• 种使你本身压力免疫办法,那样一来当面对压力时就不会受危险。

    That's a way of 'immunizing' yourself against stress, so that it doesn't hurt you so much when it occurs.


  • 证明我们免疫系统我们衰老时确实不能发挥作用

    This is evidence that our immune system really doesn't function so well when we age.


  • 处女流行病指的那些风险人群以前没有接触袭击他们疾病因此免疫几乎毫无防御能力的疾病

    Virgin-soil epidemics are those in which the populations at risk have had no previous contact with the diseases that strike them and are therefore immunologically almost defenseless.


  • 因为没有疫苗100%保护那些接种过疫苗小孩但流行病学家却根据群体免疫确信小孩能够受到保护而防止疾病的传播。

    Because no vaccine protects 100 percent of kids who get it, epidemiologists rely on "herd immunity" to make sure enough kids are well enough protected to keep a disease from spreading.


  • 但是因为这种病毒能够通过变异非常老练逃过身体免疫系统每年都产生许多新的变种

    But because the virus is so adept at eluding the body's immune system via mutation, many new varieties crop up each year.


  • 冥想练习帮助镇定神经系统使免疫系统较少干涉运行,”

    "Meditation practice helps to calm my nervous system and allows the immune system to function with less interference," she says.


  • 这些小分子可以目标药物其它一些类似物,他们这样或那样理由被认为能够更好锻炼免疫系统

    These may either be the drug in question or some analogue of it that, for one reason or another, is reckoned to have a better chance of training the immune system.


  • 每个季度都要制造新的流感疫苗是因为流感病毒不断变化从而逃避宿主(无论是人类鸟类还是其他动物)免疫防线攻击

    New flu vaccines need to be made each season because the viruses are constantly changing so as to avoid attack by host immune defences - whether in birds, humans or other animals.


  • 一方面,即使男性拥有一个更加强健的免疫系统能够消除感染他们快速被再次感染,所以免疫系统有效效益

    On the other hand, even if males have a strong immune system that clears infection, they will become reinfected rapidly, so the effective benefit of immunity is low.


  • 然而仅仅接触新的感冒病毒并不足以导致一个人患感冒,因为强壮的免疫系统能够成功战胜一些病毒

    Merely being exposed to a new cold virus, however, is not enough for a person to catch a cold, since a strong immune system can successfully fight off some new viruses.


  • 这个理论预测男性冒险性生活方式意味着他们更多暴露疾病面前,同时降低了他们免疫

    It predicts that the adventurous lifestyle of the male means that they are more exposed to disease but paradoxically this reduces their immunity.


  • 用沙门氏菌培养这些癌细胞可以有效使得身体免疫细胞侦察它们然后开始攻击

    Treating these cancer cells with salmonella effectively makes them "visible" to the body's immune cells and therefore open to attack.


  • 发生这些症状原因是,免疫系统错误开始攻击关节内部,使发炎

    This occurs because your immune system mistakenly starts attacking the linings of your joints, making them inflamed.


  • 如果患有糖尿病或者关节炎,你自身免疫系统会错误攻击破坏健康机体组织就引起自身免疫疾病

    If you have diabetes or have arthritis, you've already been dealing with autoimmune diseases that arise when the body's own immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue.


  • 照片故事反映了如何成功开展这次免疫运动

    This photo story illustrates how this immunization campaign was successfully carried out.


  • 他们非常免疫系统我们当中其他人免疫系统就那么悲哀虚弱吗?

    Do they have extraordinarily robust immune systems, and the rest of us, pathetically weak ones?


  • 诸如麻疹致命一些儿童期疾病可以获得疫苗的。及时完成免疫接种能够使儿童免遭病患死亡

    For some of the most deadly childhood diseases, such as measles, vaccines are available and timely completion of immunization protects a child from this illness and death.


  • 问题关键在于增强免疫而不是通过简单消除症状来缓解病情,因为这些症状痊愈过程的必然环节

    The key is to help strengthen your immune system and modify symptoms without taking them away because they are part of the recovery process.


  • 奇迹的是,正因为强有力免疫特性医生们得以成功一位女孩进行移植手术

    Yet it turns out miraculously to have potent immunosuppressive properties that allow doctors to successfully perform a liver transplant in a young girl.


  • 我们已经知道通过选择遗传进化正在不断塑造我们免疫反应

    We already know that genetic evolution by selection is continuously shaping our immune response.


  • 通过这些试验能够更好了解一个需要多少疫苗才能获得免疫以及疫苗必须含有多少有效成分(抗原)。

    These trials will give a better idea of the number of doses required for a person to be immunized, as well as of the quantity on active principle (antigen) needed in each vaccine dose.


  • 泡菜中的辣椒大蒜作为生理催化剂可以有效延缓细胞衰老杀灭有害微生物止痛提高人体免疫力等

    The physiological activators of the red pepper and the garlic in kimchi plays the role of preventing cell aging, sterilizing noxious germ, killing pain, improving immunity and the like.


  • 近年来对季节性流感流行感染率分析表明一般而言随着年龄增长,针对流感病毒免疫日积月累加强

    Analyses of infection rates in modern seasonal flu epidemics suggest that with age comes a subtle buildup of immunity to flu viruses in general.


  • 没有治疗孢子虫病的方法,抗逆转录病毒疗法可以恢复免疫功能从而有效清除感染

    There is no cure for crypto, but antiretroviral therapy to restore immunity can effectively clear up the infection.


  • 同样,血液中的免疫系统细胞可以找到我们感染部位血液废弃副产品带到肾脏肝脏分解处理

    Likewise our immune system cells travel in the bloodstream, seeking out infection, and blood takes the body's waste products to the kidneys and liver to be sorted out and trashed.


  • 这些年来自下意识采取一些措施切断毒源例如孩子进行免疫接种,因为疫苗药液含有汞。

    I've made some perceived radical decisions over the years such as not immunizing my children due to the mercury content in the immunization fluid given to babies.


  • 健康,免疫系统更好抵御病毒的侵袭。

    The healthier you are, the better your immune system will protect you against the virus.


  • 健康,免疫系统更好抵御病毒的侵袭。

    The healthier you are, the better your immune system will protect you against the virus.


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