• CheckStyle报告项目预定的编码标准偏离

    CheckStyle reports deviations from a project's predefined coding standards.


  • 信息处理能力特征总体偏离特征量进行确定性评价分类。

    A certainty evaluation on ability feature and total deviation index feature of brain information processing is presented.


  • 第三产业结构偏离度逐步靠拢国际标准理论值相比处于标准范围内

    The structure warp coefficient of tertiary industry moves to zero step by step and it is in the standard range comparing with standard value of international theory.


  • 确定过程中,可以给出易损性评估指标安全可靠性各评估专家偏离

    During this process, the reliability of vulnerability safety degree value and experts' deviation can be given.


  • 三个研究区的景观偏离度规律缓慢增长趋势,表明人类活动土地利用的影响逐渐加强

    The landscape deviation at three sample sites has a trend of slow increase in regulation, which reflects the influence of land-use by human activities is being strengthened gradually.


  • 基础上本文发现网络社区民意真实公众民意存在较高契合存在一定偏离

    On this basis, the paper found that online communities of public opinion and public opinion both the real existence of high fit, but there are a certain degree of deviation.


  • 理论上定义了基于高斯脉冲成分分析激光脉冲时域响应的偏离参数,并且通过实验验证了该定义的有效性

    Based on the Gaussian pulse component analysis, a new deviation of laser pulse system in time-domain is defined, and its validity is further verified experimentally.


  • 基础,对中国地区近年来偏离及其对经济增长影响进行统计计量分析,实证分析结果支持文章提出的观点。

    Based on this, the article analyses the extent of the departure of all areas of China in recent years and the impact on regional eco...


  • 负电荷的微粒子——电子运行中,相对于一个纯粹球形而言,轨道偏离远远小于0.000000000000000000000000001cm

    Electrons, negatively-charged particles which orbit the nuclei, deviates from absolute roundness by less than less than 0.000000000000000000000000001cm.


  • 是因为叶片轮处于后方一定的角倾斜,这样逆风涡轮机更大自由偏离原来的位置。

    That is because the blades, being behind the pole and at an Angle to it, can be given more freedom to yaw about than they would have in an upwind turbine.


  • 周日电讯报获得报告显示大本钟目前已经西北方向倾斜了0.26,这就意味着钟楼顶部已经偏离垂直位置1英尺5英寸(435毫米)。

    The report, obtained by the Sunday Telegraph, revealed that the tower was now leaning towards the north-west at an angle of 0.26 degrees, meaning the top of the tower is 1ft 5in (435mm) from vertical.


  • 查看降序排列数据它们偏离cbs服务遵循因此针对每个的评估得分逐渐减小

    Look at the data points given in descending order and that are deviating from the CBS service alignment and hence the evaluation score against each point is reduced gradually.


  • 目前NCP偏离了0.7

    It's presently offset from the NCP by 0.7 degrees.


  • 斜角井眼任何地方超过15除非井下地质条件引发此种偏离严重断层交叉

    Hole Angle should not exceed 15 degrees any where in the hole unless down hole geological conditions induce such deviation, such as acute fault intersections.


  • 然而现行来计算,大本钟需要经过4000才能达到比萨斜塔倾斜。比萨斜塔的倾斜4,较垂直偏离12英尺(3.66米)。

    However at current rates, it would take 4, 000 years before the tower is as slanted as the Leaning tower of Pisa which leans by four degrees and is around 12ft off the vertical.


  • 这种情况下超过90以后的井斜角也是连续的,95不是按实际偏离垂直方向这样的话可能为85

    In such cases, the Angle past 90 degrees is continued, as in 95 degrees, rather than reporting it as deviation from vertical, which would then be 85 degrees.


  • 面积法测定T偏离过大影响检测定量准确

    When testing peak area, over large t value will also affect inspection of small peak and quantitative accuracy.


  • 然而现在越来越偏离中文方向

    However, present Baidu more and more deviate more the way that knows Chinese.


  • 由于直线误差测量过程中的各种原因,导致许多观测数据实际偏离或者很难进行处理

    Because of many reasons in the course of straightness error measuring, many original observed data deviate from actual value and are difficult to process.


  • 考察分析天平最小限量测量的不确定偏离

    You fail to challenge the analytical balances for minimum weight, measurement for uncertainty, and drift value.


  • 偏离修辞学中的一对基本概念

    Degree zero, deviation is a pair of basic concept in rhetoric.


  • 偏离修辞学重要概念,已存在交际活动四个世界之中。

    As the two important concepts in rhetoric, "Zero degree" and "Deviation" exist in the four worlds of communicative activities.


  • 本文不仅把偏离作为种新的研究方法,而且结合四个世界理论系统地研究了品牌偏离这种特殊语言现象

    This paper tries to study systematically the special linguistic phenomena of deviation of brand name by the theory of degree zero, deviation and four worlds regarded as some new methods.


  • 试验存在适宜范围偏离这一范围就可能导致粉磨的大量消耗

    The grindability test has a moderate range of degree of fineness and departure from the range would result in excessive consumption of grinding work.


  • 同时,阴极表面粗糙可以解释金属光阴极实际灵敏曲线模型预测偏离

    Surface smoothness, oxygen and carbon contaminants were enough to explain deviations of calibrated sensitivities from the models predictions for metal photocathodes.


  • 本文借助零偏离理论探讨了诗歌语言变异性。分别从语音词汇、语法等揭示诗歌语言变异性特点

    The article discusses the variability of poetic language by deviation theory, and reveals the characteristics of language variability on the view of sound, glossary, expression.


  • 详细研究了亲近势,发现用中子中子分布弥散变化较好地解释中子过剩自由亲近势标偏离影响

    It is found that the neutron skin and the neutron distribution diffusion can explam the influence of the neutron excess degree of freedom on the proximity scaling.


  • 太阳不同的是无论哪个方向,月亮可以北方5(10月球半径)南方5偏离宿一

    Unlike the sun, the moon can swing anywhere from 5 degrees (10 moon diameters) north to 5 degrees south of this star.


  • 激光制导技术方面,由于大气粒子对激光制导炸弹影响十分明显,在能见比较低的天气情况下,激光制导炸弹命中目标就会降低以至偏离目标甚至不能命中目标。

    In the aspect of laser guide, when it is low visibility, the light scattering by fogs must affect laser-guided-bomb's work, such as the precision of guide decreases or cannot hit the target.


  • 激光制导技术方面,由于大气粒子对激光制导炸弹影响十分明显,在能见比较低的天气情况下,激光制导炸弹命中目标就会降低以至偏离目标甚至不能命中目标。

    In the aspect of laser guide, when it is low visibility, the light scattering by fogs must affect laser-guided-bomb's work, such as the precision of guide decreases or cannot hit the target.


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