能打击企业的并购愿望。

    Companies around the world will have to change the way acquisition costs are handled under new accounting rules - a move that will hit profits and could damp the urge for mergers.


  • 主张实行绿色会计的人士认为,生态系统及其人类提供服务效益进行全面核算,可能会揭示全球自然财富将会达到数十亿甚至数万亿美元

    Fully accounting for the benefits of ecosystems and the services they provide to human beings may reveal natural wealth that runs into the billions or even trillions of dollars globally.


  • 一方面,如果国际会计准则委员会拒绝欧盟要求使自建标准,创建全球标准就落空了。

    On the other hand, if the IASB refuses to bow to EU demands and the EU adopts its own standards, the goal to create global rules is dead anyway.


  • 澳洲会计师公会全球最大受认可尊重专业会计团体之一,全球逾110个国家拥有超过129,000名会员

    With a membership base of more than 129, 000 professionals in over 110 countries around the globe, CPA Australia is one of the largest, most recognised and respected accounting bodies in the world.


  • 公司不必重金世界各地业务编制会计报表同时投资者能更方便全球公司进行业绩比较

    Companies wouldn't have to spend as much to compile accounts for their operations around the world, while investors would find it easier to compare corporate results for companies on a global basis.


  • 本周四,世行启动全球伙伴计划——财富核算绿色会计计划,在6 -8个国家一方式开展试点印度哥伦比亚将首先进行试点

    On Thursday, the World Bank will launch a global partnership to pilot this approach-known as wealth accounting or green accounting-in six to 10 countries, starting with India and Colombia.


  • 此外利华国际接受全球前十名的国富浩华会计事务所(Crowe Horwath)的审计。

    In addition, Lihua is audited by a global top ten accounting firm, Crowe Horwath.


  • 经济全球一体化情况下我国会计准则应当国际会计准则相趋同

    In the case of economic globalization, China's accounting standards should be convergence of international accounting standards.


  • 随着全球绿色浪潮涌起环境会计成为现代会计理论重要内容

    Along with the surge of global green wave, environmental accounting will become an important component of modern accounting theory.


  • 身为全球会计事务所之一德勤上海分公司曾担任金融软件企业东南融通审计师

    The Shanghai affiliate of Deloitte, one of the Big Four global accounting firms, used to be the auditor of Longtop, a Chinese financial-software company.


  • 上市公司会计信息舞弊当今全球证券市场一个普遍存在的现象

    Fraud on accounting information of listed companies is a common phenomenon in global security market now days.


  • 创造会计行为全球证券市场普遍存在不足。

    Creative accounting behavior is the common phenomenon in the world security market.


  • 笔者会计准则全球趋同背景出发提出改进公司财务报告披露框架模式设想。

    This paper brings forward a three layer framework of financial report disclosure model on the premise of global convergence of accounting standards.


  • 这些措施包括设立名为监督者学院分享全球金融机构信息以及一项协调会计标准计划

    Those measures include setting up a so-called college of supervisors, which would share information about global financial institutions, and a plan to harmonize accounting standards. Mr.


  • 上市公司会计信息舞弊当今全球证券市场一个普遍存在的现象。

    Nowadays, accounting information distortion of listed companies is a widespread problem on global stock markets.


  • 上市公司会计信息舞弊当今全球证券市场一个普遍存在的现象。

    Nowadays, accounting information distortion of listed companies is a widespread problem on global stock markets.


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