• 《暮光之城》中吸血鬼男主角的扮演者罗伯特·丁森表示《哈利·波特》的男一号丹尼尔·雷德克里夫讨教经验,求教他怎么处理成名后的烦恼。

    Robert Pattinson has revealed that he wants to talk to Daniel Radcliffe about dealing with fame.


  • 但是俄罗斯军事分析家韦尔·费尔根豪尔警告说,乌克兰可能成为所说克里姆林宫部分恢复俄罗斯这样个宏大计划一个目标

    But Russian military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer cautions that Ukraine could be Russia's next target as part of what he says is a grand Kremlin plan for the partial restoration of Russian greatness.


  • 泰瑞意识到并不算是真正地认识司若克里而且并不确定自己可以信任

    She realizes that she doesn’t really know Parslow or Chris and she is not sure who she can trust.


  • 艾里克出现技术部时玛丽娜·克里·洛夫娜就曾经娜说:“如果白斯卡是公司的老板,可能他一样来晃。”

    "If my Papatchka ran the factory, maybe I'd also go around grinning like a defective," Marina Kirilovna had said to Polina when Alec appeared in the technology department.


  • 克里汀-斯图尔特罗伯特-丁森泰勒-洛特纳三人着轻便装扮出现片场,准备开拍集中上部。

    Actors Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner all turned up together as they prep to shoot the first installment of the two part production.


  • 年前,里运营泰晤士河南岸莎士比亚环球剧场在那里饰演克里特拉哈姆雷特而声名卓著

    Six years ago Mr Rylance was running Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre on the south bank of the River Thames, where he distinguished himself by playing Cleopatra as well as Hamlet.


  • 泰瑞看到克里斯携带吓坏了,司若认为泰瑞也许需要有人保护

    Teri is frightened when she sees that Chris has a gun but Parslow thought that Teri might have needed protection.


  • 周五好莱坞《大象的眼泪》片场,罗伯特·丁森克里斯托弗·沃尔茨、茜·威瑟斯彭盛装亮相,完成影片的最后镜头拍摄。

    Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz, and Reese Witherspoon got all dressed up to film a few scenes from their latest flick Water for Elephants on Friday in L.A..


  • 孟菲斯大学队的克里道格拉斯·罗伯特斯28引领全场,教练约翰·卡利里说,尽管球队犯了一些错误他们还是抵住了UCLA大学的所有进攻,取得胜利

    Chris Douglas-Roberts led the Tigers with 28 points. Memphis coach John Calipari says his team made some mistakes, but it was able to take all UCLA could throw at it and still win.


  • 洛杉矶港务局克里斯托弗·说:“我们大概已经被认定为全美国空气污浊的城市。”

    "We have the designation of perhaps having the worst air quality in the United States," noted Christopher Patton with the Port of Los Angeles.


  • 此前还有传言说,由于工作太忙碌,罗伯特·丁森女友、《光之城》女主角克里汀·斯图尔特已经分手,这样的谣言平息怒火显然只有害无益。

    Pattinson's anger might not have been helped by rumours he has split from Twilight co-star and girlfriend Kristen Stewart, with hectic work schedules blamed for the collapse of their relationship.


  • 克里姆林宫禁止国际象棋冠军卡斯罗夫进行杜马进行选举

    It also barred Garry Kasparov, the former world chess champion, from running for the Duma.


  • 着那个盒子看,这时,麦欧维克走进屋子,用枪射中克里若。

    She is staring at it when Myovic enters the house and shoots both Chris and Parslow.


  • 并不需要受制于一个什么机构比如查理克里·吉尔伯·斯林姆就是很好的例子

    You don't have to be wedded to a large organization in order to create and lead, and as folks like Charlie, Chris Guillebeau, Pam Slim have proven.


  • 对夫妻他们罗马相遇他们正在拍摄1962年的电影《克里·特拉》。他们深陷沸沸扬扬的私通绯闻中时,他们结婚了

    The couple, who met in Rome while filming the 1962 film Cleopatra, were both married when they launched into a torrid affair.


  • 24岁的罗伯特·丁森20岁的克里斯汀·斯图尔特近期内是不会孩子的!

    Robert Pattinson, 24, and Kristen Stewart, 20, won't be having kids anytime soon!


  • 24岁的罗伯特·丁森20岁的克里斯汀·斯图尔特堪称好莱坞相当给力的情侣组合之一

    Robert Pattinson, 24, and Kristen Stewart, 20, are one of Hollywood’s most powerful couples.


  • 不可缺少的:莎拉·杰西卡··凯特·罗尔克里斯汀·戴维斯以及辛西娅·尼克松

    The indispensables: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon.


  • 其中第一吸血鬼库伦家族,包括紧紧相拥的男女主角罗伯特·丁森扮演爱德华以及克里琴·斯图亚特扮演贝拉

    The first shows the Cullen family including Edward - who is played by Robert Pattinson - and Kristen Stewart's Bella.


  • 让大伙揣度猜测了几个月之后,罗伯特·丁森终于站出来承认自己与《光之城》的女主角克里斯汀·斯图尔特谈恋爱。

    After months of speculation, Robert Pattinson has finally confirmed he is dating his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart.


  • 希拉里的父母奇来照看切尔西我们因此能够参加1981年12月由带领的一个朝圣团队

    Hillary’s parents came down from Park Ridge to stay with Chelsea so that we could join the group he led in December 1981.


  • ·霍尔(Patty Hall)电脑屏幕注意到一封电子邮件。 邮件来自克里斯托夫·穆图库(ChristopherMutuku)——多次前往肯尼亚志愿工作时的司机

    Staring at a computer screen, Patty Hall noticed an e-mail fromChristopher Mutuku, her driver on her many trips to Kenya to dovolunteer work.


  • 摄影博客克里•甘特(ChrisGampat)了解镜头,他介绍了可取代性能一般的单反套装镜头几种选择

    Chris Gampat of the Phoblographer knows his lenses, and brings up a handful of options for replacing the mediocre kit lens that came with your SLR.


  • 加入公司50名新人也获得了赴澳大利亚昆士兰州旅游的奖励。 这位大方的富豪老板名叫克里·豪举据估计花费近1000万美元。

    The largesse, which includes trips to a Queensland resort for 50 workers who have joined the company recently, is estimated to have cost Australian mining billionaire Clive Palmer $10m.


  • 门铃响了起来司若朋友克里斯(Chris)打招呼克里是被邀请过来保护泰瑞的。

    The door bell rings and Parslow greets his friend Chris whom he invited over.


  • 佛罗里达州卡拉克里·每个要花至少一千美元做,作为他们的两个宝宝---6岁的当和2岁的登的日常花费和保姆费用。

    Kara and Cliff Petty of Sunrise, Fla., spend at least $1,000 a month on day care and babysitters for their children, Aidan, 6, and Landon, 2.


  • 罗伯特·丁森觉得克里汀·斯图尔特新娘扮相“看上去不可思议的美”。

    Robert Pattinson Thinks Kristen Stewart 'Looks Amazing' as a Bride.


  • 本周英国广播公司BBC自然节目主持人克里斯·汉姆(Chris Packham)在大熊猫大放厥词,说:“我们正在花费大量资金保护一个生物进化的失败物种”。

    This week TV wildlife presenter Chris Packham said of the giant panda: "we are now spending millions and millions of dollars on a loser".


  • 本周英国广播公司BBC自然节目主持人克里斯·汉姆(Chris Packham)在大熊猫大放厥词,说:“我们正在花费大量资金保护一个生物进化的失败物种”。

    This week TV wildlife presenter Chris Packham said of the giant panda: "we are now spending millions and millions of dollars on a loser".


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